The Student Room Group

Ask a Design Engineering Student! AMA

Hi everyone!

I am a current undergraduate student at the The Dyson School of Design Engineering. I know how daunting it can be choosing a course and university to attend, waiting for results, and attending interviews, so I wish to offer my experience to incoming or prospective students who are thinking of studying this course here at Imperial.

Here is my educational background:

1. I have just finished my first year of the MEng Design Engineering course. I passed and am proceeding to second year this autumn.

2. I did my A Levels in a sixth form college in Oxford, Oxford International College, that tailors its teaching to give their students the best chance of getting into top universities in the UK. I was given rigorous interview training, admissions test practice and weekly formal examinations.

3. I applied to Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford and received an interview but was ultimately rejected.

4. I am an international student from Malaysia.

5. Imperial College London has always been my first choice university as their Design Engineering course was unique and offered the perfect blend of creativity and a rigorous engineering education.

6. I took Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Economics for A Levels. I dropped Further Maths a month before the exam due to nerves. My final result was A*A*A (A in Economics).

Ask me anything (AMA) about the application process, UCAS, life in London, details about the course, Tier 4 Student Visa, Oxbridge admissions tests, interview questions, accommodation and anything you can think of relating to being a student at Imperial.
(edited 4 years ago)
Original post by 6inchesofsnow
Hi everyone!

I am a current undergraduate student at the The Dyson School of Design Engineering. I know how daunting it can be choosing a course and university to attend, waiting for results, and attending interviews, so I wish to offer my experience to incoming or prospective students who are thinking of studying this course here at Imperial.

Thanks for posting, I have a few questions if I may.

1) How much if anything do you think you were disadvantaged by not doing further maths. I know that the “standard” Mech Eng degree at IC is maths heavy, how well prepared for Design Eng were you with “just” the A level ?

2) What’s the “design” side like, is there much opportunity to get creative with drawing, sketching, 3D art etc alongside the core engineering ?

3) What was your design background before you started the course ? Do you sketch, paint etc and what sort of “design talent” do you see in your fellow students ?
1. I learnt the entire A Level Further Maths syllabus but did not take the exam. This helped a lot in the Engineering Maths module. Even though the module assumes that everyone has only done standard Maths at A Level, it is very fast paced and I was glad to have done FM as this gave me the opportunity to chill for the first few weeks of First Year. If you didn’t take FM, you wouldn’t be immediately disadvantaged but you’d need to work really hard from the get go so you don’t get left behind.

2. Yes absolutely! We had two design modules in first year, Intro to DesEng, and Human Centred DesEng. Both these modules require you to design something as a team and you are taught how to use many mediums to communicate your ideas such as Adobe Creative Suite, Solidworks and rapid sketching. Most importantly, lectures focus on how to design something functional and meaningful that can solve a problem. Design Thinking plays a core part throughout the modules and the course in general. Both design modules culminate in a final presentation and there is a coursework deadline every week to keep you busy too.

3. Before starting this course I had no formal education in art. I made some things in my free time, experimenting with arduino robots and used to draft dresses and make bags and costumes, which fostered a love of making. Many of my coursemates have done Art or Product Design at A Level, which gave them an advantage when it came to technical knowledge of design terms and using CAD software, but I wouldn’t say it is a significant advantage having done those subjects at A Level. I would say there are people who excel at more visual and creative aspects, while others will excel at computing and maths. It is rare to have a student that is good at everything from the get go so don’t be afraid if you have no artistic or design background.
Reply 3
Original post by 6inchesofsnow
1. I learnt the entire A Level Further Maths syllabus but did not take the exam. This helped a lot in the Engineering Maths module. Even though the module assumes that everyone has only done standard Maths at A Level, it is very fast paced and I was glad to have done FM as this gave me the opportunity to chill for the first few weeks of First Year. If you didn’t take FM, you wouldn’t be immediately disadvantaged but you’d need to work really hard from the get go so you don’t get left behind.

2. Yes absolutely! We had two design modules in first year, Intro to DesEng, and Human Centred DesEng. Both these modules require you to design something as a team and you are taught how to use many mediums to communicate your ideas such as Adobe Creative Suite, Solidworks and rapid sketching. Most importantly, lectures focus on how to design something functional and meaningful that can solve a problem. Design Thinking plays a core part throughout the modules and the course in general. Both design modules culminate in a final presentation and there is a coursework deadline every week to keep you busy too.

3. Before starting this course I had no formal education in art. I made some things in my free time, experimenting with arduino robots and used to draft dresses and make bags and costumes, which fostered a love of making. Many of my coursemates have done Art or Product Design at A Level, which gave them an advantage when it came to technical knowledge of design terms and using CAD software, but I wouldn’t say it is a significant advantage having done those subjects at A Level. I would say there are people who excel at more visual and creative aspects, while others will excel at computing and maths. It is rare to have a student that is good at everything from the get go so don’t be afraid if you have no artistic or design background.

