The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Yes, I am in a private school. I also went to a private primary school. I may go to a state sixth form though.
Reply 2
While reading the chav thread I noticed that most people said that their education was not payed for by the tax payer. How many people were actually privately educated?

I was educated in the private and the state sector.
Reply 3
State sector for primary school, private sector for secondary school + 6th form.
Reply 4
I went to a private Primary school, but a state Secondary School and Sixth Form.
Reply 5
I went to a private Primary school, but a state Secondary School and Sixth Form.

Reply 6
never been private :smile:
Reply 7
never been private :smile:

ditto that
Reply 8

snap x2!
Reply 9
Yes, I am in a private school. I also went to a private primary school.

My God! Did I stumble across a middle-class-toff message board?!

State all the way! Although they were Catholic, and those schools seem to have a much lower number of scum/chavs, for some reason.
Reply 10
Thankyou taxpayers for all my education :hello:
Reply 11
Thankyou taxpayers for all my education :hello:

Word. :love:
Private prep,junior and senior. Back of the net!
Reply 13
Private prep,junior and senior. Back of the net!

:eek: no...really? :p:
Reply 14
never been private :smile:

Same here.
Reply 15
State primary, private secondary thanks to the wonders of the assisted places scheme (RIP)
:eek: no...really? :p:

yeah astonishing.
Reply 17
well i went thru the state primary school system, and then onto a state grammar school for 2 years. then i left and went to a private school for 4 years.
State primary, private secondary thanks to the wonders of the assisted places scheme (RIP)

surely APS not RIP
Reply 19
surely APS not RIP

i think she means the assisted place scheme doesnt exist anymore