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Please help me with my EE!! (about comfort women)

Thank you for even looking at my question! lol

I am currently working on my Extended Essay on comfort women

(enforced Korean sex slaves by Japanese military during WWII)

and I am trying to get my specific topic

but cannot work on it....

The deadline is coming up and i hav done nothing so far...(oops)

I might focus on why there are so contrasting views on the matter of comfort women between Japan & Korea

(Japanese ppl simply deny the government's involvement in the comfort women station)

or do you hav any suggestion on my topic??

Any of ur suggestions will be greatly appreicated!!!!

Reply 1
Is this a history EE? Just come up with a question and show it to your supervisor and he will tell u if its a good title. but u better do it fast...

eg. "why were there contrasting views on the matter of comfort women between Japan & Korea during World War 2?"
no its supposed to be a lang lit EE
Idk if it's much help but I recently learnt the fact that when the history textbooks in Korea were re-published by the government, the topic about comfort women was erased and it only had like 1-2 lines about them and people didn't really take that very well. So maybe you can talk about how the government is using the literary works (such as the textbooks in this case) to like manipulate the thoughts and views of people or smth? Like ya get what I mean?