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Ten Miles to a New World (2020/21 GYG)

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Original post by MidnightSymphony
I guess. I might look into debating society some more tonight.
Sober October ends early (on Saturday) so I have 2 more days of it which is cool

Good to hear! How’s self isolation been? Have Cardiff been any good or have they been like one of those neglectful unis that give you nothing?
I’m not planning on moving back either- though, I am considering moving home a week early for Christmas provided we don’t have to self-isolate prior to going.

not too bad, i was going a bit crazy the last few days but thankfully i get on w my flatmates so we all occupied each other :laugh: they've been quite good w communicating, i got a very thorough email of what i should be doing during the self isolation period!! we got 20 quid credit i think to use their delivery service but it's expensive so i just got another friend from a flat to get me stuff if i needed it.
that's not a bad idea, i think i'll just wait till the term ends as i'm not in a rush :lol:
Reply 41
Sun Oct 25-

Where do I even start? Erm

Might as well start with the chemistry, let's go:

Chemical Thinking
On Friday we did the first part of the "Three Step Lab", which is converting benzenecarboxylic acid to something else via benzaldehyde. I got a good mark in a lab for once! But when the overall lab is done, after this Friday coming, we have to produce a lab report, of which we need a draft in by November 5th, which will then be reviewed in a lesson on that day, and then we need to produce a final version by the end of the Sunday of that week, so I know how I'll be spending the lockdown. On top of that, we also have...

Structure and Bonding 1
...a presentation to do. This technically isn't due until the 18th, but the lack of anything to do over the next couple of weeks means I will more than likely be spending a lot of time on it. We are split into groups of 5 and each of us has to tackle a past exam question, explaining it using both topic and prior chemical knowledge. As for work, gases wasn't awful, but it is difficult. Coming up this week- Diatomic Molecular Orbital Theory (which is every bit as dire as it sounds, though I'm juuuust about getting the hang of it), Isomerism (cannot bring myself to finish my pre-lecture notes, and the lecture is 1pm tomorrow. Hahaha. I'm bored), and then on Thursday, Intermolecular Forces (A-Level, mostly, but with some awful-looking but easy-to-apply equations thrown in), and Phase Diagrams. Plus, two workshops. A busy week, then, but that is fine, given, again, the lack of anything going on.

I went running on Thursday! It was so nice to get back out and into it. (Apologies if any of this post looks weird from here on. TSR has decided it wants to glitch now). Unfortunately, the weather since Thursday has been very bad (we had a thunderstorm this morning with thunder so long you'd be forgiven for thinking the sky was falling off), and isn't much forecast to perk up this week coming, so I might just go out in the rain eventually (although tomorrow does look lovely).

I'm strangely excited to go shopping Tuesday, because I want to see what Tesco looks like under the non-essential item ban. I will take photos. It will be funny. I like going on Twitter and seeing the people up in arms about Tesco not selling books right now (including one woman claiming that this was the start of an Orwellian world- first thing to go is the literature, she says) as if they religiously bought cookbooks by Jamie Oliver and Z-List celebrities' autobiographies beforehand anyway. You can still eat! Oh my god! All the food is still there! People are literally dying- ok, I'll stop ranting now. But you get the point I'm making. This is for 2 weeks, and they will sell the things again from November 9.

What else? Oh yes, I had a lovely evening yesterday on a WhatsApp call with my family for my gran's birthday. An unusual birthday (I've had the most normal birthday out of anyone this year) but one she did seem to rather enjoy, and she liked seeing us all. It's my grampa's birthday this Tuesday so that's another call, and my sister's in two weeks- oh, guess what? Another call...

Our flat has a fly problem. My room has a fly problem. I wonder if I made it worse on Thursday because I got a KFC on Deliveroo and I left the box sitting on the desk with chicken bones in it overnight, which is a very ill-advised idea, even if your room doesn't have a fly problem (which I didn't think it did, at the time). The KFC box is now in the bin, having not even been opened again, because I refuse to open it. It's tied up in a black bag and I'll throw it in the big bin outside tomorrow, and hope this solves part of the issue at least specifically in my room.

