The Student Room Group
Reply 1
1.71% of people got an A last year: that looks quite hard to me :frown:
If you think you understood it to a better level than a C is worth you might have a better chance of coping. Same goes if you work hard at it.
It's about application, if you want to succeed and study etc. you will manage it :smile:
Last year 90% of people who did the AH project failed it :/

Anyone currently studying AH Business Management? How are your projects going?
I started it but stopped after the summer because i was the only person who wanted to do it and the school couldn't find the teaching time for it, but to convince me doing it wasn't a good idea i was shown stats that showed that it must be incredibly difficult as the pass rate is so low. Also, around only 250 candidates were presented for the exam in the whole of Scotland, don't know if you can read anything into that or not.

In my school last year 3 people sat and only 1 passed (with a C).

If you're gonna get a C in higher, i don't think AH would be a good idea. Even the parts i did i found very difficult. A big jump from the higher course.

Don't know if what i have said is helpful or not!
Reply 6
Hey I am doing AH BM this year and am currently starting my final project.

This probably should have been started a while ago but I am hoping to get it done in a couple of days of hard work. The actual project doesn't seem to be that hard but the pass rates are very low as many teachers have been teaching it wrong according to the SQA.

I am hoping for an overall B and got 68% in the prelim so am hopin to get my project up to a reasonable standard so it doesn't negatively affect my overall grade.
Any queries about the project just ask and al see what help I can give :confused: maybe!
You are only just starting your project? :redface: :redface: !!!

I started mine back around October time, and have probably put in a good 40hours at least on it, and my first final draft is only just complete!

The SQA should change the way AH Business Management works, if the results are anything to go by it is disproportionately difficult compared to other AH. (I don't think, as a scientist friend of mine suggests, it has ANYTHING to do with the students sitting it being LESS able than those sitting other AHs)
Hi im in 5th year nd im just selecting my options... i got an A band 1 in the prelim and im predicted for an A... so does anyone know if any schools or colleges in or around glasgow do advancd higher business management?
Reply 9
its incredibly hard to pass.. the project is so frustrating and even if you do pass you'd be have to be a genius to get anything past a C - no joke. Also the markers are really harsh and everyone fails the reports even with the teachers help - if you do pick it, enjoy :smile: