The Student Room Group

BTEC H/S Care Unit 4: Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care

The book to use is called "BTEC National Health and Social Care Student Book 2: For the 2016 specifications (BTEC Nationals Health and Social Care 2016)"

For this unit there’s a Part A and Part B, teachers will be giving you the part A assessment like this 4 weeks before you are given Part B which is done in exam conditions.


In the given time you are provided for Part A, you will need to choose one of the two articles that will be given to you by your teachers


An article about current health issue (i.e. coronavirus, SARS, Ebola, heart disease, lung cancer, and chronic lower respiratory diseases etc.)

An article about current social care issue (aging population, debates about vaccinations, growing population, wating times in the NHS, UK government spending on the NHS, lack of staff in the healthcare sector, many people leaving the healthcare sector, funding towards NHS staff etc.)

Once you have chosen the one article, all your efforts in Part A should relate to only that article that you’ve chosen and spend time reading understanding and highlighting the two articles.

From the article that you’ve chosen you need to find secondary sources relating to the article that you’ve chosen (Though there’s no limit on how many secondary sources you can used, however, the reference list needs to be written within the 4 sides of A4 notes)

Make sure you allocate time towards the end of Part A to prepare the notes that you will be allowed to take into the assessment room where you will sit the Part B written assessment (note: your notes should only be 4 sides of A4 paper long and has to be in 12 point font)

Your notes should only be about

Facts, figures and data relating to secondary sources covering the article’s area of research

The research methods used in the learner’s own secondary research


Choose one of the two articles that your tutors will provide you with, either an article about a current health issue or an article about a current social care issue

After choosing one article make sure you understand it by reading it through again and again, to highlighting it

Once you understood the article find other sources relating to the article which are current within the last 5 years (this is called secondary sources)

These secondary sources are used for comparing and contrasting the main article with secondary sources (or even comparing two secondary sources

There’s no limit to how many secondary sources you can used however, when you make your own references it needs to be within four sides of A4

You don’t need to print your main article as it will be there in Part B

You can’t print your secondary sources and bring it with you to your supervised assessment

So, to prepare for part B you should have:

Four sides of A4 four your notes (size 12 point on Microsoft word, google docs etc. it can also be handwritten)

Four sides of A4 for you reference list of secondary sources (There is no requirement for Harvard referencing in your sources, you can just list different links)

Make sure you’re familiar with these different terminology in research and what it means

Keywords in Research



Pilot study

Secondary Sources

Secondary research

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research




Types of Research Methods

Surveys (Quantitative)

Interviews (Qualitative)

Focus Groups (Qualitative)

Experiments (Quantitative)

Mixed Methods (Qualitative and Quantitative)

Questionnaire (Quantitative)

Secondary Data Analysis (Both)

Case Study (Both)

Observations (Participant and non-participant)

Longitudinal Studies (Both)

Primary Data (Both)


You will complete part B in exam conditions for 3 hours

In Part B, you are required to use your understanding of research methods, your chosen article relating to current health issues or current social care issues and using your own skills in carrying out secondary research around your chosen article.

There will be 4 activities in each article that you need to complete (only one) with each activity costing:

Activity 1 = 15 Marks

Activity 2 = 15 Marks

Activity 3 = 20 Marks

Activity 4 = 15 Marks

Make sure you choose either the first article or the second article DON’T complete both article one or article 2 or else you’ll be doing 8 activities (it’s not worth it as you only have 3 hours)

Some of the activities might have sub questions such as a), b), c) it’s very rare that you would see more than three

Make sure you spend the first 10 minutes reading each activity and understanding it by highlighting key words and if you have finish to check each activity that you answer ALL four activities on ONE article

For activity 1, 2 and 4, I recommend (since you only have 2 pages, though you can request for more) to do 2 to 3 paragraphs of PEEL with a conclusion (introduction is not needed or a least make the introduction a sentence long)

For activity 3 I recommed to do 3 to 4 paragrahs of PEEL since it costs 20 Marks with a conlclusion (no introduction needed or make the introduction a sentence long) and spend more time on this question (or even you can do this question first).

