The Student Room Group

Pulling in Manchester ?

Yes, as the title suggests, I want to know whether it easy or not to pull girls in Manchester clubs or are the Manc girls stuck up. I'm mainly into indie and house music so I guess i'll head to the 42nd, 5th ave., South, Sankeys and for the occasional cheese, Vodka Nationwide on Saturdays. How easy (or hard) is it to pull girls in the aforementioned clubs ?

Don't regard this message as sexist but it is important to know the general attitude of girls in Manc towards pulling lol.

I'm sure there are going to be lots of slaggings now so please take this thread in a humoristic and friendly way.

Thanks and looking forward to hearing some responses :smile:

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Reply 1
Easy as mate, easy as. I got a gf but ther wer girls all over me last year even wen i was just tying to talk or have a dance with mates, and i'm not particularly good looking either lol. No need to worry from that point of view.

P.S. Go after my bird next year tho n u'll neva try it with a girl agen lol
Easy as mate, easy as. I got a gf but ther wer girls all over me last year even wen i was just tying to talk or have a dance with mates, and i'm not particularly good looking either lol. No need to worry from that point of view.

P.S. Go after my bird next year tho n u'll neva try it with a girl agen lol

that post tells you all you need to know about the difficulty grading
Reply 3
lol during this act at the comedy store last saturday the comedian started talking about Manchester, and said 'So I was in a club in Manchester trying to pull this chick..' and was immeadiately interupted by a manc in the crowd 'YOU HAD TO TRY!?'.
Yes, as the title suggests, I want to know whether it easy or not to pull girls in Manchester clubs or are the Manc girls stuck up. I'm mainly into indie and house music so I guess i'll head to the 42nd, 5th ave., South, Sankeys and for the occasional cheese, Vodka Nationwide on Saturdays. How easy (or hard) is it to pull girls in the aforementioned clubs ?

Don't regard this message as sexist but it is important to know the general attitude of girls in Manc towards pulling lol.

I'm sure there are going to be lots of slaggings now so please take this thread in a humoristic and friendly way.

Thanks and looking forward to hearing some responses :smile:

lol, Manchester girls aren't stuck up...
Well, no more so than anywhere else!
Reply 5
Hehehe, nice responses !!!

So how come I read somewhere that it is hard to pull in the indie clubs around Manchester (5th ave and 42nd for example). It's not supposed to be difficult according to you guys ? How about the female student population in Manchester, are they also "up for it"?.

I dont consider myself a model or very good looking but I have my unique indie style and look, which certain type of girls (indie hehe) find attractive (luckily). Just wondering if I find many of these girls in Manchester heheh
Reply 6
If your willing to go over and chat to a few girls you will not struggle in 5th or 42s.
Hehehe, nice responses !!!

So how come I read somewhere that it is hard to pull in the indie clubs around Manchester (5th ave and 42nd for example). It's not supposed to be difficult according to you guys ? How about the female student population in Manchester, are they also "up for it"?.

I dont consider myself a model or very good looking but I have my unique indie style and look, which certain type of girls (indie hehe) find attractive (luckily). Just wondering if I find many of these girls in Manchester heheh

5th Av is full of absolute hounds so if you can't pull in there you're in trouble.
i seem to see fitter girls in town during the day than i do in the clubs at night. i guess im just unlucky
Reply 9
I hope I find fit girls in the indie clubs and not only in the city centre during the day as I wont be drunk enough to hit on them lol.

When girls are in large groups (of girls), is it still possible to approach one of them (I mean normally from what u guys have experienced ).
If your willing to go over and chat to a few girls you will not struggle in 5th or 42s.

Sounds a bit too much like hard work.
I hope I find fit girls in the indie clubs and not only in the city centre during the day as I wont be drunk enough to hit on them lol.

When girls are in large groups (of girls), is it still possible to approach one of them (I mean normally from what u guys have experienced ).

It's harder to approach one girl when she's in (e.g.) a group of six because when a group of girls go out it's usually to have some fun. It's best to approach a girl when shes alone. You have to win over all of her mates when she's in a group and if her mates don't like you they will usually tear you to shreads (not literally anyways lol) and will be laughing at you.

If you're from down south then you'll usually find girls round here are more down to earth but if you come from another nothern town (e.g. Grimsby, Hull, Doncaster) you might find that Mancs can be a bit more stuck up and have a bit of an attitude.

Being real there are a lot of total b*tches round here. The kind that look nice but have a dog ***** personality be careful.

P.S. Go after my bird next year tho n u'll neva try it with a girl agen lol

Girls don't like being called birds :wink:
Reply 13
Being real there are a lot of total b*tches round here. The kind that look nice but have a dog ***** personality be careful.

In what way do u mean bitches ? Do you have any examples on how these girls behave to guys ? I've been to London many times and while girls there are indeed stuck up, after a drink or two and a nice chat, it's not too hard to pull from my own experience. Just wondering if Manchester is considered easier for pulling girls after a very very short chat lol (preferably no chat at all sometimes hehe).

You got me scared now with all the "bitches" and "be careful" stuff, the worst that can happen is that the girl turns me down right ? Why the "be careful" ?
Never mind all this be careful business. It's dead easy to bag yourself a bint on a night out in Manchester, particularly on a Student night.
Reply 15
awww loving the gentlemanyly attitude of you all here its so endearing :rolleyes:
Reply 16
Shockingly easily in 5th ave. Everywhere else is the same as any other big city. But there are some nutters out there that I've had the pleasure of meeting, dear god help me.

I dont go out and try to pull anymore I did in my first year but don't see the point now I'd rather go out with friends and enjoy myself and if anything happens, it happens. You only find nutters if you go out looking for 'em.
Reply 17
Fifth ave is where all my boyfriends mates go when they're desperate to pull, it's more or less a dead cert.

But also bear in mind that most fifth ave regulars are complete munters.
Reply 18
Some of you sound so desperate.
Reply 19
Some of you sound so desperate.

Not at all, just want to know if im going to have a good time with the ladies too lol. It's not only the academics is it ? It's important to know the type of girls a city has heheh