I've run my food stock right down this week. Praying to God I don't have to isolate before I can go shopping. I have many tins of beans, some pasta and some rice and some potatoes. End. Oh, and a few tins of soup. Tomorrow's food is going to be a random mishmash of the stuff I have here. Pasta and chips anyone?

Update- it is now 0:19 on Monday, two hours after I started this update. I have run around the room chasing flies and squashing them for most of this time, and the aforementioned bag is in the big outside bin where it shall never be seen again for ever and ever amen

I guess after all that it's about time to end the update. Hope you're all doing well. Be back at the end of the week.


flies are so annoying :sadnod: we've lots of big flying bugs in the kitchen at night here but nothing too bad :laugh:
running is very liberating isn't it :yep:
yeah i think i'm gonna keep myself busy w work during the lockdown so i guess that's a plus of it :rofl:
Reply 43
Sat Nov 7-

Again, an update written in the middle of the night, because that's really all the time I have for update-writing.

The last week has been utterly tiring and chaotic in terms of course content buuuut not really in my personal life, which has been really quiet, because Wales has spent over a fortnight in lockdown and we're still going- Swansea has been locked down for 6 weeks now which is really something from an area which still yet almost never sees any improvement in case rates.

We've technically finished our first two modules now! But there are still assignments outstanding, as I'll go into here-

Structure and Bonding 1-
We finished the module by looking at Polyatomic Molecular Orbital Theory, which isn't absolutely terrible if you have a pre-existing grasp of MO Theory in general which I got from the previous week, although that's not to say I actually get it that well, as well as conformations in organic molecules (CHAIR CHAIR CHAIR no context HALF-CHAIR DEFORMED WEIRD CHAIR) and a very brief look at the start of co-ordination chemistry (formation of ions and ligands etc.) with regard to the transition metal ions. Multiple workshops which I've done in the middle of the night throughout the week cap off the module, and my workshop marks have been 8/10 and, uh, 4/10, for a total of 12/20, which isn't great, but my marks for the one, bigger, workshop in each of weeks 4 and 5 were 11/20, so that's some improvement, actually (not that this ought to be considered one). Presentation due by the 18th, and today's lab, the first analytical one, has analysis due by the end of Sunday (for 50 marks, according to Canvas! Please say that's wrong)

Chemical Thinking-
Lab report on the three-step synthesis lab that we did over weeks 4 and 5. Submitted the draft on Thursday for peer-reviewing in a session on Thursday afternoon but nobody peer-reviewed mine (we each got sent two but then got told we only actually had to do one of the ones we got sent if one was long, so I guess I drew a short straw and neither person who got sent mine ended up doing it), so I'll be emailing my lecturer tomorrow regarding where I go from here, because ideally this also has to be done by the end of Sunday, although that isn't the official deadline. We also have a maths quiz on what we know thus far (according to Canvas, lecturer hasn't mentioned it, but I'll likely do it anyway), and then that's it for this module I believe, other than the once-a-week simple maths reviews on Wednesdays.

Chemical Reactions 1-
New module time! This will encompass all the class slots for the remaining five weeks of term, although it seems to only be three intense weeks of actual content as this week is review and the final week is almost completely dedicated to workshops. As I said, this week coming is a review week- of thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibria and acid-base reactions. I'm going to treat it almost as if it were a reading week, in all honesty, because I imagine the classes we do have will be short and concise and I don't have a great deal of outstanding work to do after this weekend.

Lockdown is nearly over in Wales- HAH not really. The changes to lockdown mean that for social purposes we're basically still in lockdown so I'm not going to rush out and meet anyone during the next two weeks. Other than collecting my medicines from my mother on the 21st I imagine I'll just spend the next two weeks as I have the last two, so that's that.

