The Student Room Group

**General/Integrated Engineering Applicants**

Hey...thought I would make a thread for us general/integrated applicants :biggrin:

Feel free to talk about your applications, offers, rejections, impressions of universities etc etc etc....

Here are my applications (all MEng):

* Oxford -- Engineering with Eco/Management -- Rejected :frown:
* Durham -- General Engineering -- Nothing yet...2nd stage on tracker...emailed the admissions officer and he said he had the whole pile on his desk just last friday and he was dealing with them now! should hear in a few weeks hopefully!
* Nottingham -- Integrated Engineering -- Short interview on 8th Feb.
* Warwick -- Integrated Engineering -- Short interview on 17th Feb.
* Cardiff -- Integrated Engineering -- Had interview/open day...was very impressed by the place and offer too....ABB inc. maths!
* Bristol -- Engineering Design -- Nothing yet...but will definately have interview with an employer (as sandwich course)! Pressure!

What about you guys? :confused:

By the way my AS grades were AAAB in Maths, ICT, Economics and Physics (just missed out on A by 3 marks...will retake a unit!)

Predicted AAA at A2....dropped ICT!
Reply 1
SO no one here other than me has applied for a general/integrated course? :confused:
oh must have missed this thread

I applied for general engineering at cambridge and I'm still waiting for the decision.
really liked the place, but doubt that I'll get an offer :p:
I'll go to imperial then :biggrin:
Reply 3
Just out of curiosity, why does General/Intergrated engineering require much higher grades than a disapline based engineering degree?
Are they harder(if its possible to pick a harder degree!)?
For example, Univ of Nottingham requires ABB for straight Mech Eng, but AAB+enterence exam for general engineering.
Reply 4
i'm guessing its because there is greater competition for integrated courses, because i think a lot of people like me do not know what they would want to specialise in. its quite hard to choose a specialisation because you'll be there for 4 years and then if you've made the wrong decision then you're stuffed
Reply 5
I only applied for general engineering at oxford (chem eng at the rest) at was offered AAA.

I would agree with mandoman and say that there is greater competition for general courses and so the grade requirements are usually higher.
I'm an engineer in my first year at Cambridge. I applied for general courses because I couldn't decide which branch I liked. I suppose a general course is more demanding, since they teach you more stuff. In fact if you compare two graduates; one who did a mech eng course, and one who did a general course later specialising in mech eng, they would both have the same standing in mech eng. But the general eng graduate would have also know more about the other disciplines. So in that respect general courses could be seen as harder. I'd say general courses are more interesting and more useful, especially if you can't decide on which type of engineering to go into.