The Student Room Group

Would you give up?

if you had got with a guy, then he had a girlfriend for a year but you were always flirty friends, they split up, you got together, they got back together, you fell out, he persuaded you to take him back, together for a few months, fell out, he's got a new girlfriend but you're still in love with him!
I'm stuck, I still love this guy but we never stay together. I want him so badly, but I don't want to be lingering on something that will never be when I could be starting to move on. What would you do?

Thank you if you reply.

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Reply 1
Maybe give it one more shot??
Reply 2
You need to talk to him.. not over msn, or email, or phone, or by texting.. but face to face... ask him how he feels about you.. and tell him how you feel.

You both need to figure out why you are falling out all the time.. lack of seeing each other? living in each others pockets?..

If you both have the same feelings for one another try again.. if it doesnt work out.. then you will have to think about moving on

Hope this helps
Reply 3
From what you've said it sounds a bit like he's giving you the run around and just seems to go back to you becuase he knows he can (not to sound mean sorry :frown: )
If I were you I would start to get over him. You've been together multiple times and it hasn't worked, surely that should be some kind of sign.
Sorry you're in love, it hurts like a bitch!
Reply 4
One more go? :frown: x
drop him he not worth the tears honey...seriously why love a guy when all he does is hurt you x
Reply 6
Don't waste your precious time on that loser :smile: Cut him out of your life and look for someone who actually loves you and does not simply uses you as a call girl. You deserve better
Reply 7
if you had got with a guy, then he had a girlfriend for a year but you were always flirty friends, they split up, you got together, they got back together, you fell out, he persuaded you to take him back, together for a few months, fell out, he's got a new girlfriend but you're still in love with him!
I'm stuck, I still love this guy but we never stay together. I want him so badly, but I don't want to be lingering on something that will never be when I could be starting to move on. What would you do?

Thank you if you reply.

Used and Abused. End. I guess this love is an illusion. Wake up, doesnt sound the man of his words nor should you get lured in his bait for fun.

I bet you don't want to play this catch and go game for ...say...10'll get fed up eventually and annoyed. Theres always a better guy out there and its always true.
Reply 8
Don't waste your precious time on that loser :smile: Cut him out of your life and look for someone who actually loves you and does not simply uses you as a call girl. You deserve better

I know this wasn't really directed at me but thank you so much for saying this :smile: I'm in the same boat (-ish) as the OP and even though i know this is a fairly toxic situation I'm in, I still want to hold on and I know I shouldn't. I needed someone to sort of spell it out like this. So thanks a whole lot :wink:
Reply 9
I know this wasn't really directed at me but thank you so much for saying this :smile: I'm in the same boat (-ish) as the OP and even though i know this is a fairly toxic situation I'm in, I still want to hold on and I know I shouldn't. I needed someone to sort of spell it out like this. So thanks a whole lot :wink:

:smile: NANTY, Y-O-U D-E-S-E-R-V-E B-E-T-T-E-R ! There you go, now it's directed at you.

It's a universal truth. Life is far too short for hanging on, especially when there's no doubt that if you let go you will soon end up in a much more love-filled relationship.

I have a little rule of my own: The whole point of being in a relationship is to be happy. Otherwise, why would you need it? So, if you're not happy - just move along.

Just imagine that some of those speculations about the world ending in 2012 are true... Would you really want to come to an end still not being sure where your relationship stands? - LIVE IT UP :woo:

p.s. Just noticed how many spelling mistakes I made in that post lol.. my bad :o:
Reply 10
:smile: NANTY, Y-O-U D-E-S-E-R-V-E B-E-T-T-E-R ! There you go, now it's directed at you.

It's a universal truth. Life is far too short for hanging on, especially when there's no doubt that if you let go you will soon end up in a much more love-filled relationship.

I have a little rule of my own: The whole point of being in a relationship is to be happy. Otherwise, why would you need it? So, if you're not happy - just move along.

Just imagine that some of those speculations about the world ending in 2012 are true... Would you really want to come to an end still not being sure where your relationship stands? - LIVE IT UP :woo:

p.s. Just noticed how many spelling mistakes I made in that post lol.. my bad :o:

*sniff* Yano what? You're right, I do deserve better! :yes:
Thank you so much, I love love LOVE your way of thinking! I'm feeling much better now, no joke. I really appreciate it.
Pos rep for you :biggrin:

I'm Natalie/Nats/Nattie/Nat btw. lol w/e you like!
I would give him up. Hes just using you as a fall back, and really, do you want to be his fall back for however many years to come? But talk to him. I mean, it may be that he dosent see that he using you to an extent (not to sound mean on him or u...). If youre not happy, its not working is the general rule. and guys arent worth all that many tears
I wouldn't go back again! You're letting him have all the power and use and abuse you whenever he wants because he knows you're too weak (sorry but true) to say no! There are plently of guys out there who will actually wanna be with you instead of using you as second best.
*sniff* Yano what? You're right, I do deserve better! :yes:
Thank you so much, I love love LOVE your way of thinking! I'm feeling much better now, no joke. I really appreciate it.
Pos rep for you :biggrin:

I'm Natalie/Nats/Nattie/Nat btw. lol w/e you like!

woo! Nice to know that I'm still useful to someone in some way :rolleyes:

You really seem like a nice girl, Nat :smile: Hope everything works out for you and if you ever get into a tricky situation again- i'm here for you :smile:

Take Care x
Reply 14
woo! Nice to know that I'm still useful to someone in some way :rolleyes:

You really seem like a nice girl, Nat :smile: Hope everything works out for you and if you ever get into a tricky situation again- i'm here for you :smile:

Take Care x

Haha :smile: Awww thank you very much, that's so kind of you :smile:
Same applies here - I'm clearly not the best when it comes to relationships, but I'll try my best to help you with advice n all :o:

thanks again xxxx

Actually...may I PM you??
Reply 15
Haha :smile: Awww thank you very much, that's so kind of you :smile:
Same applies here - I'm clearly not the best when it comes to relationships, but I'll try my best to help you with advice n all :o:

thanks again xxxx

Actually...may I PM you??

I feel a happy ending coming on here guys :smile:
Haha :smile: Awww thank you very much, that's so kind of you :smile:
Same applies here - I'm clearly not the best when it comes to relationships, but I'll try my best to help you with advice n all :o:

thanks again xxxx

Actually...may I PM you??

Yeah, feel free :wink: And it's always easier to advice someone than actually solve your own problems so I may take up on that offer sometime :smile:

Reply 17
if you had got with a guy, then he had a girlfriend for a year but you were always flirty friends, they split up, you got together, they got back together, you fell out, he persuaded you to take him back, together for a few months, fell out, he's got a new girlfriend but you're still in love with him!
I'm stuck, I still love this guy but we never stay together. I want him so badly, but I don't want to be lingering on something that will never be when I could be starting to move on. What would you do?

Thank you if you reply.

Wish my ex felt like you, ive never felt so low in my life :'(
if you had got with a guy, then he had a girlfriend for a year but you were always flirty friends, they split up, you got together, they got back together, you fell out, he persuaded you to take him back, together for a few months, fell out, he's got a new girlfriend but you're still in love with him!
I'm stuck, I still love this guy but we never stay together. I want him so badly, but I don't want to be lingering on something that will never be when I could be starting to move on. What would you do?

Thank you if you reply.

I would do one thing and thats it.....move on cos no doubt ur a good looking girl and this guy seems like a player so wake up and smell the coffee that no doubt wouldnt of been poured by him. My bloke is so good to me and hes still a badboy as well. Bad boys can be nice boys u know!!!
Reply 19
get out while you can