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Best College for Durham University

Hi everyone,
I'm thinking of applying for Durham University in 2021. I'm going to be studying English Literature. I've narrowed down my search of colleges to 4 that seem to be within the closest distance of the English department and the Library.
These are: St Chad's, Hatfield, St.Cuthbert's, and St John's.
Would I be correct in thinking that most of the English lectures are near the English department? On the map, it says the English department is located on Hallgarth Street.
Any info would be greatly appreciated, many thanks :smile:
And is anyone able to give feedback on John Snow and Collingwood also?
Reply 2
I have been accepted to Trevelyan College and I'm waiting to start uni. I don't know about the 4 colleges though
Original post by Ella Peebles
Hi everyone,
I'm thinking of applying for Durham University in 2021. I'm going to be studying English Literature. I've narrowed down my search of colleges to 4 that seem to be within the closest distance of the English department and the Library.
These are: St Chad's, Hatfield, St.Cuthbert's, and St John's.
Would I be correct in thinking that most of the English lectures are near the English department? On the map, it says the English department is located on Hallgarth Street.
Any info would be greatly appreciated, many thanks :smile:

Chads, Cuths and St. Johns are Bailey colleges, older buildings with a quirkier feel. Hatfield is nearby too. Hatfield has a reputation of being very 'posh', st. Johns has links to a theological college which is attached so has a reputation of being more 'Christian', and Chads is the smallest. St. Johns is meant to have the best food, and you get free laundry :smile: There's always competition for bailey colleges so do your research on numbers in each college, shared rooms, likelihood of getting it as your first choice etc. Good luck.
Reply 4
The Hill colleges (Van Mildert, Collingwood, Grey, Marys, Trevs, Aidans, ...) are all still within easy walking distance to the English (and Language etc. ...) departments . So if you want to apply to a Bailey college then do so, but if you get allocated to a Hill college then you'll still have an easy walk to the department. Durham is a small city!
Original post by atzy_26
I have been accepted to Trevelyan College and I'm waiting to start uni. I don't know about the 4 colleges though

What's trevelyan like?

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