OFFICIAL POST #1 - What the Oxford English Dictionary doesn't tell you about The Day Before Final Year™Hey guys!
Welcome to my 3rd GYG on TSR! It's been a hot minute and it's like I forget how to write these posts properly
. The intro was deffo a struggle!
I thought I should do my mandatory "Fill You Guys In With The Goss" post before sixth form starts, except there isn't much to be totally honest. I go back to school tomorrow after the summer holidays. I did go back for a couple days before the end of term because I was in Year 12 (with COVID regulations in place) but it didn't feel all that productive for me really. The last proper "in school learning" for me seems more March time to me. I've had all kinds of advice thrown my way about to handle this year, but coronavirus has really spiked a lot of anxiety in me and a lot of Year 13s because we've literally missed out on 6 months' worth of learning and we're expected to carry on completely unphased.
That said, I'm feeling all kinds right now!
Excitement - The prospect of seeing everyone again properly, and possibly not as socially distanced since we'll be bubbled together as a year group
Sorta sadness - Last year of compulsory education! What?! I can't even add 2 and 2.
Nervousness - Am I prepared for this year? I hope so!
My summer has been just trying to sort my life out. I've done some LNAT practice and I'm getting about 70-80% in the snippets I'm doing timed, so that's not too bad. I'm really relying on my LNAT to make up for my average GCSE grades but I'm actually enjoying doing it (is that normal or am I just affected?
). If anyone's got advice on how to ace the LNAT, please let me know! I've also been revising here and there for my October mocks, which they could be using for my UCAS predictions if I'm not going in for early entry. There are no set topics yet so I'm kinda frantically juggling everything
In terms of what to expect tomorrow: a 3 hour form time to give out info about the year. Not as exciting as it could've been but it's something I guess.
. As for the rest of the week, we're going back to normal lessons so let's see how that goes?
Have a good week everyone! Hope you all have great starts (or continuation, if you're back already!) to your academic year/September! I'll update you soon!
Lots of love,
TL;DR This was a load of waffle about my conflicting emotions regarding starting Year 13 lmao
P.S Any ideas for the tag list name/the squaddd? I need some creative inspo