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Reply 1
no, i dont fight anyone
It'd be sexist not to, sooo.......
Reply 3
I'd use whatever force was necessary to get some to stop being violent towards me (or a friend), so if it came to it, yes. Since women are typically weaker than I would be less likely to need to go that far to get rid of them than if a man attacked me, but if that was what was needed, I would.
Nope. but then again unless I had a really good reason I wouldn't hit a bloke much smaller than me either.

I'd happily force her to the floor or hold her against a wall etc, but I wouldn't make a fist.
Reply 6
Yes only if they hit me first, if you cant take it dont give it out
It has to be said, that the majority of self-respecting women out there generally don't get hideously drunk and start a fisticuffs with men. The women you do see on telly who end up off their face, fighting with men usually come from a certain type of upbringing, it has to be said.

I wouldn't dare hit a man, so I wouldn't expect a man to hit me either. Equal opportunities and all that.
Reply 8
I would never hit a girl equal oppertunities is bollox in this case, if your a gentleman you never hit a girl simple as.
Reply 9
Yes only if they hit me first, if you cant take it dont give it out

Reply 10
i'm a lover not a fighter :smile:
No, because I see girls as inferior in that way. I don't see them in the same light as men in a physical, violency way. I don't know how to phrase that so I don't sound sexist but whatever.

I'd only hit a girl if she like pulled a knife on me, or actually started to beat me up hahah. I'd try to just restrain her
Reply 12
I would never hit a girl equal oppertunities is bollox in this case, if your a gentleman you never hit a girl simple as.

Well any girl that starts a fight isn't much of a 'lady' - so being a gentleman "is bollox in this case" to use your very own reasoning...
I wouldn't dare hit a man, so I wouldn't expect a man to hit me either. Equal opportunities and all that.

Doesn't really work that way. There's no way I'd hit anyone unprovoked, but it doesn't mean that if someone attacks me unprovoked I'd refuse to defend myself appropriately.
Reply 14
You can't just pick and choose rules regarding equal opportunities though, that's like me saying:

"Sally, go an make the tea, as girls are good at mashing up".

You're not allowed to make up your own rules! You either follow it too a tee, or don't follow it at all.
Well any girl that starts a fight isn't much of a 'lady' - so being a gentleman "is bollox in this case" to use your very own reasoning...

Precisely. I'm not going to waste good manners on some horrible angry b**** who attacks me.
Reply 16
If they're wielding a weapon, I wouldn't hesitate to punch, kick, or do anything to disable them. If they're just attacking with their body, and thus most likely not too much of a physical threat, then I'd just try and restrain them or push them away.
Only in self defence and if I thought it was warrented. If someone is going to attack me then I will do whatever is necessary to defend myself, regardless of gender.
Doesn't really work that way. There's no way I'd hit anyone unprovoked, but it doesn't mean that if someone attacks me unprovoked I'd refuse to defend myself appropriately.
What I'm saying is that even it a man did hit me, I wouldn't hit him back. What chance would I have against a man, realistically? I just know my limits.
Reply 19
Generally No! But is a huge woman who could easily do serious damage then yes i would hit her.
Otherwise if a normal woman hit me i would eigther walk away after giving her some abuse or is she carried on i would restrain her in a arm lock or such