...accept his friend request? The only info you have about him is his pic or perhaps one or two mutual friends... Other than that he's, well, a relative stranger...
So would you add him anyways or think er don't know you so I'm just gonna ignore you?
I wouldnt no, but some of my friends do, just so they can add to their friends list...sad if you ask me, whats the point if they are not genuine friends??
...also does anyone know if there's a way to block some of my "friends" from requesting to be friends with my pretty girly friends - some keep doing that without really knowing who they are...it's getting a bit annoying as I will get asked questions about who this chap is etc etc etc...
depends which friends, just in case I should know him but can't remember. if i am sure I've never met him before though, no, definitely would not add him.
I only accept friend requests from people I actually know and have good conversations with. Compared with my friends, I have a really low friend count (not that I'm bothered about that anyway).