I'm a guy. You could probably braid my armpit hair, amongst other hair which can and has been braided.
I wouldn't care if milady had armpit hair. What, you start dating someone and find that you love them, get to the bedroom, find a bush hiding between her arms, then suddenly hightail it to Timbuktu?
Some people might be put off by it, it's just a preference based on what your partner looks like physically, but it's one of those things that I wouldn't care about.
That being said, if she has crazy bad BO as a result of having Tarzan's armpits... well, that's just poor hygiene. My armpits smell like a rose garden, even after days of hiking. It's just good hygiene to keep your pits smelling reasonable!
Also, some dudes apparently have a fetish for armpits, so that might be what they base their judgement on. Sickos. The whole lot of them. Just like those devils who have a fetish for nostrils or rounded earlobes.