The Student Room Group

breasts hurt when lying on back


Does anyone else have the problem that their breasts really hurt when they lie on their back? They also start to hurt if I don't wear a bra during the day.

it's not a problem for sleep, as I generally just turn onto my side, but some times i just lie in the wrong position and they start to hurt and the pain won't go away for quite a few hours. it's a lot less intense than when I'm in the wrong position though afterwards.

It's generally when they sag to the sides, they hurt right at the side.

Always have done, so I'm not worried that anything is 'wrong'. But it would be nice to know what is causing it. Do I need more muscles? Are they just annoying? did i maybe rip some tissues that should be tolding them in place? :s-smilie:
Sounds strange... consult a health clinic or a local gp just to be safe. Better safe than sorry.
Reply 2
growth pains?

Does anyone else have the problem that their breasts really hurt when they lie on their back? They also start to hurt if I don't wear a bra during the day.

My breasts only hurt when they're touched, they're really sensitive but they're fine with or without a bra.
Reply 4
growth pains?

no, they've always been like that, from when they were AA to D cup.
And for a long time they weren't growing.

I don't think it's worth going to a GP just to satisfy my curiosity. It's nothing bad or it would have killed me by now and nothing obvious because I've had an ultrasound and x-ray of my breasts for something unrelated to this.
Reply 5
It's fine. I've always had that problem. I think it's just if you have larger breasts they need more support, and so when they don't have any, it gets uncomfortable.

I think it is a support problem, but it doesn't seem to be linked to their size. I've always been quite flat chested until i went on the pill and it's always been the case. Now that they are larger though I have a better idea of what's happening, as I can see them 'flob' to the side (one breast more than the other always, and that one tends to hurt more too).

Even when wearing a bra, if I lie on my back for long enough i can feel it hurting slightly.

Just wondered if I was the only one or others had this too (and had it checked out so they could shed some light).
Nope I've never had that.. I'm always happier without a bra as well (unfortunately not very often though)..
Reply 7
Tie them up with a belt.
Reply 8
Tie them up with a belt.

Stop being stupid.
Reply 9
I think it might be a case of the size. I have quite large boobs and not wearing a bra hurts as well as lying on my back.
Reply 10
Pics or it never happened.
I get the same problem,I always thought it was because of my size as I have large boobs It hurts less if I don't wear a bra but doesn't get much better
Reply 12
Yes I have had the same problem. I am generally a back sleeper and noticed it more after I started birth control my breasts were more tender in general. when I sleep on my back they hurt mostly around the sides and bottom. I think it's from the lovely gravitational pull and just that they are being pulled more to the side. So no your not the only one :smile:
There can be many causes that aren't serious when it comes to breast pain. If your breast pain is accompanyed by: swelling, firmness, and pain to the touch or while moving around then these three things might be the cause. If you're near your period, or sometimes during ovulation they can get tender and sore to the touch. If you're taking hormonal birthcontrol this can be a symptom. And if youre growing it can cause tenderness. If you don't suspect any of those, or you've had a recent injury to the breasts please consult your doctor.
Reply 14
Necro'ing the post to say it's harmless stretching. Gravity is pushing down on your breasts, and the separation is causing the skin to pull uncomfortably. Long term, it has been linked to causing your breasts to sag more later in life, but wearing a soft bra in bed could probably rectify the issue, or some kind of gown/robe/nightie that gives extra support!
Original post by Adarah
I think it is a support problem, but it doesn't seem to be linked to their size. I've always been quite flat chested until i went on the pill and it's always been the case. Now that they are larger though I have a better idea of what's happening, as I can see them 'flob' to the side (one breast more than the other always, and that one tends to hurt more too).

Even when wearing a bra, if I lie on my back for long enough i can feel it hurting slightly.

Just wondered if I was the only one or others had this too (and had it checked out so they could shed some light).

What about walking up/down stairs or if you move up and down while on your back? I’m curious the pain’s triggered by movement too