Hey All,
I am thinking of applying to study UCL Law for entry in 2021. However, I do think my GCSEs really let me down.
A Level Predicted- A*AA (Possible A*A*A) Politics, Economics and History.
LNAT-What LNAT score would i need to get and how much weight does the essay carry compared to the multi-choice?
I've been told that my personal statement is very good by my teachers. How much weight does this carry? I've heard most unis don't really care about it.
Would I stand any chance of success when applying to UCL as I know it is very competitive. With a decent LNAT score, predicted grades and PS would I be able to make up for a my poor GCSEs? Or would I just be better applying to a 'lesser uni'.
Honesty Appreciated. Wont be offended.
Many Thanks