It may be worth looking at the cradle-to-grave career paths of all 3 (4 if you include RM) services' officer aircrew. Without commiting to the efficacies of each system, the commissioned AAC pilots have a greater opportunity for employment outside of branch, after the first or second tours. (That is a political way of saying that you ain't gonna do much flying after that, apart from maybe 1 tour as a sqn commander - and maybe one more as CO (non-Apache) Regt). At least in the RAF you could have the chance of 'PA Spine' (ask TPD, I'm a Rock!) and then continuing to wear your flying suit on all occasions up until your 55th birthday.
That said, you will have FAR more opportunity making things go 'bang' in the AAC, although RAF Bangs are bigger and louder, the aircraft is usually a lot further away!
If the flying is your main reason for joining up, think seriously before signing the dotted line.