One of the main things you need to get higher marks is that you should always demonstrate your analytical and evaluative skills to each activity, so always comparing your article to your secondary sources:

Saying whether the main article is reliable

Who was the authors? Do they have an history of education around this specific field

The year that it was made, whether of not their data is true

Is it valid

Should they use a different research method

Justifying why you think that way i.e. they should have used in the main article questionnaires instead of interviews BECAUSE it’s less time consuming and you get more samples), see how I added because? This is called justifying

Words/sentences used for comparing




On the other hand


This (Article here) supports (secondary source here) as they both.....

This (Article here) disagrees with (secondary sources here) as they....

This data in the (article here) is back up by (enter secondary source(s) here) as....

Similar to...


In the next page, I will explain each activity mark schemes (note: even though each activities might be different from the sctivities below, note that the mark scheme for each activity still remains the same, thus applies to all questions)

FAQs on UNIT 4 by Person
Student Guide on Unit 4 by Person
Sample of Unit 4 Paper (Part A and B)
Sample of Part A

List of BTEC Health and Social Care Work Explained:

Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs
Unit 7: Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care
Unit 8: Promoting Public Health
Unit 11: Psychological Perspectives
Unit 12: Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs
Unit 14: Physiological Disorders and Their Care
Unit 18: Assessing Children’s Development Support Needs

Hope this helps x
(edited 3 years ago)

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Activity One

If you want to follow go here on page 28 for the question below

Health Section

How has quantitative research been used to extract data in this article? (15 Marks)
In your answer you should include:

How quantitative research methods have been used to improve reliability

Let's look at the Mark scheme in the highest band:

Band 4 (13 to 15 Marks)

You explained the research methods they used in the article, demonstrating a thorough understanding of data usage; response includes fully supported evaluative judgements on suitability

Your conclusions on suitability of research methods are offered and fully supported, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the concept in the context of the methods used

So for this activity:

Explain what quantitative research is

Explain what research method they used in the article (was it an interview?, survey?, questionnaire?) then compare it to your secondary research (What reesarch methods have they used? and was it quantitative to qualitative?) and explain the definition of the research method

Talk about how they extracted data compared to your secondary scources (i.e. In the article they used 181 people however they didn't say how many men and women were there, their age. location etc)

Define reliability

Is quantitative research reliable or not and explain the pros and cons of it? (can it be repeated? is it accurate?)

Did this quantitative reserch method in the article improved their reliability compared to other secondary sources? (clue: consider looking at the date, who the author was, the sample size, did they use graphs?)

Define sutability

What research method you recommend that the article use instead and WHY? (should they use that research method they used in that secondary source because it provides more of an accurate result?)
What should they do next time and WHY (shouls they have a bigger sample?, more depth of the gender, age etc.)
How suitable is this article? Can we rely on it as solid evidence? Does this evidence link to today? or is it outdated? (Compare it to your current secondary sources do they all come to the same conclusion? or is the secondary source more suitable that the main article is it because it's outdated, they had a bigger sample size?)
Does that reserch method the article used improved the reliability of this data? (compare it to secondary sources)

Always in each of these questions compare, compare, compare your chosen article to your secondary sources to get higher marks
Don't go off topic
Always explain WHY to get high marks
(edited 4 years ago)

Activity 2

To follow, go here to page 30

What has your own research (your secondary sources) led you to understand about the importance of developing reliable methods of diagnosis for individuals with arthritis? (15 Marks)

In your response you should show how your secondary research relates to the issue in the article

So in simple terms this question is asking you to explain why it is important to have reliable methods by comparing your article with your secondary sources

Let's look at the highest band for this activity

Band 4 (13 to 15 Marks)

You analysed (meaning explaining and critiquing) the issue, leading to conclusions about the issue’s importance

You provided relevant examples of how the issue affects individuals and/or professionals and/or the wider society, which are fully supported by your secondary research findings

Your secondary research findings and their relationship to the issue (which is the diagnosis for individuals with arthritis) in the article are explained and you demonstrated a thorough understanding of the relationship between the two

So what you should do is:

Explain whether the aricle is reliable or not or are there some parts that are reliable and some parts are not? and why (for example in the article they didn't explain individuals levels of different proteins in their blood by using graphs making it unreliable as it will be diffcult to compare this data with other data on similar things)

Provide 3 to 4 examples from you secondary sources to show evidence on why that research is more/less reliable compared to your article (What research method did they use to make it more/less reliable than the article)

Provide current (Past 5 years) examples from your secondary sources to show how the issue (arthritis) can affect individuials (remember PIES), professionals and society (i.e. arthritis can affect the individual as they are restricted in their movements, arthritis can affect society because it can affect social relationships also pain and loss of independence can make people feel frustrated, angry, and depressed, which can in turn affect other members of the family and friends)

If the article is unreliable and gives false information how can it affect the individual, society and professionals?