Running kinda fell through. Done very little. Will do more though.

It's my boyfriend and I's 4th anniversary coming up. Why do I mention this? Well, one of my presents, I believe, is going to be his old computer camera thing, because he's bought a new and more advanced one. It has a mic too. So could this indicate a revival of that YouTube channel? ...mayyyybe. If I do, I have more of an idea where I'm going with it this time, so watch this space I guess

Anything more? Nope. Like I say, I could detail my day to day activities of milling about my flat, talking to flatmates, and then going back to my room and milling about in here, but, well, yeah. I feel stuck and the weather's been perpetually dire, though thankfully the weather forecast is good now, so that might be an opportunity for me to get out more. Gotta run, y'know? But firstly...gotta sleep. I've gotten very little sleep this week. Blame the election.

(edit- thought my last update was one week ago, not two weeks. Fly problem is gone now. Tesco barely looked different. Haven't had KFC since- but tomorrow night maybe?)


(edited 3 years ago)
Reply 44
That's kind of taking the piss that nobody reviewed the lab report. Also seems a bit weird? Haven't heard of other courses doing that for lab reports.
US elections also got me sleep-deprived in the middle of the week :nothing: it's the perfect storm of prolonging stress and uncertainty
Reply 45
Original post by Sinnoh
That's kind of taking the piss that nobody reviewed the lab report. Also seems a bit weird? Haven't heard of other courses doing that for lab reports.
US elections also got me sleep-deprived in the middle of the week :nothing: it's the perfect storm of prolonging stress and uncertainty

It's frustrating. I had wanted to get a final draft submitted by the end of today, really, but I still haven't had feedback on the first one, and an email to my lecturer hasn't really helped.
Oh god yeah- I didn't notice much how tired I was last week, running on adrenaline I guess, or something along those lines, but I woke at 11 this morning which isn't advisable when you have a lecture at 10-
congratulations on you and your boyfriend's 4th year anniversary :smile:
cannot relate on the us elections stuff, i've perhaps checked it once a day if that :colondollar:
Reply 47
Thu Nov 12-

So I don't think I'm getting tested before I leave for Christmas. Lovely, that. Tests have to be prioritised for those with vulnerable parents though, I do get that. So on that note, three weeks to going home on December 4th, which I had planned for a while but ironically is now an absolute due to the govt as if I predicted it.

I'm going to summarise this week in very brief by saying it's been a recap week and I'm already not keeping up, so the next three will be veritable hell. Chemical Reactions is a joyous unit with totally definitely lots of nice easy topics :colonhash: the final week of term is all workshops and stuff but there's still three weeks of content in the way first.

Lockdown ended here in Wales on Monday and the city centre on Tuesday reflected that by being b u s y. I got a McDonald's before I went to Tesco, but didn't eat much, because a bird actually smacked itself into my ******* face to get my burger, idiotic little thing. So then I walked to Tesco, cursing the whole way, and then I called my sister for her birthday in what I thought was after school, but she was still in technology class at the time so that wasn't great either :/ then later on Tuesday I started giving a lot of thought to living arrangements for 2nd year. The only coursemates I talk to have plans, and I don't know anyone from my societies or indeed anybody else, and I don't really know where that leaves me. Because I live close, I am tempted to move back home and commute, but I know I'll miss out on a lot that way, and around the point of realising this together I went outside and thought I was going to cry because I just felt like a complete idiot. I'm ok now but if anyone has any suggestions for what I could do let me know pls

Yesterday was hardly better. I felt so tired I fell asleep in the mid-afternoon and after I woke back up it was just so damn depressing all evening. Today, however, has been a much better day. It's a flatmate's birthday and there's a lovely atmosphere in the flat, so there's that. However, I got a scam text from not-actually-HSBC (who aren't even my bank!) earlier and clicked the link like an idiot so I've been on the phone to my bank to make sure my money is secure, and then I went to go and buy some alcohol from the on-campus shop and my card got declined first time so panic stations initiated.

