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Could I get into UCL Laws with poor GCSEs?

Hey All,

I am thinking of applying to study UCL Law for entry in 2021. However, I do think my GCSEs really let me down.

A Level Predicted- A*AA (Possible A*A*A) Politics, Economics and History.
LNAT-What LNAT score would i need to get and how much weight does the essay carry compared to the multi-choice?

I've been told that my personal statement is very good by my teachers. How much weight does this carry? I've heard most unis don't really care about it.

Would I stand any chance of success when applying to UCL as I know it is very competitive. With a decent LNAT score, predicted grades and PS would I be able to make up for a my poor GCSEs? Or would I just be better applying to a 'lesser uni'.

Honesty Appreciated. Wont be offended.

Many Thanks

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Depends, what did you get in maths and english language?
Reply 2
Original post by Euphoria101
Depends, what did you get in maths and english language?

English Language 8
Maths 7
Reply 3
Original post by Euphoria101
Depends, what did you get in maths and english language?

How important is the Personal statement
Did you have reasons for your GCSEs? You meet the GCSE requirements, did you do a language GCSE?

Reasons can include going to a poor state school, going to a school with low GCSE results or extenuating circumstances.

Eh the PS is important but the LNAT is way way more significant. The MCQ matters but the essay has a lot more weight.
Reply 5
Original post by Euphoria101
Did you have reasons for your GCSEs? You meet the GCSE requirements, did you do a language GCSE?

Reasons can include going to a poor state school, going to a school with low GCSE results or extenuating circumstances.

Eh the PS is important but the LNAT is way way more significant. The MCQ matters but the essay has a lot more weight.

I didnt have reasons for my GCSEs, I went to a private school. I do have a language at grade at grade 7 though.

I will definitely practice for the LNAT. In terms of the essay, how is it marked? Is it marked out of 20 for example???
Original post by Anonymous
I didnt have reasons for my GCSEs, I went to a private school. I do have a language at grade at grade 7 though.

I will definitely practice for the LNAT. In terms of the essay, how is it marked? Is it marked out of 20 for example???

In that case yeah you should really focus on the LNAT (and PS!).

The essay - we don't know. Universities (excluding Bristol I think) don't reveal the process of reading the essay. Don't think of it as a score though.
Reply 7
Hi! Im currently holding an offer for UCL law, and I got a C in my English Lang IGCSE!Having good A level predicted grades, a PS that shows interest in law + fairly decent LNAT score is wayy more important than GCSE grades :smile:
Reply 8
Original post by kajsaa
Hi! Im currently holding an offer for UCL law, and I got a C in my English Lang IGCSE!Having good A level predicted grades, a PS that shows interest in law + fairly decent LNAT score is wayy more important than GCSE grades :smile:

Do you mind if I message you to ask a couple of questions?
Original post by Anonymous
Hey All,

I am thinking of applying to study UCL Law for entry in 2021. However, I do think my GCSEs really let me down.

A Level Predicted- A*AA (Possible A*A*A) Politics, Economics and History.
LNAT-What LNAT score would i need to get and how much weight does the essay carry compared to the multi-choice?

I've been told that my personal statement is very good by my teachers. How much weight does this carry? I've heard most unis don't really care about it.

Would I stand any chance of success when applying to UCL as I know it is very competitive. With a decent LNAT score, predicted grades and PS would I be able to make up for a my poor GCSEs? Or would I just be better applying to a 'lesser uni'.

Honesty Appreciated. Wont be offended.

Many Thanks

Great job showing off mate 👍
Original post by daveymcloughlin
Great job showing off mate 👍

What is there to show off about?
Original post by daveymcloughlin
Great job showing off mate 👍

OP’s GCSEs are very good.

But UCL law is very competitive.

Your comment isn’t helpful:smile:
Original post by Euphoria101
OP’s GCSEs are very good.

But UCL law is very competitive.

Your comment isn’t helpful:smile:

Are you a law student, if so could I PM you with some questions?
Original post by Anonymous
Are you a law student, if so could I PM you with some questions?

Long long story. Will attend 2021, taking another gap year, but UCL is holding my offer for autumn exams:smile: (if I want it)
(edited 4 years ago)
Reply 14
Original post by Anonymous
Do you mind if I message you to ask a couple of questions?

Sure go ahead :smile:
Original post by Keir Starmer
Do you still think I'm a tory?

Red Tory
Original post by daveymcloughlin
Red Tory

What are u so angry about?
Original post by Anonymous
What are u so angry about?

It’s a joke
Reply 18
Original post by daveymcloughlin
That you’re a privileged private school Tory

You have some insane skill to figure that out from OP's message, you a psychic or?
Reply 19
Original post by Anonymous
Hey All,

I am thinking of applying to study UCL Law for entry in 2021. However, I do think my GCSEs really let me down.

A Level Predicted- A*AA (Possible A*A*A) Politics, Economics and History.
LNAT-What LNAT score would i need to get and how much weight does the essay carry compared to the multi-choice?

I've been told that my personal statement is very good by my teachers. How much weight does this carry? I've heard most unis don't really care about it.

Would I stand any chance of success when applying to UCL as I know it is very competitive. With a decent LNAT score, predicted grades and PS would I be able to make up for a my poor GCSEs? Or would I just be better applying to a 'lesser uni'.

Honesty Appreciated. Wont be offended.

Many Thanks

Why not apply anyway, don't forget you have 4 other universities to apply to. The only way you definitely won't get in is if you don't apply.

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