The Student Room Group

Physics @ Queen Mary, University of London

Hey, anyone doin physics at qmul? it seems to be the one subject that no one discusses. Anyhow, got into QMUL through clearing, got an A a B n 2x C's at A-level. Looked up the department and spoke to research physicists and various teachers i know and the consensus is that it's really good. So what do u guys have to say about the course/uni/student life? Advice? Oh and whats the totty like? (im not too sure of that word as i heard it off a uni professor)

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I'm a physicist at QMUL, I'm starting my second year in September. It's okay, the building is pretty ****ty though. Luckily, we've saved you from two awful courses; EMF and UNI will be updated for your entry, so you won't have to face the two most common gripes of our intake!
Reply 2
so whats the uni like? been hearing mixed reports 'bout it and havent yet been down to see it.
Well, it's okay I guess, I suppose it depends on what you're used to. It was rather a shock to my system but meh, I should think that that was largely because I hadn't expected to end up there. Have you had the tour etc.?

To be fair to the uni, I live at home and commute so I probably enjoy it ever so slightly less than those that don't travel for an hour and a half each way, but I'd say it was tolerable to enjoyable. There are some really cool lecturers, and the PhD students are generally quite fun too. Most of the building work is out of the way now, so you won't have to put up with interrupted lectures etc. so that's good.

The area the uni. is in could be thought to be rather, run down, but it's not quite a slum; I don't particularly care for it so I spend my time between lectures either in The City, Canary Wharf or Oxford Street. That said, there are those that don't mind it at all and quite enjoy it. It's all a matter of preference.

We did have some problems with a lecturer or two, however, after a few meetings our concerns were noted and appropriate changes were made.
Reply 4
Nope, haven't so much as been in that area of london, but i'll go down for the open day in september.
Ah fair enough, it's not too bad though it might take a while to get used to it; I take it that you're living in halls?

Do come to the Psi Star meet and greet, it could well be fun.
Reply 6
yeah, i take it i'll be staying in the mile end campus?
will defo go for the psi star meet n greet, quite interested in to see what the physics student body is like and of course the ratio of guys to girls, always interesting. I find most scientifically minded girls prefer chemistry :no:
Hmm, there are definitely more men than women, but there are still a fair few there. For the most part they're spoken for though. I don't know where you'll be staying, most problably on the Mile End campus unless you're given something intercollegiate, which should still be okay.

A fair few of the girls from mathematics take some of our courses, there are a few stunners in what's now the second year actually. When's your first day? If you have any questions or ever need any help I'm usually somewhere in the Physics building so give me a shout eh. Are you doing physics or astro etc.?
Reply 8
Im taking a gap year, so im only starting 2009, so if ur still there i'll give you a shout.
I'll be doing physics with a year abroad, quite like the idea of going to america so it should be cool.
Ah, fair enough, you've got a while yet then. Yeah, I should be there then though, in my final year (yay).
Reply 10
Yeah, should be a good year till then though. Is there a list of all the societies and clubs at QMUL? Just thinkin about what to do with my social life in London.
There is a lsit somewhere, it used to be on the student unions website but they seemed to have moved it, if I come across it again I'll post it up!
Reply 12
Sweet, cheers. How many people roughly are on the physics course?
Erm, in my year, about forty-ish I'd say, after having some drop out, in the year about, abouttwenty to thirty, I'm not sure about third years.
Reply 14
So a fairly small department, what are the lectures like? i could imagine its eaier to talk to the lecturer and they'd have more time for the students.
The lecture are okay, there's always plenty of time to ask questions if you need to clarify something, and most lecturers are quite friendly; some of them think they're quite the comedian though.:rolleyes:
Reply 16
Ah well, all the lecturers i've met so far are like that (except for the intense particle physics professor at man uni). Must be a requirement for the job. Can be quite entertaining on a rainy day i guess.
Indeedy, corny can be funny I suppose!
huh i am a 2nd year too... I've never met you raz. Who you friends with?

And to matt: QMUL is awesome! Full of character, the area's great too... some parts are kinda nasty but thats the same just about anywhere in london.
The Thinker
huh i am a 2nd year too... I've never met you raz. Who you friends with?

And to matt: QMUL is awesome! Full of character, the area's great too... some parts are kinda nasty but thats the same just about anywhere in london.

Oh, you have, you just don't know who I am lol.:yep:

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