The Student Room Group

Accommodation: Northenhay House...

Hey guys...sorry another accommodation thread!

..Today I got an email about accommodation saying that i hadnt got any of my three choices but they were offering me two other places: standard catered shared and single self catered at northerhay house...Has anyone else had this email? I really dont kno which to choose because the northerhay house is 20mins from campus and the catered obv..shared. I really want to be on campus so i think im heading towards the sharing buisiness ahhhh! They didnt specify which halls the shared catered was in..has anyone else found out at all? Ahhh this is SO annoying after getting in and all..

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Reply 1
Hi Hannia

I would go for Northernhay myself: having done both catered and self-catered I would choose self-catered every time, and I also wouldn't say it's 20 mins from the uni (more like 15, and lots of accommodation on campus, such as Birks, is going to be as far if not further away from some of the main academic buildings). Northernhay is also slap bang in the centre of town - brilliant for everything from supermarket shopping to a night out.

Shared catered could be Mardon, which is a nice enough hall I suppose (it's got more personality than Holland or Penny C, that's for sure), but it will probably also be more expensive than Northernhay.

Hope that helps a little and welcome to :tsr:
Reply 2
I stayed in Northernhay house last year. Its not bad to be honest. Right near the centre of town, next to timepiece and firehouse. Only about 20minutes walk fro uni. And its easy to get parking if you want to bring a car.
Reply 3
brilliant for everything from supermarket shopping to a night out.

Most definitely whole heartedly agree on the Supermarket thing there. Having to do shopping a few times a week as walking all the way back from Tescos in town is an absolute nightmare!

And its easy to get parking if you want to bring a car.

Something also important, if you are vehicularly inclined. Be aware - next year there will be no parking spaces for campus residents (!) at all. Well from what I could gather anyway. Although at the moment that seems a certainty, as is the way in the myriad of emails and departmental confusion no one seems to know or care too much.
Reply 4
AFAIK there is no on campus parking for residents next year. At least thats what I remember Expose saying.

Parkings not cheap at Northernhay though, I'll dig out my receipt for it, it was a couple of hundered quid.

£217.64 aparantly
Reply 5
I wont be bringing a car so thats not a problemo.

When you stayed at northehay house did you find yoiu were missing out on everything. Cause some halls organise social things within their halls..and im guessing northehay wont do this seeing as its not part of the unis accom. Just a bit worried about not being part of the uni so much if i chose northenhay. For the other option its catered for so i wouldnt need to worry about getting food BUT i wuold be sharing a room eep!! AHHH SUCH a dilema!!!
Reply 6
Yeah theres no inter-hall sports. There are however university sports teams and soceities you can join. You will make alot of friends from your course as well, you will feel as much part of the uni as a second year living off campus.
Reply 7
Laffy and St Germans never organised their own stuff and I still managed to get plenty involved with uni things and have a fine old time. I don't think the hall social scene is as much as people make it out to be, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Reply 8
I wont be bringing a car so thats not a problemo.

When you stayed at northehay house did you find yoiu were missing out on everything. Cause some halls organise social things within their halls..and im guessing northehay wont do this seeing as its not part of the unis accom. Just a bit worried about not being part of the uni so much if i chose northenhay. For the other option its catered for so i wouldnt need to worry about getting food BUT i wuold be sharing a room eep!! AHHH SUCH a dilema!!!

I'm in the same position as you. :frown: To be honest I'm pretty upset :frown: I reaallly want to be on campus and catered, but I don't think I could face sharing a room. It not that I'm a terribly unsociable person (!) or anything but just there would be no personal space, even if I became best of friends with whoever I was sharing with.
Does anyone know anything about Northernhay? I know its not actually university owned but does it feel 'non-university ish'?!? Also is it just Exeter Uni students living there?
Reply 9
im in the same position as above! I'm very upset :frown: I applied on April the 14th as well!
Reply 10
It will be just Exeter students living there, yes. I believe it's Unite accommodation that's quite new and shiny, having only been 'in operation' (as it were) for 1 year so far.

