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Help him find free porn.
Tell him.

And support the anti-Porn movement.
Reply 3
Talk to him about it?

Seriously though why would you actually pay for it? :confused:
Reply 4
tell him that streaming is the way forward.

sit him down. talk to him. tell him your uncomfortable.
Reply 5
Why pay when you can get it all for free?
Reply 6
Tell him to hit up google.
Reply 7
if he pays for it, it's going to be a long time for him to get off it, so don't expect him to stop watching it, but for free porn, theres a lot around, help him find some free sites so he doesn't spend so much.
Reply 8
If he pays for it, you should really dump him for being an idiot.
Unless its like blu ray HD porn :biggrin:

Why don't you just make him some porn..
What kind of idiot pays for porn? The internet is filled with free porn!
Nah, the paid-for stuff is loads better than free stuff.
Lol, just tell him to get free porn. :s
:ditto: to everyone who's asking why he's paying for it. The internet is full of free porn, at the very least he can stop wasting money!

Also, if you're unhappy about him watching porn full stop, then sit down and talk to him about it. If he cares about you, he'll want you to be happy.
Talk to him about it?

Seriously though why would you actually pay for it? :confused:

If people don't then....we wouldn't get it for free:p:
Reply 15
This is exactly why he likes porn, atleast porn doesn't come on TSR and moan about being watched.

Tsk Tsk.
Reply 16
Its quite kinky porn, not stuff I'm really into but am happy enough for him to watch it as I know some guys will just watch it anyway. I just feel uncomfotable as he says he hasn't got much money but is being silly subscribing. If I buy a house with him I don't see why I should pay for everything while he spends it on porn.
Give him some your own personal porn then obv.

Just tell him to stop spending his money so recklessly if anything.
Its quite kinky porn, not stuff I'm really into but am happy enough for him to watch it as I know some guys will just watch it anyway. I just feel uncomfotable as he says he hasn't got much money but is being silly subscribing. If I buy a house with him I don't see why I should pay for everything while he spends it on porn.


Treat him to 'your' own brand of porn, so he doesn't have to watch any on tv.

Then he'll have money, and will be potty in your hands. (if thats the sort of stuff hes into that is) :biggrin:
Reply 19
Anon, make sure he remembers to cancel any subscriptions when the sites get boring. They will bill you forever otherwise :eek:

And find some porn forums where everybody uploads full porn scenes :smile: . You can get the 'expensive quality' videos on there for FREE. If you know whatcha lookin' for.. that is. There's probably other places like torrents, etc. aswell for free stuff. PM me if you want any other help or info.