OFFICIAL POST #3 – Midlife crisis (sorta) and a midyear postHi everyone!
I hope you’re all okay wherever you are. The coronavirus has gone on a wild rampage in my local area, so I hope you’re all staying safe and well.
It’s been quite a while since we last talked (actually, the beginning of Year 13 right?
sorry). Let me catch you up!
The exam situation and my subjectsAs you’ve probably heard on TSR and the news, there won’t be normal summer exams for GCSE and A-Level in England (and the UK really). This means that my work comes down to teacher assessments and coursework, which gets moderated and then I get ranked in my cohort. FUN
I had a mock period in January (online, since we’ve been doing online school since the 3rd lockdown in kicked in. Thanks Boris.)
E N G L I S H L I T E R A T U R EMy predicted grade: A (I have to tweak some coursework so this could change, but this is what I applied to my unis with)
We’re finished with Christina Rossetti and A Doll’s House! We also finished up Hamlet and got booted into the exams with no prep – we love that.
To be fair, I’m quite happy with how my paper went (although in reality Hamlet and the other two texts are two separate papers, it was combined into one for the mocks’ sake). I had enough time and remembered enough critical quotes to hopefully do decently.
H I S T O R Y My predicted grade: B
Ah History. The problem child, but we’ll get there! We’re currently finishing up British Empire and I had my mock on all 3: USSR, GDR and British Empire. I studied like crazy for History, most likely because it’s my weakest of the 3 currently, so hopefully it went well.
G O V E R N M E N T & P O L I T I C SMy predicted grade: A
We’re on Global Politics, finally! As for the mocks, it was mainly all the old stuff from before. The papers proved a little difficult for me but I’m hoping my second paper made up for the first. >.<
LNAT, Universities and 2021LNAT - I did the Law National Admissions Test on the 15th of December last year. Since the questions are so logical and critical thinking based, it’s hard to tell whether I’ve done well on not. Nevertheless, 3 of the universities I have applied to need a good score in this exam in order for them to give me an offer, so sCreECH.
Universities – I finally sent off my application! It was paid during the Christmas holidays so only processed on the 4th of Jan but at least it’s there. My unis are:
- London South Bank University
- City, University of London
They’re all for Law (LLB) except for UCL and Kings where I applied for Law with French Law
I’ve had two responses so far: a rejection from Kings ( ) and an offer from City!
You’ll see a live update in my original post under my unis box if you’re super curious.
2021 – I’m going to continue with online learning until lockdown is over but I’m starting to look for other opportunities for post-18 studies as well (nothing like 2020 to prove the future isn’t certain!). Currently, I’m having a look at solicitor apprenticeships at firms in London but I’ll give you more juicy details when I’ve settled on ideas.
I’m sorry this was rushed but I hope it summarised the last 4 months well. Let me know if you me to expand on anything specific in my next post and anything else you’d like from me.
Let me know how you’ve all been – I’ve missed you!
Love and hugs always,
Razzz xx
P.S I'm getting to replies from last post! I'm not ignoring, I promise!
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