Is the Engineering Maths module or course the same as in Mech Eng or Aero Eng ?
Original post by 161BMW
Is the Engineering Maths module or course the same as in Mech Eng or Aero Eng ?

It is different.
Original post by 6inchesofsnow
Hi everyone!

I am a current undergraduate student at the The Dyson School of Design Engineering. I know how daunting it can be choosing a course and university to attend, waiting for results, and attending interviews, so I wish to offer my experience to incoming or prospective students who are thinking of studying this course here at Imperial.

Here is my educational background:

1. I have just finished my first year of the MEng Design Engineering course. I passed and am proceeding to second year this autumn.

2. I did my A Levels in a sixth form college in Oxford, Oxford International College, that tailors its teaching to give their students the best chance of getting into top universities in the UK. I was given rigorous interview training, admissions test practice and weekly formal examinations.

3. I applied to Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford and received an interview but was ultimately rejected.

4. I am an international student from Malaysia.

5. Imperial College London has always been my first choice university as their Design Engineering course was unique and offered the perfect blend of creativity and a rigorous engineering education.

6. I took Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Economics for A Levels. I dropped Further Maths a month before the exam due to nerves. My final result was A*A*A (A in Economics).

Ask me anything (AMA) about the application process, UCAS, life in London, details about the course, Tier 4 Student Visa, Oxbridge admissions tests, interview questions, accommodation and anything you can think of relating to being a student at Imperial.

Hi, I am an IB student from Malaysia. I am interested in Design Engineering course offered by Imperial College London. I am going to apply for it very soon.
I have a few questions that I would like to check with you:
1. Regarding the interview, what type of questions will be asked? Are there any technical questions? I heard that there is a chance to show our portfolio, but how can it be presented?
2. What's your advice for the interview?
3. Are you enjoying the course so far?
4. Do you know the difference between Design Engineering (ICL) and Engineering Design (Bristol) if you have done the research earlier?
5. May I know whether there are a lot of international students taking this course? What is the percentage?
6. How is the employability of this course? As I know this is a very new course and not many people graduated. May I know what companies did the students join after they graduated ?
Original post by 6inchesofsnow
Hi everyone!

I am a current undergraduate student at the The Dyson School of Design Engineering. I know how daunting it can be choosing a course and university to attend, waiting for results, and attending interviews, so I wish to offer my experience to incoming or prospective students who are thinking of studying this course here at Imperial.

Here is my educational background:

1. I have just finished my first year of the MEng Design Engineering course. I passed and am proceeding to second year this autumn.

2. I did my A Levels in a sixth form college in Oxford, Oxford International College, that tailors its teaching to give their students the best chance of getting into top universities in the UK. I was given rigorous interview training, admissions test practice and weekly formal examinations.

3. I applied to Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford and received an interview but was ultimately rejected.

4. I am an international student from Malaysia.

5. Imperial College London has always been my first choice university as their Design Engineering course was unique and offered the perfect blend of creativity and a rigorous engineering education.

6. I took Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Economics for A Levels. I dropped Further Maths a month before the exam due to nerves. My final result was A*A*A (A in Economics).

Ask me anything (AMA) about the application process, UCAS, life in London, details about the course, Tier 4 Student Visa, Oxbridge admissions tests, interview questions, accommodation and anything you can think of relating to being a student at Imperial.

Hi, prospective des engineering student here! About the application process: how long did it take until you got the interview offer after sending UCAS off? What kinds of questions did they ask in the interview/ how was the interview formatted?

I’m late to your AMA so don’t feel pressured to answer! Thanks, Becky

I am not sure if I should apply to the master program or just the basic degree. What would be the school be looking for in such a circumstance? For someone apply to a master program versus one who is applying to a degree program. Would you be able to advise me?
Reply 8
Ello I also applied to Design engineering, so what did you guys do for the portfolio? Did you made it all finished looking like a professional portfolio or did you just show them your sketches and some pictures? I don't know what to do because my interview is in one week and I have no idea. Did you only put in your original design ideas or also projects that you were guided step by step?
Reply 9
Hi, I’ve been offered an interview for this course but I’m really nervous because I do maths and two art subjects at the moment. Do you have any advice for the interview or how to prepare for it?
Reply 10
Hi, I am interested in the difference between rigour of the technical aspects of the course between Desng and Mecheng, do you go in a useful amount of depth into specific topics or is it overall a very surface level dive into aspects of engineering, ie: CAD, electronics, manufacturing, thermo etc
Reply 11
By when can i expect to hear from Dyson for interview? I submitted my application on 27th January
Original post by getsethi
By when can i expect to hear from Dyson for interview? I submitted my application on 27th January

Did you get an invite to interview? Also for which program did you apply to?
Reply 13
Original post by zoeya4
Hi, I’ve been offered an interview for this course but I’m really nervous because I do maths and two art subjects at the moment. Do you have any advice for the interview or how to prepare for it?

what subjects specifically?