Hey guys!
Most of you probably got spammed with messages in Facebook talking about the Official Freshers Ball being held on October the 5th.. The tickets were £13 each but are now £15 each. So obviously tickets are being sold fast!
Today I got an e-mail from Cardiff's Student Union saying the following:
*INFORMATION NOTICE REGARDING THE FRESHERS BALL CONFUSION* ------------------------------------------------------------------
The official Cardiff University Students Ball is on the 27thSept. Tickets are 10 pounds, or free if advance purchasing asummer ball ticket. Tickets can be purchased throughhttp://shop.cardiffstudents.com/freshers-ball A private company are advertising a freshers' ball on the5th October. This is nothing to do with us, your Students'Union (we're hosting a 'SKINT PRESENTS' 1 pound entry, 1pound a drink event that night). Our Freshers' Ball is onthe 27th Sept, and is the only official university ballbeing held. We have had some complaints that the privatecompany are marketing their ball as the 'official' ball andthis has led to people believing that it is being run inconjunction with the Students' Union, which is not the case.If you have already bought a ticket on this basis we canonly suggest that you contact them directly should you wishto pursue refunds.
What are you going to do guys?!