Compare your seconday sources to the article about arthritis (Do they come to the same conclusion, what method is the most reliable method from your secondary sources)

What reliable method should the article use instead? and why are these methods reliable?

If the article and your secondary scources are reliable and provides accurate information how can it affect individuals, society and professionals?


You conclusion should explain why it's important to develop reliable methods on diagnosis for individuals with arthritis by summarising your points it should start with: In conlusion, the reason why it's important to develop reliable methods on the diagnosis for individuals with arthritis is because....

(edited 4 years ago)
Activity 3

To follow, go here to page 32

What implications does this research have for provision of health services for people with arthritis? (20 Marks)

In your answer you should refer to the article and to your own secondary research

This activity as asking you how this reseach can impact provisions of health services for people with arthritis

Band 4 (16 to 20 Marks)

Your implications of the research for provision/practice in the sector are analysed and explained systematically

Your implications referred to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the issue and its context in the article and wider research; likely to include recommendations for change which are justified

Your justifications for these implications are always offered and fully supported

So What you should do is:

Explain how the article and the secondary research can change the provision/practice of how healthcare professionals look after peoplw with arthritis (for example, according to this secondary research it recommended that health care professionals should arthritis yearly check ups for people over 70 by the healthcare professionals setting this up as their healthcare policy research should that it can prevent the issue from being worse)

Explain why these recommendations/evidence in the article or secondary sources shouls be implemented in hospital Iis it because it save time? Is it because it can help to spot early signs of arthritis?)

Provide recommendations on what things healthcare professionals should implement (based on the article and your secondary sources) to care for people with arthritis?

Then conclude by sumarising your points that you've written

(edited 4 years ago)
Activity 4

To follow, go here on page 34

Ajay is a medical research scientist. He wants to carry out further research to see how successfully identifying early osteoarthritis in women over 50 improves their management of the condition.

Ajay is planning to use a sample of 20 women who his blood test has identified as suffering from early onset osteoarthritis. He is planning to interview them about their symptoms.

What should Ajay consider when planning this research? (15 Marks)

You should include judgements on:

The ethical issues to be considered

The research methods to be used and the objectives of the research

In your answer, you should refer to the article and to your own secondary research

Band 4 (13 to 15 Marks)

You provided rationalised consideration of suggested research methods and improvements/changes that could be made, demonstrating a thorough understanding of method effectiveness/suitability

Your response demonstrates thorough analytical approach. Coverage of planning considerations, ethical issues and necessary research skills required to explore the issue demonstrates a thorough understanding of practical problems of conducting research in the context, addressed in a logical sustained systematic way

You provided judgements on importance of considerations which are fully supported (meaning you provided evidence consistently) with secondary sources

So what you should do for this activity is:

What should Ajay think about before conducting his research? (bias, conducting a pilot study, his hypothesis, things that may hinder him from conducting this experiment, time, location, justify his reasons why he's focusing on women over 50

What could be an ethical issue when conducting this research? (will this study get through to the ethica board?)

Why are is it important for him to consider things? (why should he thing about the location of the interview? It's becuase of confidentiality and making these women feel unformfortable, why should he consider whether to do a structured interview or unstructured interview? what's better?)

What should he change in his planned research? What do you recommend he should do and why? (i.e. he should get a bigger sample, various locations in the UK making it sutiable to generalise the population, he should conduct the interview in a private room because...., provide open questions)

What research method should he use intead should he stick to this research method what are the pros and cons of his current method? (shouls he use a questionnaire instead? should he use mixed methods)

What do you think his hypothesis should be?

