The Student Room Group

Should I drop Media studies?

OK, here goes my story. After the initial confusion at the start of the year whether to take Media Studies AS or Geography AS I ended up missing the join date for Geography, well that and the class was full. :frown: I was however given the option to teach myself or just do it as an AS next year which I'm considering doing now.
Anyway I thought I'll give Media Studies a chance but I was under the assumption there'd be more emphasis on media production e.g. making videos, radio etc. but I was wrong. What we're actually doing for most of the year is designing a magazine front cover, contents page and an article which sucks. As a result of the subject being so bad my attendance in it has slipped to about 50% or so and I really feel like you lot were right in it being rubbish. I wish I'd have never picked it now and done geography.
Now rather than stick it out I feel like I should drop it now and focus on Law, Business / Economics and English Language.

What do you think I should do? :idea: :frown:
The course sounds fun to me, lol.

Talk to your teacher about dropping media studies, as you got 3 subjects already, which is enough to go into employment or higher education.
Reply 2
I think if you are unhappy doing Media Studies there's really no point in continuing on with it. If you hate the subject you'll have no motivation to work so even if you stick it out you might end up with a poor grade. Also some people tend to look down on Media Studies so you mightn't feel the work you'll need to put in over the next six months is worth it.

If you really don't like Media I agree that it would be a better idea to drop it and concentrate on your other subjects. You could maybe even do some self-teaching for geography to make taking it up next year easier. Good luck deciding!
I did media studies for GCSE and your course sounds very similar to what we did. Almost everyone in the class ended up hating it and found it very different to what they were expecting. Most people, myself included, only chose it because my school forced us to do an expressive arts subject and they didn't like the sound of art, music, drama, PE or dance!

If you don't like it, I think it would be a good idea to drop it and concentrate on your other subjects. There's no point doing a subject you don't enjoy, and as someone else has already mentioned, you probably won't do very well in it if you lack motivation. It's very unlikely that unis would pay any attention to it anyway. 3 A2s and AS geography will be more than enough for whatever you want to do next.
Drop it and take geography AS next year, alongside your 3 A2s. There's no point in doing something you hate, plus geography is ace! :biggrin: It won't affect your university application either, if you intending on applying.
Reply 5
I would drop it, If you aren't interested in a course it is pointless continuing it if you aren't going to need it in the future.
I would ask if you could attend some Geog classes, or for information about the exam board used and what is taught. You could do a lot of background reading over the year and then when you take the AS next year alongside your A2's it won't be so difficult. If there is coursework maybe you could see if you could do that this year and then focus on course material next year.
Reply 6
I did Media AS last year and would say don't bother carrying on, a few people took it without coming to lessons regularly etc...anyway they got Us. Take an AS next year and try and get top marks in your subjects you're doing now.
Reply 7
yeah i felt exactly how you felf for the first few months of school, i did law, maths, bio and economics, man i hated my law lessons with a passion, so what i did was talked to my head of 6th form and i asked her if it was ok if i attended the chemistry lessons as i wanted to do that, and possible take it next year, she said taht i had to ask the teacher rather than her, and then he said that i can join and then he said that i should be entered for the exam in january, he said taht he doesnt expect much of a result as i only joined the class 2 weeks ago but he said that the expierence of a real exam would be good. so ask if you can join the class and exaggerate if by saying taht you will sit anywhere and there bound to be a space in the classroom somewhere!

good luck
Reply 8
drop it