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A Career in Policing Q&A: Ask me anything about my career in the police

A career in policing can be really rewarding, both for you as an individual and also for the communities you’ll serve and there are various ways in.

If you have questions about a career in the police - ask here and a police officer or official police rep will get back to you.

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Hi been very interested in joining the police for a very long time but unfortunately last time I applied I had a phone call saying I had no chance because of my past criminal records especially the burgaliry. It's been a good 10 years since my last offence and witch was just a minor drunk and disorderly and the burgaliry was a good 14 years back would this still affect my chances of joining
Hi. I'm currently (15) in High School aiming to join the police. As of 2020 (I Think) you will require a uni degree of some sort. What would you suggest is the best paths/courses to aim for to help get into the police. Also would it be beneficial to be a Special Constable (Home Office Force) prior to your application for GMP ?Thanks in advance!
I am currently serving as a Special Constable and absolutely love it. I would love to join the regs, however I have 3 young children. Is there an option to join the regs on a part time/ family friendly basis? It seems such a shame that my invaluable experience would not be able to be utilised further on a more regular basis, because of the shifts that new officers are required to work for the first 2 years. Is there a more family friendly option available for somebody like myself? Or is it a case of having to join and do the unsociable hours for the first 2 years before applying for a flexible working plan, which would ultimately mean that I would unfortunately not be able to apply...? Thank you!
Hi, I'm: Chief Inspector Tony Alogba from Greater Manchester Police

I joined Greater Manchester Police in 1994 and was posted to an inner city Division, which at the time suffered from considerable socio-economic deprivation. Since then, I have gained experience of working in a variety of different departments at various ranks, all of which I have thoroughly enjoyed.

The most challenging for me was as a young Inspector posted to C.I.D in 2003, and running complex investigations including serious armed robberies and Murder Investigations, I certainly had my skills tested and developed!

Working as a Neighbourhood Inspector was also a highlight for me; being involved in problem solving and helping to protect people and keep communities safe by resolving long standing problems. Without doubt though, my current role is the most important to me as a Chief Inspector, responsible for attracting all of our new recruits and helping to make GMP much more diverse.

I have had a great career, often challenging, sometimes stressful but always rewarding. Every day is different and I feel extremely proud to wear my uniform, and play my part helping support our local communities. I have been at GMP for 26 years, and I look forward to the new challenges and experiences that lie ahead.
Hi, I'm: Detective Sergeant Abid Sardar

I joined Greater Manchester Police in 1995 as Special Constable to understand if I would be suited to a career in policing, which led me to join as a Regular Officer in December 2000.

Looking back at the past 25 years, I can say that I have really enjoyed my varied roles, and wide experience I have been fortunate to gain. From patrols in uniform and plain clothes, to working in the Criminal Investigation Department, Anti-Corruption, Professional Standards, Serious Organised Crime and Positive Action Team, looking at diversity in recruitment; I have worked across many areas in GMP, and learnt a lot along the way.

In addition to the above, I am a Family Liaison Officer and have worked to support many families; I have also been promoted a Sergeant, and qualified to Inspector rank. I am the Co-Chair of the GMP Muslim Police Association, which allows me a voice in shaping force policy and supporting others.

I am proud to be part of GMP and serve our diverse communities, and I am very grateful for the opportunities and progression my career has offered so far.
Original post by C.Kirkwood
Hi. I'm currently (15) in High School aiming to join the police. As of 2020 (I Think) you will require a uni degree of some sort. What would you suggest is the best paths/courses to aim for to help get into the police. Also would it be beneficial to be a Special Constable (Home Office Force) prior to your application for GMP ?Thanks in advance!

A fantastic question, it’s really good to see you're thinking ahead. The Entry routes into policing are all changing, Greater Manchester Police (GMP) have not introduced the degree programme yet, however it’s on the horizon. You don’t necessarily need a degree to become an officer; most forces including GMP are looking at higher-level apprenticeships.

In summary this means that you can become police officer whilst studying for a degree as part of your police training. GMP have not finalised their entry requirements. I would advise you to look at other forces across the UK and research what qualifications are required (may differ from force to force). It’s also worth looking at the universities offering a degree in policing and asking them what qualifications they require for the policing degree.

Good luck,
Hi, is it true you can't join the police force with Borderline Personality Disorder?
Reply 8
How athletically able do you have to be to join the police? 😅
Original post by ryanlewis1991
Hi been very interested in joining the police for a very long time but unfortunately last time I applied I had a phone call saying I had no chance because of my past criminal records especially the burgaliry. It's been a good 10 years since my last offence and witch was just a minor drunk and disorderly and the burgaliry was a good 14 years back would this still affect my chances of joining

Thank you for your question. There are national rules in relation to vetting of all police employees. It would be impossible for me to give you a definitive answer in relation to your situation without knowing the full facts.

If you have a conviction for Burglary it is highly unlikely that you would pass the vetting process unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Reply 10
Original post by Joining The Police: Greater Manchester Police
Hi, I'm: Detective Sergeant Abid Sardar

I joined Greater Manchester Police in 1995 as Special Constable to understand if I would be suited to a career in policing, which led me to join as a Regular Officer in December 2000.

