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Reply 1
I think you have a good chance. My Standard Grades ( GCSE equivalents) weren't great, 11122223 ( 1 being highest, 7 lowest) and I still got in. I really doubt they will bother about your GCSE's, It's A levels they care about!
Reply 2
Thasks for that. Im hoping to study psychology because I've read it was quite good there. Is it very competetive to get into because the guide says 10 applicants per place whice seems very steep. Also were you a Scottish student before going there?

Reply 3
Well to be honest, I think It just depends. I applied for three courses, Geography, Geoscience and Geography with French. The minimum grades were ABBBB, and those were my predictive grades so I was borderline, however I still got accepted into every course. I think it just depends on a good personal statement, St Andrews seem to go more by this than by grades, as some of my friends with fantastic grades but not so good personal statements didn't get in. Yes I'm a scottish student, although not being a scottish student would probably benefit you!
Well to be honest, I think It just depends. I applied for three courses, Geography, Geoscience and Geography with French. The minimum grades were ABBBB, and those were my predictive grades so I was borderline, however I still got accepted into every course. I think it just depends on a good personal statement, St Andrews seem to go more by this than by grades, as some of my friends with fantastic grades but not so good personal statements didn't get in. Yes I'm a scottish student, although not being a scottish student would probably benefit you!

Hi, were you 17 when you went to university then; in Scotland do people go to university one year earlier than people in England?

If so, will being one year older than everyone else be a disadvantage in any way?
Reply 5
Hi, were you 17 when you went to university then; in Scotland do people go to university one year earlier than people in England?

If so, will being one year older than everyone else be a disadvantage in any way?

Im not there yet, starting in a few weeks and I will actually be 16 (long story). Some scottish students are 17, but lots are 18, as most have stayed on at school for 6th year. You won't be at any disadvantage.
Im not there yet, starting in a few weeks and I will actually be 16 (long story). Some scottish students are 17, but lots are 18, as most have stayed on at school for 6th year. You won't be at any disadvantage.

Oh wow, and thanks for the info, good luck there!
Reply 7
They dont care about ur GCSE's mine are worse BBBBCCCCCD, and i just got ABBB at AS level so if u aint got a chance..what chance have i got lol
Reply 8
Not again, most unis dont care what you got for GCSE, they are effectively worthless once you get AS levels, all but the very VERY top universities (i.e. Oxbridge) dont actually care as long as you show you know your stuff at AS.
Hi I'm new here and just started sixth form doing biology, chemistry, psychology and english literature. I intend to really try hard and try and get all A's at A level.
But the question I was wanting to ask does AAAAABBBBBD put me essentialy out of the question or is it still possible.


Hey! I see your location says you're from too :biggrin: Anyway, my brother got into St Andrews on something like AAAABBBCC so it's definitely possible. I've never heard of St Andrews using GCSE grades too much (although I'm sure they do look at them to some extent)
ooolllddd Thread :tongue:

But yeah... It's highers they look for and a good personal statement. But then again - depends on the department :tongue:
Reply 11
Im not there yet, starting in a few weeks and I will actually be 16 (long story). Some scottish students are 17, but lots are 18, as most have stayed on at school for 6th year. You won't be at any disadvantage.

I'm going to be 19. I feel old.
Reply 12
I'm going to be 19. I feel old.

Ditto :/..except I'm already 19 since the 23rd of this month woop.

EDIT: I now have an offer with my crappy GCSE's to that guy has no prob! :smile:
ooolllddd Thread :tongue:

Ooops didn't see how old it was!
Reply 14
Typical. Here I was getting my hopes up that I shouldn't actually bother revising until next year, and then you go and blow all my hopes out of the water :-( ^^

If there's any good advice I can give you, it's to work hard at your AS-Levels first time round. Firstly, they'll be a major factor in deciding your predicted grades. Second, 50% of your A-Level is made up from this (and you will score lower in A2 than AS, if you try in both). Third. I did the exact same thing. It made the summer A2 exam season HELL. I was having to do all these A2 modules (that are a lot harder for some subjects), plus a large number of retakes. It meant I was working at all hours for weeks.
Reply 15
Ditto :/..except I'm already 19 since the 23rd of this month woop.

EDIT: I now have an offer with my crappy GCSE's to that guy has no prob! :smile:

What Gcse's did you get? because i feel like i am you at this particular moment,
please reply thanks!!
Reply 16
Original post by eevhsay
what gcse's did you get? Because i feel like i am you at this particular moment,
please reply thanks!!

Reply 17

For which course?:smile:
Reply 18
Not good I guess, but certainly possible.
Reply 19
Original post by Tasha 11
For which course?:smile:

MChem. Chemistry.