I won't lie, these next three weeks can't go fast enough. It's not that I'm not enjoying, but damn I need a break right about now, and after two months away I'd like to go back home again. On that note though, coming back is a big question mark at present. I won't be back until late January at the earliest, but I'm not entirely sure pertaining my plans from then on. It's not that I don't enjoy being here. I do. I have wonderful flatmates and I'm quite comfortable. But I would be happier at home, I know that. So what to do? Come back or stay? No clue.

Right, I'm going again now. How's life, guys? Any way decent? I'm starting to get a feeling that some not-covid thing has spread around the flat because I and the other two guys both feel bloody awful intermittently but with none of the three covid symptoms. Let's hope we don't develop any.


i am not homesick but i am looking forward to going back home too :sadnod:
i've heard cardiff's been packed since lockdown's lifted but i've yet to go to into town!
hope you're feeling alright, i've been a bit worried about second year housing too :console:
Reply 49
Original post by absolutelysprout
i am not homesick but i am looking forward to going back home too :sadnod:
i've heard cardiff's been packed since lockdown's lifted but i've yet to go to into town!
hope you're feeling alright, i've been a bit worried about second year housing too :console:

Yeah that's how I feel, basically
Oh yeah maybe don't go in then I guess, though obviously shopping needs be done so there's that
Tbh I wasn't too worried before Tuesday but when I decided to bring it up I found out everyone's already making plans and idk, I guess I felt kinda isolated and alone in that moment and I did get pretty upset, but it was definitely overreacting
Reply 50
Original post by MidnightSymphony
So I don't think I'm getting tested before I leave for Christmas. Lovely, that. Tests have to be prioritised for those with vulnerable parents though, I do get that. So on that note, three weeks to going home on December 4th, which I had planned for a while but ironically is now an absolute due to the govt as if I predicted it.

later on Tuesday I started giving a lot of thought to living arrangements for 2nd year. The only coursemates I talk to have plans, and I don't know anyone from my societies or indeed anybody else, and I don't really know where that leaves me. Because I live close, I am tempted to move back home and commute, but I know I'll miss out on a lot that way, and around the point of realising this together I went outside and thought I was going to cry because I just felt like a complete idiot. I'm ok now but if anyone has any suggestions for what I could do let me know pls

I won't lie, these next three weeks can't go fast enough. It's not that I'm not enjoying, but damn I need a break right about now, and after two months away I'd like to go back home again. On that note though, coming back is a big question mark at present. I won't be back until late January at the earliest, but I'm not entirely sure pertaining my plans from then on. It's not that I don't enjoy being here. I do. I have wonderful flatmates and I'm quite comfortable. But I would be happier at home, I know that. So what to do? Come back or stay? No clue.

Right, I'm going again now. How's life, guys? Any way decent? I'm starting to get a feeling that some not-covid thing has spread around the flat because I and the other two guys both feel bloody awful intermittently but with none of the three covid symptoms. Let's hope we don't develop any.

Uni of York has also signed up to the UK government's mass Covid testing scheme but we're still waiting for further details about how to get a test before I go back home to London for the Christmas break - not that I currently have any symptoms but I want to be on the safe side knowing I'm not passing this deadly virus around.

I can completely relate with living arrangements for next year albeit I'll be going into my third year - I find it really awkward living with my housemates atm, we barely talk atm because we're all drowned with academic work but they're alright in general. I'm not sure if I want to live with my current housemates again though and Plan B would be to potentially secure a student house somewhere else (I want to be closer to the city centre/near Morrisons if possible) with some other friends of mine - I have two in mind, and I did ask one of them but things remain uncertain for the time being.

Again, I can relate about how I just want term to end. I'm very sleep deprived and just mentally and physically exhausted and I'm extremely behind on this week's work - I was prioritising my formative assignment for politics and the lectures and seminar for the same module. Now, I'm just procrastinating a bit on TSR (oops).

I think I've pretty much summed up how I'm doing except for the fact I didn't mention about my birthday which was on Monday - I had quite a lovely birthday although it was much different to how I first envisaged. Sorry to hear that some non-Covid thing has spread around your flat, I hope it's not Covid and get well soon! :smile:
Reply 51
Original post by CoffeeAndPolitics
Uni of York has also signed up to the UK government's mass Covid testing scheme but we're still waiting for further details about how to get a test before I go back home to London for the Christmas break - not that I currently have any symptoms but I want to be on the safe side knowing I'm not passing this deadly virus around.

Again, I can relate about how I just want term to end. I'm very sleep deprived and just mentally and physically exhausted and I'm extremely behind on this week's work - I was prioritising my formative assignment for politics and the lectures and seminar for the same module. Now, I'm just procrastinating a bit on TSR (oops).

I think I've pretty much summed up how I'm doing except for the fact I didn't mention about my birthday which was on Monday - I had quite a lovely birthday although it was much different to how I first envisaged. Sorry to hear that some non-Covid thing has spread around your flat, I hope it's not Covid and get well soon! :smile:

Swansea have said in no uncertain terms that testing everyone is impossible, so there's going to be prioritisation, but they've also said we're encouraged to arrange to travel after our last-in person lecture, which is...obvious, other than for those who live close by and aren't actually planning on doing exactly that. i.e. me, going home in the 2nd-to-last week and getting a bus up for my last labs because I live 10 miles away and I can

Not very long now tbf. Hope you can catch up on the work or at least some of.

Happy belated birthday! Glad it was alright even in lockdown
Reply 52
Original post by MidnightSymphony
Swansea have said in no uncertain terms that testing everyone is impossible, so there's going to be prioritisation, but they've also said we're encouraged to arrange to travel after our last-in person lecture, which is...obvious, other than for those who live close by and aren't actually planning on doing exactly that. i.e. me, going home in the 2nd-to-last week and getting a bus up for my last labs because I live 10 miles away and I can

Not very long now tbf. Hope you can catch up on the work or at least some of.

Happy belated birthday! Glad it was alright even in lockdown

Yh, there will be carveats to unis signing up to the UK government's mass Covid testing scheme for us uni students - they promised a 'world-beating track and trace system' by 1st June and we know how that rhetoric has aged. Anyways, I hope I'll be able to get a test once York gets for clarification about how we can get one - I don't think I have Covid as I don't have any symptoms but I would rather be safe than sorry. According to gov't guidance for student travel for Christmas, it is NOT mandatory to get a Covid test just to confirm the all clear but still my personal concern stands.

Sorry for rambling a bit but I hope you enjoy your last in-person lecture. I've had everything online for the last 3 weeks I think it was, maybe even 4 and I feel just feel demotivated to do work, depressed and isolated.


Anyways, I only have 3 weeks left of term which is good because I'm feel mentally and physically exhausted and I need a proper break. As for the workload, I've tried to get a bit done today (halfway through a lecture for a module) and I did a food shop at Morrisons - got some gin for myself.

Thanks, I really appreciate that! It was a great birthday for one that was in lockdown tbh, I celebrated with friends via Zoom and some close friends surprised me with delivering cards and gifts in person - I had to meet them outside my door step.

Hope things are treating you well (again, I feel like I'm just rambling on about my life argh :/ ) :smile:
Reply 53
Original post by MidnightSymphony
Swansea have said in no uncertain terms that testing everyone is impossible, so there's going to be prioritisation, but they've also said we're encouraged to arrange to travel after our last-in person lecture, which is...obvious, other than for those who live close by and aren't actually planning on doing exactly that. i.e. me, going home in the 2nd-to-last week and getting a bus up for my last labs because I live 10 miles away and I can

Not very long now tbf. Hope you can catch up on the work or at least some of.

Happy belated birthday! Glad it was alright even in lockdown

Yh, there will be caveats to unis signing up to the UK government's mass Covid testing scheme for us uni students - they promised a 'world-beating track and trace system' by 1st June and we know how that rhetoric has aged. Anyways, I hope I'll be able to get a test once York gets for clarification about how we can get one - I don't think I have Covid as I don't have any symptoms but I would rather be safe than sorry. According to gov't guidance for student travel for Christmas, it is NOT mandatory to get a Covid test just to confirm the all-clear but still, my personal concern stands.

Sorry for rambling a bit but I hope you enjoy your last in-person lecture. I've had everything online for the last 3 weeks I think it was, maybe even 4 and I feel just feel demotivated to do work, depressed and isolated.


Anyways, I only have 3 weeks left of term which is good because I'm feeling mentally and physically exhausted and I need a proper break. As for the workload, I've tried to get a bit done today (halfway through a lecture for a module) and I did a food shop at Morrisons - got some gin for myself.

Thanks, I really appreciate that! It was a great birthday for one that was in lockdown tbh, I celebrated with friends via Zoom and some close friends surprised me with delivering cards and gifts in person - I had to meet them outside my doorstep.

Hope things are treating you well (again, I feel like I'm just rambling on about my life argh :/ ) :smile:
Reply 54
Thu Nov 19-

So it seems like most of my deadlines are on Wednesday evenings so Thursday is update day now

I have just finished a 100 mark presentation, which was really quite stressful, especially when I had to upload voice clips from my phone to my laptop last night and the connection didn't work. There's a peer-review element to the marking so we have to review the presentations of four other people by Monday night, so that adds to the workload for this weekend, which also has a quiz and our second lab report. There's a lab report per module, it seems. Speaking of them, the marks for our first lab report are coming back gradually in sections, and it seems I did...uh...bad, so far. To make up for it somewhat, though, I got 10/10 on a workshop last week and 46/50 on my lab assessment for the partition lab, which has really surprised me considering I thought it all went to ****.

In lectures, which I won't divide my module because it's now become one big module for the rest of term, we've done a further development on equilibrium and acids and bases, as well as looking at integrated rate laws and some stuff on electrophilic addition reactions which will continue into next week because apparently there's so much to talk about with them (I totally switched off in my organic lecture this morning, I'll be honest)

I'm trying to think of anything that's interesting that's happened since the last update, but there's really been nothing. Life isn't the most interesting right now, life is deadlines. I believe that we have another lab report (due Nov 30th), another presentation (due Dec 11th), a module summary and self-reflection progress thing (due Dec 21st, don't question that, I am), and some more general 50-mark lab assessments? We then have exams on January 6th and 19th which I strongly suspect will be online though I haven't had the utmost information about them yet. I intend at this stage to draft the lab report this weekend as I said earlier (lab is tomorrow) and develop it over what I hope will be a slightly quieter week next week.

I really need a good way of studying. I wish I could give study tips, but honestly, I'm the one who needs them rather than giving any. My studying usually consists of me saying I'll do things for a week and then staying up until 3am doing them the night before they're due, and I hate it, and I'm sick of doing it and I'm really tired, but yet every time I'll get myself in a cycle of putting things off for ages. Despite my intentions of getting my lab report done over the weekend, you can put money on it I won't manage that.

Two more weeks until I go home, meaning two more weeks of actual lectures (last week is just workshops and a lab, and a day of giving virtual presentations in groups). How's everything for you guys as we get closer to Christmas? For the English people, how's lockdown? Wales has been out for a week and a half now but it barely feels different from when we were in.


well done on your marks!!
very much with you on the existing feeling at the moment :sadnod: went out twice this week though which has been quite nice! :gah: (may have gotten accidentally drunk on a wednesday night :redface:)
hope you get that report done :rave:
Well done on your results @MidnightSymphony!

Do you know which study methods work best for you? for me when I was a student it took me a while to figure out what we my definite 'do's and don't's'.

If I was working towards an assignment, I had to start treating like a job where I'd work 9-5 on it, give myself a lunch break and then I'd have the rest of my evenings and weekends free

For exams however (depending on the dates, the way your exams fall, the weighting of them and the method of assessment) this method didn't always work for me. I'd try and give myself enough time to tackle the hardest topic first, even if it was my last exam I'd at least work on downsizing the notes, and then move on to the easier and less time consuming topics.

I'm also very much a visual learner and have to colour coordinate my notes, I love flash cards and I hate mindmaps and really dislike working weekends! hopefully once you figure out what works best for you things will get a bit easier, take care of yourself :smile:

We have the centre for academic success too, so if you're struggling you could reach out to them? :smile:

- Mia
Reply 58
Thu Nov 26-

One more week! (and tomorrow, but shh. Well, and the workshop week, but that doesn't count) Uni terms feel so long compared to school terms, ngl. It's been about 2 and a half months since I moved in now but it feels like way longer than that again.

We had a Zoom meeting as a department today to clarify some of what's happenening over the coming months. Exams were confirmed as follows-

Wednesday January 6- Structure and Bonding 1
Tuesday January 19- Chemical Reactions 1
Thursday January 21- Lab Assessment

Lectures will then restart on January 25th, and from then, we will only do in-person labs every other week, because the Friday of every second week will be dedicated to the Career in Chemistry module which I...think I might choose the teaching component of, only because I want to see how much I like and adapt to teaching. I don't think I'd leave uni and go straight into the classroom but it certainly is a consideration for later on.

Back to now, though, and we've done quite a lot, but again, I'm not going to divide by module, it's still one enormous one. We've done electrophilic addition to death now (I was a little more concentrated in organic lecture this morning, but not enormously, I admit) and for the two organic periods next week we're doing nucleophilic addition in some form or other, have yet to watch the videos. Yesterday we did kinetics and their relation to mechanisms for example in enzymes, which is very complicated and very maths-y. We've also done some acid-base work (not too basic, not too acidic either) and tomorrow's lab is based around that, as we are doing an "equilibrium suite", whatever that involves. I still need to do the pre-lab which I'll do as soon as this is written.

We have another lab report due Thursday, and possibly yet another the week after, before the last lab of term is also going to generate one. They really love making us write lab reports, it seems. We also have a presentation due by the 11th in a group, and a short reflective thing to write, and that's about it for the next month now, so that's not all too awful, but then exams start in a little over a month, so revision must start...soon. I think I'll be moving back in here after Christmas on January 20th unless I decide to stay home. I want to be home for the exams, but I'll have to be here for the lab assessment. I'll commute for that if I decide to stay home though.

It's been another mostly uneventful week in the life, although since this week started something seems to have it in for me. I smashed two glasses Monday, my mask snapped in Tesco on Tuesday, I was spontaneously sick yesterday and my shower didn't drain so I flooded my bathroom today. What did I do now? What's gonna happen tomorrow? It's lab day tomorrow too, so that's extra dangerous.

With a month or so left of 2020, how's everyone feeling? I was given a valuable piece of study advice by a lecturer recently which I ought to have brought up last week, referencing what's known as Parkinson's Law; a task will expand to fill the time you allocate it. If you give it two hours, you'll do it in two hours. If you say "I'll do it today" you'll dither about and do it slowly enough that it fills the entire day. Just something to think about.

Will be back next Thursday, no doubt, unless I'm having a breakdown about packing, which is likely.


your second exam is quite spaced out from your first one!
you must have had a few interesting days :console: hope packing goes well :yep:
feels a bit weird that 2020's already almost over tbh
(edited 3 years ago)