* As you work your way through this unit, you should keep a record of work. This is important both to keep track of what you have done, and because it will be required as evidence for assessment. If you don’t keep a record of work, you could fail the unit and also get very low marks for the coursework.
* The sections required to pass the unit will be the first 4 stages of the development
process: analysis, design, implementation and testing.
* The next 2 stages - documentation and evaluation are required for the course
assessment. Maintenance isn’t assessed, so you can leave it out.
* As you work through your project, you will gradually fill up the Record of Work folder. Into it, you will insert notes and diagrams on analysis and design, listings of program code, screen dumps and tables of testing, and many other items.
* It is a good idea to get into the habit of putting the date and your name (or initials) on every page that you put into your Record of Work.
* The Record of Work is not meant to be a work of art! You don’t need to spend time on making it look pretty, or rewriting or typing rough notes. It should simply contain the actual working documents you create as you go along.
* At the end of the project, you will be required to create a more formal report covering some aspects of your work, but you don’t need to be concerned about that at this stage.
* Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the formal report is all that is required. Your assessor may want to see the Record of Work, so it is important that you maintain it, and keep it up to date.
The Steps in the Project
* Analysis
o Project Proposal
o Scope and Boundaries
o Functional Requirements
o Project Plan
o Resources Required
o Feasibility Study
o Research
* Design
o Top Level Algorithm
o Refinements
o Structured Diagram
o HCI Design
* Implementation
o Coding
* Testing
o Test Plan and Test Data
o Beta Testing Questionnaire
o Summary of Test Results
* Documentation
o User Guide
o Technical Guide
* Evaluation
o Fitness for Purpose
o User Interface
o Robustness
o Reliability
o Portability
o Efficiency
o Maintainability
o Evaluate your Project Plan
How to pick up marks
As well as having your report you need to make sure of the following:
* Appropriate level of complexity - your solution should include two of the following:
+ file handling;
+ 2d arrays;
+ records;
+ queues;
+ stacks;
+ search;
+ sort
o Coding must include:
+ modularity
+ parameter passing
+ meaningful variable names
+ internal commentary
o Solution MUST match the design:
+ any changes to code must be reflected in the design
o Appropriate User Interface:
+ the user interface must consider who the client is and be appropriate for use.
+ there should be good use of colours, buttons, graphics etc
o Testing Evidence:
+ There should be screen dumps of your testing;
+ you should get around 6 beta testers to fill in your questionnaire
o All bugs and errors should be removed and/or written up
o Report should use computing terminology and should be well presented:
+ There should be sections for each step in the SDP
+ Pages should be numbered
+ include a front cover and contents page
o Management of your project:
+ Marks are awarded depending on how well you:
# manage your time (don't leave it all to the last week!)
# make descisions
# go back and fix mistakes
o Evaluating your project plan:
+ Tell the truth!