The Student Room Group

Medicine Offer:Interview ratio????

I have applied to Caius for medicine. I just wanted to know whether someone out there knows what the ratio of Applicants that are interviewed get an offer for medicine?
I thought that It was 1:4 but one of my teachers said that it is about 1:7 for medicine in general. My head of sixth form said it could even be as high as 1:15 for medicine at Gonville & Caius as it has a high reputation for it. :confused:

Does any one know the actual statistics for medicine generally in Cambridge and for medicine in Caius?? Any help would be appreciated
Reply 1
When I applied, it was 4.2:1 overall for the university, I've no idea what Clare's was, but the table thingy said it was average. This was 3 years ago though, so it may well be different now.

Caius does have a tradition of doing well in Medicine, so some people may be encouraged to apply to it because of this, but equally others may be put off it. Plus it has more places than any other college (about 25, I think) so that may even the balance a bit.

Don't stress yourself over ratios, there's nothing you can do now! Plus if it's a more popular one, it means they'll be pooling people.
Reply 2
When I applied, it was 4.2:1 overall for the university, I've no idea what Clare's was, but the table thingy said it was average. This was 3 years ago though, so it may well be different now.

Caius does have a tradition of doing well in Medicine, so some people may be encouraged to apply to it because of this, but equally others may be put off it. Plus it has more places than any other college (about 25, I think) so that may even the balance a bit.

Don't stress yourself over ratios, there's nothing you can do now! Plus if it's a more popular one, it means they'll be pooling people.

I am not stressing. I was a bit alarmed when I went down for the interview. There were atleast 40 ppl for interview for medicine at caius just on that ONE DAY. If the interview period lasts 7-10 days then that is a lot of applicants for 25 places. :idea: The worrying parts is that I along with many others were open applicants allocated to Caius so that must mean that other colleges must also be oversubscribed. :eek:

Is this 4.2:1 ratio specific to medicine or is it for all the subjects? Thanks
Reply 3
No, it was 4.2 for Medicine but like I said, that was 3 years ago. And as I've said elsewhere, they won't have been interviewing for Medicine for all of those days.

The fact that lots of open applicants were allocated there suggests that it wasn't that over-subscribed to start with, maybe its reputation is scaring people off?
Reply 4
i think there were about 90 medic applicants this year. ratio is approximately 4:1 for most subjects, though for the smaller subjects this ratio might be grossly skewed due to random allocations and chance... if you have 1 place for a geographer like we do, then having 4 or 6 applicants will change the ratios drastically.

medic intake for caius is between 22-24. i think they make 25 offers thereabouts yearly. some just don´t turn up. :confused:

FYI, medic interviews lasted 3 days. 40 each on 1st and 2nd day, and the remainder on the 3rd.