What do you think the practical problems could be when conducting the research (i.e. how long the interview is?, what practical problems have the artical and your seondary sources faced when doing these researches)

Will there be any bias in his research? Can you point out any bias that might come into this reseach? (for example you can develop a bond during interviews, you can ask leading questions which leads to a yes or no answer)

What research skills does he need before conducting the research? (i.e. critical thinking, recording data, the shedule of when the research takes place, critical analysis)

Do your article and secondary sources talked about their hypothesis in their research? Did they discuss about bias?

Based on the article and the secondary souces do you think he's correct for using this research method?

Explain how effective and suitable is his research method is compared to the article and your secondary sources? (do you think is more or less?)

What has your article and secondary sources did wrong that Ajay should be aware of?

Make sure in each bullet point compare Ajay's planned research to your article and secondary sources

Then after doing all these things listed in the bullet points, conclude by summarising on what you talked about
(edited 4 years ago)
Original post by Starlight15
Activity 4

To follow, go here on page 34

Ajay is a medical research scientist. He wants to carry out further research to see how successfully identifying early osteoarthritis in women over 50 improves their management of the condition.

Ajay is planning to use a sample of 20 women who his blood test has identified as suffering from early onset osteoarthritis. He is planning to interview them about their symptoms.

What should Ajay consider when planning this research? (15 Marks)

You should include judgements on:

The ethical issues to be considered

The research methods to be used and the objectives of the research

In your answer, you should refer to the article and to your own secondary research

Band 4 (13 to 15 Marks)

You provided rationalised consideration of suggested research methods and improvements/changes that could be made, demonstrating a thorough understanding of method effectiveness/suitability

Your response demonstrates thorough analytical approach. Coverage of planning considerations, ethical issues and necessary research skills required to explore the issue demonstrates a thorough understanding of practical problems of conducting research in the context, addressed in a logical sustained systematic way

You provided judgements on importance of considerations which are fully supported (meaning you provided evidence consistently) with secondary sources

So what you should do for this activity is:

What should Ajay think about before conducting his research? (bias, conducting a pilot study, his hypothesis, things that may hinder him from conducting this experiment, time, location, justify his reasons why he's focusing on women over 50

What could be an ethical issue when conducting this research? (will this study get through to the ethica board?)

Why are is it important for him to consider things? (why should he thing about the location of the interview? It's becuase of confidentiality and making these women feel unformfortable, why should he consider whether to do a structured interview or unstructured interview? what's better?)

What should he change in his planned research? What do you recommend he should do and why? (i.e. he should get a bigger sample, various locations in the UK making it sutiable to generalise the population, he should conduct the interview in a private room because...., provide open questions)

What research method should he use intead should he stick to this research method what are the pros and cons of his current method? (shouls he use a questionnaire instead? should he use mixed methods)

What do you think his hypothesis should be?

What do you think the practical problems could be when conducting the research (i.e. how long the interview is?, what practical problems have the artical and your seondary sources faced when doing these researches)

Will there be any bias in his research? Can you point out any bias that might come into this reseach? (for example you can develop a bond during interviews, you can ask leading questions which leads to a yes or no answer)

What research skills does he need before conducting the research? (i.e. critical thinking, recording data, the shedule of when the research takes place, critical analysis)

Do your article and secondary sources talked about their hypothesis in their research? Did they discuss about bias?

Based on the article and the secondary souces do you think he's correct for using this research method?

Explain how effective and suitable is his research method is compared to the article and your secondary sources? (do you think is more or less?)

What has your article and secondary sources did wrong that Ajay should be aware of?

Make sure in each bullet point compare Ajay's planned research to your article and secondary sources

Then after doing all these things listed in the bullet points, conclude by summarising on what you talked about

For activity 4, is it always about a person who wants to investigate further about the topic of the article. Including the number of samples that they will be using and we should talk about the ethical issues, research methodologies, planning considerations and the research skills required to explore the issue - then conclusion....
Original post by Keri00Summers
For activity 4, is it always about a person who wants to investigate further about the topic of the article. Including the number of samples that they will be using and we should talk about the ethical issues, research methodologies, planning considerations and the research skills required to explore the issue - then conclusion....

