The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Reply 2

How is it not? And when is it a crime?
It's a crime when you posess them with intent to use or supply.
If you have a few in your garden, nobody would even notice. Obviously if you had loads that would be a different issue, especially if you were supplying them to people.

Besides, I don't think magic mushrooms really would grow in an ordinary garden, most grow in more wooded areas as far as I know.
Reply 5
i think its only a crime if you dry them out, for use.
They're illegal if they're prepared - i.e. in a bag, dried, stewed, crushed or in any shape or form other than untouched at the end of your garden while you lock your house and stay indoors away from their evil influence.
But, lets be honest, no one is going to notice if you pick them then add them to an irish stew.
They used to sell them in Portobello Road Market, for around £5 a mushroom i think...
Totally Legal, but they clearly stated for research only :rolleyes:
It only becomes illegal if you pick them, so if you eat them without picking them you could do it all day in front of a million cops ant they could do bugger all

(I don't actually know if you can eat them raw, I'm a bit of a novice)
Reply 10
It's illegal to grow them in the UK.
Its not a crime if you eat em off the ground. (Or can prove you didnt mean to pick them)
"sorry officer, i thought they were legl so i put them in this little baggie...." wont cut it.