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Reply 1
Isn't there some kind of cream or gel that helps chaffing and rubbing? Think it's called Lanacane; it's always being advertised on telly and would probably be inexpensive from Boots or somewhere.
Reply 2
Please keep anon.

I'm not massively fat (a size 14) but when I walk say with a skirt on (basically when my thighs are not seperated by material) they rub together and after a while it gets really painful and sore. Wearing tights makes no difference btw.

Does anyone know how I can reduce the rubbing apart from loosing weight?

awww... i know someone who has this problem too. it's always been like that for them, it's not due to their weight, just the way their legs are.
I heared on the adverts on tv that there is a gel you can use to stop the rubbing, no idea if it is at all effective though or not.
There's this silicone gel i've seen advertised on tv - the one with the balloon people. Awful advert, but the gel might actually work!
Reply 4
theres something called sudocreme which comes in a grey tub. its really good for that. i think u can get it from boots or any other pharmacists :smile:
Reply 5
"my thighs are rubbing"
classic simpsons quote.

anywho, ive had this problem too
hurts like a bitch
the only way i managed to evade it was wearing bicycle shorts lol
give it a shot :wink:
I have exactly the same problem! grrr... I hate it!
Talcon powder?
Ahhh I have this problem too :frown: I'm a size 10, but it's just the way my legs are shaped... they start apart, then touch together, then go normal again. It's frustrating as hell. Lanacane looks like the best bet. I've had awful blisters there for the last couple of summers, it's like I'm secretly a size 30 or something :s-smilie: I wish I knew what else to suggest, if I find anything that helps I will let you know!

Edit: on second thoughts, my mum's a nurse and is a bit of an aficionado with creams, ointments etc - I'll find out from her :smile:
Reply 9
yeah my mum and sister got this when we wereon holiday. they used talc to stop them rubbing and put a sudocream type cream on at night
You can get the expensive stuff; I have some "Physio Sport Anti-Friction Gel" which works a treat. Or you could just get vaseline which is what it basically is. Generally I find I get this problem only if I'm going on a reasonably long walk (14+ miles) so it's pretty easy for me to put it on in advance. I put up with the greasy feeling between my legs but I'd guess it could annoy some people.
i have this problem too and it is soo annoying since with my uniform i have to wear a skirt, so i'll be trying a few of these tips!

thanks everyone! x x x
Reply 12
Kilariously Jazzed
There's this silicone gel i've seen advertised on tv - the one with the balloon people. Awful advert, but the gel might actually work!

It's a brilliant advert!
I had this problem when I was younger (now, I just don't wear skirts) and so I used to wear cycling shorts underneath my skirts (but obviously, cut short so they don't show) and it used to work. I'd also cut up tights and make them into shorts, which also worked for me.

I looked into the anti-chaffing gel, but it was like £9 a tube, which I just couldn't justify so shorts under my skirt had to be only way sadly.
In Juno didn't Pauly put vaseline on his thighs before he went running?
Runners use Vaseline.
i'm so glad it's not just me that has this problem!
even when i lose any weight it doesn't help, i'm not even particularly fat, except my thighs. eurgh.

anyway. evans (i know, i know - i'd never been in there until they were advertised on gmtv :biggrin:) do 'comfort shorts' which were an absolute lifesaver for me this summer :biggrin:. and even though it says the smallest size is for like size 16, they are tiny.
i think they were £4. might be worth a try.
Reply 17
I used to chop leggings down, although the 'double waistband' (triple including pants!) I find irritating.

Sudocrem is a godsend on that painful raised red welt that comes up if you don't go and put trousers on!! It's best just out the fridge.

For me, loosing a few stone stopped the problem.

Best of luck finding a solution - poor you with it being summer!!

christ, i sometimes get this problem WITH jeans on and i'm a guy - it gets sore as hell!!! i just have chunky rugby thighs (though i no longer play rugby).

i changed my underwear and now wear things that are fitted and longer in the leg. i know at one point ck etc made a lot of stuff for girls that were long in the leg too (well, covered the top of the thigh at least). i'm not sure if this sort of stuff is still for sale because my current girlfriend doesn't wear anything like it, but it could help...
go down some sizes