I've already given my advice, and would urge you all to go for Northernhay.
What are the prices of each, out of interest, as I can understand if that plays an important part in your decisions?
Reply 11
It will be just Exeter students living there, yes. I believe it's Unite accommodation that's quite new and shiny, having only been 'in operation' (as it were) for 1 year so far.

I think Plymouth-in-Exeter had it before that, so it has been around for a while; but there are pictures here.
Reply 12

Does anyone know anything about Northernhay? I know its not actually university owned but does it feel 'non-university ish'?!? Also is it just Exeter Uni students living there?

Just uni-students, some people are post-grad, some are lukeys. But they all go to the uni.

I believe it's Unite accommodation that's quite new and shiny, having only been 'in operation' (as it were) for 1 year so far.

I've already given my advice, and would urge you all to go for Northernhay.
What are the prices of each, out of interest, as I can understand if that plays an important part in your decisions?

Its about the same as on-campus accomodation, with regards to shiny-ness.
It used to be halls for the Peninsula medical school.

Prices, as of last year were £72 for standard and £85 for ensuite.
Reply 13
OK, so it's almost certainly going to be cheaper than the catered shared that they're being offered, which I would imagine is £90-£95.
Reply 14
I'm in the same position as you. :frown: To be honest I'm pretty upset :frown: I reaallly want to be on campus and catered, but I don't think I could face sharing a room. It not that I'm a terribly unsociable person (!) or anything but just there would be no personal space, even if I became best of friends with whoever I was sharing with.
Does anyone know anything about Northernhay? I know its not actually university owned but does it feel 'non-university ish'?!? Also is it just Exeter Uni students living there?

I'm really upset too! :frown: I dont know how they choose who gets their choices!
I know what you mean..its nice to just personal space etc. Going from not sharing at all to sharing with someone youve never met is a bit daunting!!

My only concern with the northenhay one is that i dont want to be with all postgrads 2nd years etc. and also i would prefer to have catered in my first year and be on campus!!! I have no idea which to choose.

Do you know anything about the shared accomm? did they tell you which halls it would be in?
Reply 15

My only concern with the northenhay one is that i dont want to be with all postgrads 2nd years etc. and also i would prefer to have catered in my first year and be on campus!!! I have no idea which to choose.

first years are all in flats with other first years, not 2nd, 3rd, PG etc.
Reply 16
^^ This. Plus there's no room in uni accommodation for returners apart from new postgrads - the uni doesn't even allow returners to come back to uni accommodation unless they've got special needs and require the provision.
I would go with Unite accommodation if you're really opposed to the idea of sharing.
You'd be kicking yourself if you ended up in a room with someone you didn't get on with.
I'd much rather have my own space, even if I am in the city centre (not such a downside when its time for the weekly shop you know) than share a room on campus.
I'm in the exact same position too which has really really annoyed me considering Exeter is my first choice and I took the IB so I had my results before A Level people whereas I know people who picked Exeter as their insurance and took A Levels and got their first choice!

I'm in such a dilemma cos not that I wouldn't mind sharing, but I doubt whoever I was sharing with would like to live with someone who's boyfriend is basically going to be spending most of his time in the room as well.

Also, I'm really opposed to Northanhay House as I really wanted to be on campus. I'm just so upset about it all, I just don't know how it ended up like this!
Reply 19
I can understand that it's a disappointment :frown:

However, try not to let this get you down to much (addressing everyone here). Northernhay is good new shiny accommodation, and being on campus isn't everything: some accommodation (thinking of Birks here) is so far on the remote side of campus that you may as well be off campus there, so you won't be in any way disadvantaged by being in town. James Owen Court is in town as well, as are many student houses, so there will definitely be other students around. Plus, you'll be grateful for it when your shoulders won't be falling out of their sockets on the way home from the supermarket and when you don't need a taxi to get home from Arena :p:

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