Exactly :smile:
Original post by Starlight15
Exactly :smile:

Activity 4
Do we also talk about the strengths and limitations for the implication question - 20 marker - also about the findings that can support your point and the key recommendations for changes to practice and provision - also justifying them
Original post by Keri00Summers
Activity 4
Do we also talk about the strengths and limitations for the implication question - 20 marker - also about the findings that can support your point and the key recommendations for changes to practice and provision - also justifying them

Definitely! It will help you to get higher marks
Original post by Starlight15
Definitely! It will help you to get higher marks

For activity 4, what would you write for the conclusion part?

As i was writing notes for this question, i was stuck on this part - thank you
Original post by Keri00Summers
For activity 4, what would you write for the conclusion part?

As i was writing notes for this question, i was stuck on this part - thank you

Conclusion for this question or the other one?
Original post by Starlight15
Conclusion for this question or the other one?

in general since both questions are similar
Original post by Keri00Summers
in general since both questions are similar

In conclusion, what they should consider before conducting is research is.......... It's important for them to consider these things when doing these research because.......... To make their research more reliable and valid they should............ because..........
Original post by Starlight15
In conclusion, what they should consider before conducting is research is.......... It's important for them to consider these things when doing these research because.......... To make their research more reliable and valid they should............ because..........

Original post by Keri00Summers

No problem :smile:

I took a look at unit 3 and it looks quite difficult good luck for your exams. I think the only tip I can give you is focus on your weak topics and make flashcards from it
Original post by Starlight15
No problem :smile:

I took a look at unit 3 and it looks quite difficult good luck for your exams. I think the only tip I can give you is focus on your weak topics and make flashcards from it

i think i am going to aim for a high merit for unit 3 and a distinction for unit 4 - if i can get those grades then i would be happy
Original post by Keri00Summers
i think i am going to aim for a high merit for unit 3 and a distinction for unit 4 - if i can get those grades then i would be happy

Nice! Are you doing any other units?
Original post by Starlight15
Nice! Are you doing any other units?

Unit 3 + Unit 4 = Exams
The rest are courseworks - I'm good with my courseworks so it wouldn't be a problem for me to get Distinctions
Original post by Starlight15
For this unit there’s a Part A and Part B, teachers will be giving you the part A assessment like this 4 weeks before you are given Part B which is done in exam conditions.


In the given time you are provided for Part A, you will need to choose one of the two articles that will be given to you by your teachers


An article about current health issue (i.e. coronavirus, SARS, Ebola, heart disease, lung cancer, and chronic lower respiratory diseases etc.)

An article about current social care issue (aging population, debates about vaccinations, growing population, wating times in the NHS, UK government spending on the NHS, lack of staff in the healthcare sector, many people leaving the healthcare sector, funding towards NHS staff etc.)

Once you have chosen the one article, all your efforts in Part A should relate to only that article that you’ve chosen and spend time reading understanding and highlighting the two articles.

From the article that you’ve chosen you need to find secondary sources relating to the article that you’ve chosen (Though there’s no limit on how many secondary sources you can used, however, the reference list needs to be written within the 4 sides of A4 notes)

Make sure you allocate time towards the end of Part A to prepare the notes that you will be allowed to take into the assessment room where you will sit the Part B written assessment (note: your notes should only be 4 sides of A4 paper long and has to be in 12 point font)

Your notes should only be about

Facts, figures and data relating to secondary sources covering the article’s area of research

The research methods used in the learner’s own secondary research


Choose one of the two articles that your tutors will provide you with, either an article about a current health issue or an article about a current social care issue

After choosing one article make sure you understand it by reading it through again and again, to highlighting it

Once you understood the article find other sources relating to the article which are current within the last 5 years (this is called secondary sources)

These secondary sources are used for comparing and contrasting the main article with secondary sources (or even comparing two secondary sources

There’s no limit to how many secondary sources you can used however, when you make your own references it needs to be within four sides of A4

You don’t need to print your main article as it will be there in Part B

You can’t print your secondary sources and bring it with you to your supervised assessment

So, to prepare for part B you should have:

Four sides of A4 four your notes (size 12 point on Microsoft word, google docs etc. it can also be handwritten)

Four sides of A4 for you reference list of secondary sources (There is no requirement for Harvard referencing in your sources, you can just list different links)

Make sure you’re familiar with these different terminology in research and what it means

