The Student Room Group
Reply 1
TCD--- Excellent teaching....hard to get into sadly
UCD---university college Dublin---second finest etc
NUIG--- National university Galway--- very good....lots of course on offer like medicine,psychology etc
NUIC cork --- don't no much about it
NUIM --- love the university it self... ok
Rep wise I think Trinity is regarded as the best. The others are kind of on a par (I don't agree with UCD being any more well regarded than say, UL).
anyone thinking or have applied to southern irish unis?
Reply 4
I was going to apply for Trinity and UCD but decided against it. It's just too expensive down south :eek:
I lived in Dublin during my placement year, working at Microsoft. I was earning a good wage but it was still very expensive to live in. BTW, yay for staying in Belfast and doing it cheap! I'm really glad I stayed here cause it meant in the first couple of years I could live with friends and party and then towards the end of my degree I could move home and let my parents look after me while I concentrated on studying.
Reply 6
I lived in Dublin during my placement year, working at Microsoft. I was earning a good wage but it was still very expensive to live in. BTW, yay for staying in Belfast and doing it cheap! I'm really glad I stayed here cause it meant in the first couple of years I could live with friends and party and then towards the end of my degree I could move home and let my parents look after me while I concentrated on studying.

Heh I was at MS for my placement too! Which year did you do it?
Heh I was at MS for my placement too! Which year did you do it?

Not last year but the year before, you? Did you like it? I was bored as hell! I would never work in industry again.

NUIC cork --- don't no much about it

University College Cork, perchance? Generally, it's Trinity>UCD>UCC>the rest, though obviously it depends on the subject, UCC having a good reputation for engineering and the like. Ireland doesn't really have enough universities to merit a proper league table, annoying as that is...
Reply 9
I went to Trinity - and I have to say, its not true to say that Trinity is far above UCD and the rest of the universities in Ireland. I think Trinity and UCD are on a par - if anything, the fact that UCD offer work placements in a lot of their courses might make it the better option (and its campus uni, which Trinity is not).
Trinity is certainly prettier, I loved walking through that arch onto front sq everyday, and still get chills when I go home and pop in - but I found that all my lecturers were extremely dull, the libraries could seriously do with an upgrade (except the Usher, which is nice) - Plus points wise, Trinity is no harder to get into than UCD - you still need straight A's to do Law and Medicine in both -
In summary, they both have their good points, and bad points, so it depends if you want a campus feel in a larger university go to UCD, if you want to live in the city centre and go to a smaller more traditional place then thats Trinity - as for the others, Galway is extremely well respected for its law courses and its Arts degree - and Cork has a fantastic Medical School... UL is a great university for partying - also a campus - I went there for a year and absolutely loved it!!!! And DCU and Maynooth, are also good - more sciencey universities though -
There is a league table and UCC is ranked second... not that it means anything.
Reply 11
what about Queens?
Reply 12
Lit Up!
what about Queens?

Queens is in Belfast which is in Northern Ireland, which is in the UK. The OP is looking for universities in the Republic of Ireland
I'm asking out of sheer nosiness. :smile: Also, didn't know where to post this as I know Rep. Ireland isn't in the UK.

Anyway, I hear Trinity's good, what about the others? :woo:

The top 2 are Trinity and UCD.

if its engineering related,
NUIG if you love to drink, and also want a degree from a decent University,
DCU has a good rep (#3/4) but it is rumored to be socially retarded- far out of town and it doesn't even have a student bar..
ranks lowest but has a wide range of degrees and uses an americanized university system (no fraternities, though:frown: )
NUIM is near Dublin and has a reputation as a 'nice' small University in one of Dublin's satellite towns - needless to say it would be slightly repetitive in a town of only 10,000 people - the others have a bigger population in the University alone than that.
But if thats your thing, go with it!
I'm an American student going into my 12th year of schooling here, and am veryyy interested in applying to an Irish university. I'm visiting NUI Galway in a couple months, but was just wondering what some student feedback is on NUIG?

American Universities and colleges are pretty big on fraternities & sororities ... I'm a big fan of the "Greek Life" and all the fun that comes along with it, so i was just curious as to if NUI Galway has that?

If anyone could get back to me that'd be great. Thanks! :smile:
Reply 15
I'm an American student going into my 12th year of schooling here, and am veryyy interested in applying to an Irish university. I'm visiting NUI Galway in a couple months, but was just wondering what some student feedback is on NUIG?

American Universities and colleges are pretty big on fraternities & sororities ... I'm a big fan of the "Greek Life" and all the fun that comes along with it, so i was just curious as to if NUI Galway has that?

If anyone could get back to me that'd be great. Thanks! :smile:

Im afraid you'll be sorely dissapointed. Why youd be willing to spend 20k + a year in NUIG is beyond me :P Hell Harvard (if you can get in) is cheaper than NUIG or any Irish university if you apply as an international student.
Okay, thanks so much! Just to follow up ... is NUIG hard to get into? I have about a 3.25 in high school and am involved in a bunch of extracurricular activities..