The Student Room Group
if ithas been sent, you cannot change anything
Section 7A is the qualifications bit though, how could you possibly make mistakes. If you apply online, you just need to select the subject and grade...

The good thing is that spelling mistakes are not in the personal statement.
Reply 3
I spelt focusing wrong in my personal statement (spelt it focussing) and still got an offer at Oxford if that makes you feel better, lol.
lol. You are quite lucky. I don't think they care if you have one or two spelling mistakes.
Reply 5
I spelt focusing wrong in my personal statement (spelt it focussing) and still got an offer at Oxford if that makes you feel better, lol.

I know someone who spelt their name wrong
Reply 6
ok thank you . I feel like relieved now .
lol. You got any offers yet then?
Reply 8
not really . I am just sending the form as an international applicant . My six universities are : Lse , Cardiff , Bradford , City , London Met , Sunderland .

I'm only appearing for unit 1 in english langauge in january 2005 from my centre and economics AS+ unit 4 . Should I write A level Economics in section 7b or should I write AS level Economics ?
Write A-level Economics down, as unit 4 is in the A2 part of the A-level.
Reply 10
I spelt focusing wrong in my personal statement (spelt it focussing) and still got an offer at Oxford if that makes you feel better, lol.

What?!?!?! How dare you spell focusing 'focussing'!!!! Are you mad?! You won't get ANY offer, you're doomed for life!

Now you're forced to live on benefit for the rest of your life in a council flat with your mum!!!

You'll be sad and lonely and no one will like you, not even your mum just because you spelt focusing wrong! :secruity:

Shameful..... :aetsch: