Back to uni in 2 weeks, should really work more consistently. Pretty happy with how much I finished this summer though.
Topology exercises can be pretty frustrating, in that you can sometimes tell it's a simple question with a simple answer but it can take a little bit of thinking to get it down on paper and ironed out. (or think of a counterexample that works) Find this the case with topology more so than other areas. Worked through the first two exercise sections (in the topological spaces section) of Munkres and odd exercises from some other sections. I looked at Munkres' other book "Analysis on Manifolds" and I think ch. 2-4 covers everything I need for MV calc, which I'll keep in mind because I quite like his topology book. I do very much look forward to ch5 and beyond where the actual manifold-y stuff comes in. Apparently Steen and Seebach's "Counterexamples in Topology" is good for building intuition and coming up with counterexamples to things, might look at it.
I think I'm basically done with the content of stats, I know the rest of the inferential stuff from FS1 (power functions, type I/type II errors, etc.) and I really don't care to go through it again because nothing more interesting is really done with it, it isn't really expanded upon except stated slightly more formally. (I was aware of these formulations anyway because I didn't like A-levels way of presenting things) Definitely prefer more abstract courses. (of course you need examples but imo it should be more examples interspersing the theory rather than theory interspersing the examples) Will work through a few of the extension questions. The exam literally just looks like distributional stuff, which I'm glad about because that's the stuff in stats I like but it doesn't really feel like a lot is covered.