Where should I apply to?
Well If you are confident of getting AAB then even if your application has weaknesses then go for:
1 Bliss Uni
2 AAB.1.1
2 AAB.2.1
But will I not get 5 rejections? e.g. I have no GCSE A*s And are not all top unis really competitive to get into?
York and Southampton are both top 15 unis. But they are not hard to get offers from. e.g. in admission cycle 07/08 York made an offer to an applicant doing 3 A-levels of Maths, GS and ICT. Similarly Southampton have made offer to students with grades b and c in maths and econ at AS.
But what about if I screw up my exams?
Well the full Southampton offer is AAB/ABBb/ABBC/ABBcc. So if you have a 4th AS-level b then you only need ABB at AS-level. in 08 York let in people with York offers who only managed ABB. (No guarantee York will do the same thing this year.But it would not surprise me)
But I am pessimist
Then add in a ABB.1 insurnace uni as well as the 2 AAB.1.1 unis.
What about if my application is stronger. Do I still need a AAB.2 uni?
Above AAB.2.1 it gets very competitive. So unless you are doing 4 A-levels (and that means traditional subjects (preferably including FM).), please include something at the AAB.2.1 level. i.e. you don't want to over apply and end up with nothing.
But if you are confident about the strength of your application then a good 5 if you have 4 A-levels might be:
1 AAA.0
1 AAB.0/AAA.1
1 AAA.2.1
2 AAB.1.1
So when should I apply to more top unis?
Well you need a lot academically. e.g. 5 or more good A-levels and 8 GCSE A*s.
e.g. Notts have started rejecting candidates because they have less than 7 GCSE A*s.
(If you go to a crap school then you might get away with a bit less).
In that case you might go for:
2 AAA.0
2 AAB.0/AAA.1
1 AAA.2.1/AAB.1.1
Haven't got any replies yet! My application was sent off about a month ago. Should I be worried or is this normal?
Firstly university admissions are beaurcratic. i.e. multiple levels of people process each application. So it can take time.
Secondly the situation is different depending on how competitive the uni is. i.e. some unis make offers to a lot of applicants and let the A_level exam results determine their students. These unis can be quick (very quick) at making offers. Hard to be exact but the cutoff is about the AAB.2.1 level.
Thirdly with top unis the lack of offers means your application is not one of the very strongest (e.g. top 5-10% at the unis you are applying to).
But on the upside the lack of rejections means it is not a weak application (e.g. bottom 20%).
i.e. the top unis don't make that many offers until after the January 15th closing date.
Will there being any good econ unis in clearing?
Few good econ courses end up formally in clearing (e.g. listed in the Independent or online at the UCAS website).
However if unis are short on a course and don't want to go into clearing formally then they can just accept students who ring up on Results Day.
Warwick did that in 2008 e.g. they made too few offers as they had 40% too many students the previous year.
But I would expect them only to be after free agents. i.e. applicants without Firm (or Insurance) offers. But if you do have an offer you meet but are interested in another uni then you can still ring up and ask even about spaces even if they are not formally listed on the UCAS website (or in the Independent Newspaper) as being in clearing for economics.
Note: I have been working on this for a while. It is not complete but I thought I would post what I have. Please post possible future questions below.