The Student Room Group

Northfield accommodation - Sussex uni

I’ve been allocated to northfield for my accommodation which I’m quite happy with but just wanted to get people who stayed there for their first year’s opinions / their experience living there. Thank you :smile:
Original post by Anonymous
I’ve been allocated to northfield for my accommodation which I’m quite happy with but just wanted to get people who stayed there for their first year’s opinions / their experience living there. Thank you :smile:

I stayed in Northfield and you 100% have the best accomodation in the uni. You are put in a flat of 6 with an en suite, and that means you have the ability to get close to everyone in your flat, unlike east slope where you're one of 12 and have to share a bathroom (the double bed isn't worth it). If you don't get on with your own flat, literally go and make friends with another one, we had people who pretty much came and lived with us haha. East Slope is not great - I went to parties there and it seems pretty cold and empty, and pretty dead too, where as Northfield is literally like a community. I would say second best to Northfield is Swanborough. The only negative is that is on the very top end of campus and takes a while to walk places (like the North-South road bus stop), but you soon get over that. Besides, it's right on the Sussex Downs which means you can go for a walk literally any time. You should enjoy it for sure :smile:
Original post by Anonymous
I stayed in Northfield and you 100% have the best accomodation in the uni. You are put in a flat of 6 with an en suite, and that means you have the ability to get close to everyone in your flat, unlike east slope where you're one of 12 and have to share a bathroom (the double bed isn't worth it). If you don't get on with your own flat, literally go and make friends with another one, we had people who pretty much came and lived with us haha. East Slope is not great - I went to parties there and it seems pretty cold and empty, and pretty dead too, where as Northfield is literally like a community. I would say second best to Northfield is Swanborough. The only negative is that is on the very top end of campus and takes a while to walk places (like the North-South road bus stop), but you soon get over that. Besides, it's right on the Sussex Downs which means you can go for a walk literally any time. You should enjoy it for sure :smile:

I've been allocated Northfield for this year and this has acc reassured me so much thank you! Do u know if block 19 is one of the furthest blocks?
Hey! I just finished my first year at Sussex staying in Northfield and can confirm, it's the best. The en-suites are a lifesaver, and it's so social despite being at the end of campus - it's like a 15 min walk tops to the other end, so you don't feel distance or anything. And you've got Northfield Bar too, which is probably the best advantage, my friends and I went there probably every other day. Block 19 is round the end I think, from memory, but even still you're next to the South Downs and it's maybe an extra 2 min walk so nothing major. You'll love it!!
Original post by Anonymous
Hey! I just finished my first year at Sussex staying in Northfield and can confirm, it's the best. The en-suites are a lifesaver, and it's so social despite being at the end of campus - it's like a 15 min walk tops to the other end, so you don't feel distance or anything. And you've got Northfield Bar too, which is probably the best advantage, my friends and I went there probably every other day. Block 19 is round the end I think, from memory, but even still you're next to the South Downs and it's maybe an extra 2 min walk so nothing major. You'll love it!!

Tysm! I’m so excited now! I was worried it was going to be too quiet since it’s a bit further away but sounds so good now. I wanted to ask about moving in and how many cupboards u get each in the kitchen for Northfield?
Original post by Anonymous
Tysm! I’m so excited now! I was worried it was going to be too quiet since it’s a bit further away but sounds so good now. I wanted to ask about moving in and how many cupboards u get each in the kitchen for Northfield?

I think from memory we gave ourselves 2 cupboards each, one for food & one for pots/ pans? Honestly I can't really remember, but there was more than enough room for all of our things anyway!
Original post by Anonymous
Hey! I just finished my first year at Sussex staying in Northfield and can confirm, it's the best. The en-suites are a lifesaver, and it's so social despite being at the end of campus - it's like a 15 min walk tops to the other end, so you don't feel distance or anything. And you've got Northfield Bar too, which is probably the best advantage, my friends and I went there probably every other day. Block 19 is round the end I think, from memory, but even still you're next to the South Downs and it's maybe an extra 2 min walk so nothing major. You'll love it!!

Yay I can't wait!! Thank you!
Reply 7
What supermarket did you guys order from? Since some supermarkets have worse slots for delivery in certain locations, I wanted to know which one you used. Thank you
Reply 8
Is the 4G mobile network work great here? I have heard some complaints about the hot water.

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