The Student Room Group
Reply 1
AND = 50:50
WITH = 2/3 and 1/3

full blown joint honours courses (where you really do study the equivalent of 2 degrees not just 1 degree in two subjects) tend to be 4 years long and will include the words "Joint Honours" in the course description.

The nottingham site for the COURSE mentions joint honours. Also in the warwick prospectus it mentions joint honours, but neither of these are four years :confused: . Also, for the warwick course, you spend the first two years following the singles honour computer science degree. Sorry, Im just slightly confused.... :redface:
I thought you can choose the modules you want to specialise in more, and don't have to follow the 50-50 or 75-25 method.
Reply 3
joint honours is something that has a and between the names e.g sociology and marketing thats 50/50, although something with something is major/minor eg sociology with marketing is 75% sociology 25% marketing, do u get what i mean??? hope it makes sense if not jus ask. so if it has a 'and' between the subject names its a joint, something with a with is a major/minor