Keywords in Research



Pilot study

Secondary Sources

Secondary research

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research




Types of Research Methods

Surveys (Quantitative)

Interviews (Qualitative)

Focus Groups (Qualitative)

Experiments (Quantitative)

Mixed Methods (Qualitative and Quantitative)

Questionnaire (Quantitative)

Secondary Data Analysis (Both)

Case Study (Both)

Observations (Participant and non-participant)

Longitudinal Studies (Both)

Primary Data (Both)


You will complete part B in exam conditions for 3 hours

In Part B, you are required to use your understanding of research methods, your chosen article relating to current health issues or current social care issues and using your own skills in carrying out secondary research around your chosen article.

There will be 4 activities in each article that you need to complete (only one) with each activity costing:

Activity 1 = 15 Marks

Activity 2 = 15 Marks

Activity 3 = 20 Marks

Activity 4 = 15 Marks

Make sure you choose either the first article or the second article DON’T complete both article one or article 2 or else you’ll be doing 8 activities (it’s not worth it as you only have 3 hours)

Some of the activities might have sub questions such as a), b), c) it’s very rare that you would see more than three

Make sure you spend the first 10 minutes reading each activity and understanding it by highlighting key words and if you have finish to check each activity that you answer ALL four activities on ONE article

For activity 1, 2 and 4, I recommend (since you only have 2 pages, though you can request for more) to do 2 to 3 paragraphs of PEEL with a conclusion (introduction is not needed or a least make the introduction a sentence long)

For activity 3 I recommed to do 3 to 4 paragrahs of PEEL since it costs 20 Marks with a conlclusion (no introduction needed or make the introduction a sentence long) and spend more time on this question (or even you can do this question first).

One of the main things you need to get higher marks is that you should always demonstrate your analytical and evaluative skills to each activity, so always comparing your article to your secondary sources:

Saying whether the main article is reliable

Who was the authors? Do they have an history of education around this specific field

The year that it was made, whether of not their data is true

Is it valid

Should they use a different research method

Justifying why you think that way i.e. they should have used in the main article questionnaires instead of interviews BECAUSE it’s less time consuming and you get more samples), see how I added because? This is called justifying

Words/sentences used for comparing




On the other hand


This (Article here) supports (secondary source here) as they both.....

This (Article here) disagrees with (secondary sources here) as they....

This data in the (article here) is back up by (enter secondary source(s) here) as....

Similar to...


In the next page, I will explain each activity mark schemes (note: even though each activities might be different from the sctivities below, note that the mark scheme for each activity still remains the same, thus applies to all questions)

FAQs on UNIT 4 by Person
Student Guide on Unit 4 by Person
Sample of Unit 4 Paper (Part A and B)
Sample of Part A

List of BTEC Nationals Health and Social Care Work Explained:
Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs Work Explained
Unit 7: Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care
Unit 8: Promoting Public Health Work Explained
Unit 12: Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs Work Explained

Hope this helps x

Feel free to PM me if you need support :smile:

hi sorry to bother you - is it okay for you to do the social section as well

also what section did you do for the exam? my teacher said the social section is alot easier to do
Original post by Starlight15
For this unit there’s a Part A and Part B, teachers will be giving you the part A assessment like this 4 weeks before you are given Part B which is done in exam conditions.


In the given time you are provided for Part A, you will need to choose one of the two articles that will be given to you by your teachers


An article about current health issue (i.e. coronavirus, SARS, Ebola, heart disease, lung cancer, and chronic lower respiratory diseases etc.)

An article about current social care issue (aging population, debates about vaccinations, growing population, wating times in the NHS, UK government spending on the NHS, lack of staff in the healthcare sector, many people leaving the healthcare sector, funding towards NHS staff etc.)

Once you have chosen the one article, all your efforts in Part A should relate to only that article that you’ve chosen and spend time reading understanding and highlighting the two articles.

