Hi, i am trying to find out if it is possible to study both A Level maths and physics in one year as a private candidate studying from home.
What exam boards allow this and which are best for these options? How would i go about sitting the exams and completing coursework/practicals? Does anyone know roughly how much this would cost? Has anyone done this before with these subject or is anyone currently doing this?
Just contacted AQA and they said it is possible to enter as a Private Candidate with them, you just have to contact a school/college/other institution to find out if it is possible for you to sit the exams there.
Is it possible for a private candidate to take only math and further math and nothing else?actually I'm applying to math courses only and they require just those two.
Is it possible for a private candidate to take only math and further math and nothing else?actually I'm applying to math courses only and they require just those two.
Yes. As most Maths specifications do not have coursework it is one of the easier subjects to sort out.
Maths definitely possible. Not sure about Physics it depends on whether the new syllabus has coursework in it or not.
You would sit the exam at a local school and I think they will charge about £20 per test (approx.)
The exam board charges between £12 and £20 per unit, but most centres add on a fair bit for their admin. Anything under £40 a unit will be good value for the written exams.
In particular, very few centres will accept private candidates for A level practicals and it tends to be very expensive. For instance, if you do the whole Physics A level at 3A tutors it is likely to cost you something like £800.