Looking back at the past 25 years, I can say that I have really enjoyed my varied roles, and wide experience I have been fortunate to gain. From patrols in uniform and plain clothes, to working in the Criminal Investigation Department, Anti-Corruption, Professional Standards, Serious Organised Crime and Positive Action Team, looking at diversity in recruitment; I have worked across many areas in GMP, and learnt a lot along the way.

In addition to the above, I am a Family Liaison Officer and have worked to support many families; I have also been promoted a Sergeant, and qualified to Inspector rank. I am the Co-Chair of the GMP Muslim Police Association, which allows me a voice in shaping force policy and supporting others.

I am proud to be part of GMP and serve our diverse communities, and I am very grateful for the opportunities and progression my career has offered so far.

I've got a January start date for Direct Entry DC role. There isn't much information online regarding Detectives uniform (I know we don't wear one daily but are there instances we have to wear one and therefore issued), how to progress rank, the varied aspects of the role - what a regular day looks like etc. Any insight would be great!
Original post by Lucylouloulou
I am currently serving as a Special Constable and absolutely love it. I would love to join the regs, however I have 3 young children. Is there an option to join the regs on a part time/ family friendly basis? It seems such a shame that my invaluable experience would not be able to be utilised further on a more regular basis, because of the shifts that new officers are required to work for the first 2 years. Is there a more family friendly option available for somebody like myself? Or is it a case of having to join and do the unsociable hours for the first 2 years before applying for a flexible working plan, which would ultimately mean that I would unfortunately not be able to apply...? Thank you!

This has been an issue in policing for many years. Greater Manchester Police (GMP) is currently looking at allowing Student officers to work part time from the day they join. This is a fairly complex piece of work as the two year training programme will need to be to be redesigned.

I don’t have the finer details of shift patterns for GMP (my force) as it’s still under review. I would advise that you keep an eye on your local force’s website.

Good Luck,
Original post by Down_worlder
How athletically able do you have to be to join the police? 😅

All officers need to pass a basic fitness test every year and at the point of appointment. The test is level 5.4 on the 15 metre bleep test. There are lots of videos available on YouTube if you wish to have a look at how the test is run. The fitness test for specialist officers is of a higher standard, for example our firearms officers have to pass the same test at level 9.4.

Good luck,
Original post by Dc1407
I've got a January start date for Direct Entry DC role. There isn't much information online regarding Detectives uniform (I know we don't wear one daily but are there instances we have to wear one and therefore issued), how to progress rank, the varied aspects of the role - what a regular day looks like etc. Any insight would be great!

Welcome to the policing family. Detectives normally work in smart business wear. You are still a police officer and in GMP the majority of our detectives also have a full operational uniform which you would wear if you were required to carry out uniform duties. Once you have completed your 2 years, you would have the option to progress internally by applying for internal vacancies or promotion. A normal day in the CID office could involve anything from attending serious incidents, investigating crimes to interviewing suspects.

Good luck,
Original post by Joining The Police: Greater Manchester Police
This has been an issue in policing for many years. Greater Manchester Police (GMP) is currently looking at allowing Student officers to work part time from the day they join. This is a fairly complex piece of work as the two year training programme will need to be to be redesigned.

I don’t have the finer details of shift patterns for GMP (my force) as it’s still under review. I would advise that you keep an eye on your local force’s website.

Good Luck,

Ah that sounds promising then. I shall keep my eyes open. I definitely think a part time option would be really beneficial to GMP!
Fingers crossed.

Original post by CoolCavy
Hi, is it true you can't join the police force with Borderline Personality Disorder?

The Police welcomes applicants with neuro diversity. You will see one of the force doctors as part of the recruitment process, who will make the final decision.

Good luck,
Hi, I am Police Sergeant Yusuf Nagdi. I am currently working in the Recruitment team but have been a Police officer for over 15 and a half years. I've worked in a number of roles including Emergency response, Neighbourhood Policing, Domestic Violence and as a Custody Sergeant. Welcome to the forum, I shall answer any questions I am able to.

Yusuf Nagdi - Leicestershire Police
Hi, I am Police Constable Keith Thomas. I have been a Police officer for over 16 years in Leicestershire Police and am currently working in the Recruitment team. I've worked in a number of roles including Emergency response, Prisoner process and investigation team and Neighbourhood Policing. Welcome to the forum, I will try to answer your questions as best as I can.

Keith Thomas - Leicestershire Police
Hi,I have applied for metropolitan police for PC job and not succeeded in online assessment. Failed at first stage. I have no idea what to do? Where to go and ask?Applied first time. I want to join metropolitan police.So disappointed. What should I do? Can I do this assessment again? If not when I can do it again? Where can I get support or guidance?Need help. Secondly, trying to login in my account but can't log in there is error when I trying to change my password.Any advice? I will appreciate if you help me to find out more.Thanks
Hi, I'm 21, I've only just started my driving lessons and I've got quite a long way to go. However I have my final interview coming up.
I am worried that I won't b3 able to get my licence in time for vetting.
Will this issue hold me up for my chances to become an officer at the GMP?

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