From the article that you’ve chosen you need to find secondary sources relating to the article that you’ve chosen (Though there’s no limit on how many secondary sources you can used, however, the reference list needs to be written within the 4 sides of A4 notes)

Make sure you allocate time towards the end of Part A to prepare the notes that you will be allowed to take into the assessment room where you will sit the Part B written assessment (note: your notes should only be 4 sides of A4 paper long and has to be in 12 point font)

Your notes should only be about

Facts, figures and data relating to secondary sources covering the article’s area of research

The research methods used in the learner’s own secondary research


Choose one of the two articles that your tutors will provide you with, either an article about a current health issue or an article about a current social care issue

After choosing one article make sure you understand it by reading it through again and again, to highlighting it

Once you understood the article find other sources relating to the article which are current within the last 5 years (this is called secondary sources)

These secondary sources are used for comparing and contrasting the main article with secondary sources (or even comparing two secondary sources

There’s no limit to how many secondary sources you can used however, when you make your own references it needs to be within four sides of A4

You don’t need to print your main article as it will be there in Part B

You can’t print your secondary sources and bring it with you to your supervised assessment

So, to prepare for part B you should have:

Four sides of A4 four your notes (size 12 point on Microsoft word, google docs etc. it can also be handwritten)

Four sides of A4 for you reference list of secondary sources (There is no requirement for Harvard referencing in your sources, you can just list different links)

Make sure you’re familiar with these different terminology in research and what it means

Keywords in Research



Pilot study

Secondary Sources

Secondary research

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research




Types of Research Methods

Surveys (Quantitative)

Interviews (Qualitative)

Focus Groups (Qualitative)

Experiments (Quantitative)

Mixed Methods (Qualitative and Quantitative)

Questionnaire (Quantitative)

Secondary Data Analysis (Both)

Case Study (Both)

Observations (Participant and non-participant)

Longitudinal Studies (Both)

Primary Data (Both)


You will complete part B in exam conditions for 3 hours

In Part B, you are required to use your understanding of research methods, your chosen article relating to current health issues or current social care issues and using your own skills in carrying out secondary research around your chosen article.

There will be 4 activities in each article that you need to complete (only one) with each activity costing:

Activity 1 = 15 Marks

Activity 2 = 15 Marks

Activity 3 = 20 Marks

Activity 4 = 15 Marks

Make sure you choose either the first article or the second article DON’T complete both article one or article 2 or else you’ll be doing 8 activities (it’s not worth it as you only have 3 hours)

Some of the activities might have sub questions such as a), b), c) it’s very rare that you would see more than three

Make sure you spend the first 10 minutes reading each activity and understanding it by highlighting key words and if you have finish to check each activity that you answer ALL four activities on ONE article

For activity 1, 2 and 4, I recommend (since you only have 2 pages, though you can request for more) to do 2 to 3 paragraphs of PEEL with a conclusion (introduction is not needed or a least make the introduction a sentence long)

For activity 3 I recommed to do 3 to 4 paragrahs of PEEL since it costs 20 Marks with a conlclusion (no introduction needed or make the introduction a sentence long) and spend more time on this question (or even you can do this question first).

One of the main things you need to get higher marks is that you should always demonstrate your analytical and evaluative skills to each activity, so always comparing your article to your secondary sources:

Saying whether the main article is reliable

Who was the authors? Do they have an history of education around this specific field

The year that it was made, whether of not their data is true

Is it valid

Should they use a different research method

Justifying why you think that way i.e. they should have used in the main article questionnaires instead of interviews BECAUSE it’s less time consuming and you get more samples), see how I added because? This is called justifying

Words/sentences used for comparing




On the other hand


This (Article here) supports (secondary source here) as they both.....

This (Article here) disagrees with (secondary sources here) as they....

This data in the (article here) is back up by (enter secondary source(s) here) as....

Similar to...


In the next page, I will explain each activity mark schemes (note: even though each activities might be different from the sctivities below, note that the mark scheme for each activity still remains the same, thus applies to all questions)

FAQs on UNIT 4 by Person
Student Guide on Unit 4 by Person
Sample of Unit 4 Paper (Part A and B)
Sample of Part A

List of BTEC Nationals Health and Social Care Work Explained:
Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs Work Explained
Unit 7: Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care
Unit 8: Promoting Public Health Work Explained
Unit 12: Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs Work Explained

Hope this helps x

Feel free to PM me if you need support :smile:

hi sorry to bother you - is it okay for you to do the social section as well

also what section did you do for the exam? my teacher said the social section is alot easier to do

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