The Student Room Group

Hit in the throat... is it dangerous?

Today my friend and I were messing about and he accidentally hit my throat with his shoulder... it really hurt at the time and I couldn't sit up properly for a while :s-smilie: it felt difficult to breathe at first. It feels ok now I guess but hurts a wee bit to swallow but I'm not sure whether I am just paranoid about that as it isn't great pain! Is this dangerous?? I have heard that it can kill you? :|

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Reply 1
I'm sure you're fine and not in any current danger, however having it checked over by your GP can't hurt.
Reply 2
your food pipe is a bit squashed, i recommend taking in deep breaths in order to expand the tube
I think if its going to kill you it'd be more instant that this. I think the risk is that damage can be caused to the windpipe (oesphagus I think its called in sciency words) and that this can cuase problems with breathing. You can get checked out but you're probably fine and maybe a bit bruised!
Reply 4
Ok thank you :smile: If it isn't better by morning I shall have it checked by my GP. Pain may go with a bit of sleep (hopefully!)
It can be dangerous, but I'm pretty sure if you were going to die you'd be dead already!
I'd try to drink some water or eat something small and just see if its possible or if it really hurts.

If in the morning its still painful then you are probably best of seeing your GP, but there is a good chance that in a few hours you will feel a bit better. You may come out in a bit of a bruise though!
Reply 6
Today my friend and I were messing about and he accidentally hit my throat with his shoulder... it really hurt at the time and I couldn't sit up properly for a while :s-smilie: it felt difficult to breathe at first. It feels ok now I guess but hurts a wee bit to swallow but I'm not sure whether I am just paranoid about that as it isn't great pain! Is this dangerous?? I have heard that it can kill you? :|

And so you log onto here :confused:
Reply 7
lol You wont die, you'd be dead or in alot more pain

Well you got hit in the thoart, of course its going to hurt for the next 24 hours lol
Deep breaths and icecream sound good :smile:

Dont worry about it, ive took many punches in the thoart and im still here and fine
Reply 8
Well no I gathered that if i was going to die it would have happened instantly but I was just reading about it and heard that it is possible to die from it which I was not aware of. I'm guessing probably because you could stop breathing or something?

Haha oooh yer icecream does sound good!! :smile: I think it'll be ok by tomorrow but I just wanted to know the possible dangers it could cause.
Reply 9
your food pipe is a bit squashed, i recommend taking in deep breaths in order to expand the tube

Why would deep breaths expand her food pipe? :s-smilie:
Clock's ticking for you emansell1
Reply 11
because air comes down (and up) from the oesophagus as well as food, breathing deeply will mean a greater volume of air will be going up and down and so that greater pressure in the oesophagus will gradually increase the diameter.

I think :p:
Reply 12
Why would deep breaths expand her food pipe? :s-smilie:[/QU

some of the air will go down the food pipe as well thus expand
Ice cream, lollys, anything cold really. It reduces swelling but really its just an excuse to eat some good food.
Deep breathing won't expand the food pipe but deep breathing is good for reducing stress and can relax you which are both useful if you're in pain.
Reply 14
I think if its going to kill you it'd be more instant that this. I think the risk is that damage can be caused to the windpipe (oesphagus I think its called in sciency words) and that this can cuase problems with breathing. You can get checked out but you're probably fine and maybe a bit bruised!

Just so you know, it's called the trachea. The oesophagus is the one that carries food down.
Just so you know, it's called the trachea. The oesophagus is the one that carries food down.

This is why I failed biology, too many words!
At least now I won't embarass myself in front of my mate who is good at biology, cheers!
Reply 16
Had your larynx been crushed, you would probably know by the tell-tale blue tinge to your complexion, in addition to your being dead.
Had your larynx been crushed, you would probably know by the tell-tale blue tinge to your complexion, in addition to your being dead.

Unless Karl Kennedy was nearby with a pen knife and a bendy straw
I had a hockey stick wacked into my throat in year 9 (stick to the under-the-waist rule!!).

Anyway I dropped to the floor and initially found it hard to breathe. Deep breaths helped to improve it. Then just hurt to swallow for a while. If there were no initial worries you should be fine.
i've done a lot to my neck, literally one point been thrown in the air, and fell 5 feet to land on th side of my neck.

as long as nothing hit the oesophagus (front chunky bit) or literally breaks your neck. you should be fine. if it hits your oesophagus, you will choke and find it hard to breathe, but you'll be fine, or it'll break and you'll suffocate to death.

if you break your neck, you either die as all nerves are broken to your entire body, or you're in a lot of pain, but can apparently still be a goal keeper.

there are worse places, a hit to the sternum can stop your heart. any hit to the head can kill you.

and if you get kicked in the balls, you wish one of those other things had happened instead.

relax, your not dead.

your just scared