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Original post by step_aside
What do you think of people who do not shave their armpits? I believe they must be held down and have their armpit hair removed by any means necessary .

Their body, their choice
If girls don't shave their armpits and don't constantly hide their armpit hair, I like it because it shows confidence in their body and appearance, and that confidence is what I find attractive.
Reply 2
Of all the things to judge people on this is pretty low down my list..
Does it matter? If they are confident enough for that then you shouldn't bring them down!
Original post by deadroseex
Does it matter? If they are confident enough for that then you shouldn't bring them down!

Original post by step_aside
What do you think of people who do not shave their armpits? I believe they must be held down and have their armpit hair removed by any means necessary .

what the ****. stay away from my armpits lol. I dont shave them out of choice. Not as some sort of feminist rebellion thing, but because I shaved my legs and they grew back THICKER and BLACKER. I have chosen never to shave my armpits because I dont want the area of hair to spread huger, thicker and blacker. Thats my choice. I shower every day so my armpits are clean thank you. I would never judge someone else for something like this. And if someone held me down and shaved my armpits I would cry because it would permanently ruin them. They wouldnt be soft and fluffy anymore, it would be like I have a horrible cactus forest growing under my arm. Screw you OP :biggrin:

Edit: Its alright for some of you guys (usually blonde people), who can shave and shave without any consequences. If i shave my hair, it permanently ****s it up

Edit2: I am never wearing revealing enough clothing for anyone to see anyway? Or rarely at least! Do you want to strip people so you can check their hair too, armpit patrol? are you going to police pubes too?
(edited 4 years ago)
Original post by step_aside
What do you think of people who do not shave their armpits? I believe they must be held down and have their armpit hair removed by any means necessary .

I disagree. I'm a guy and I wouldn't give a fig (which interestingly enough have a soft downy layer on their skin).
removing armpit hair is unpleasant, it makes sense to just trim it instead.
Original post by nursingstudentuk
what the ****. stay away from my armpits lol. I dont shave them out of choice. Not as some sort of feminist rebellion thing, but because I shaved my legs and they grew back THICKER and BLACKER. I have chosen never to shave my armpits because I dont want the area of hair to spread huger, thicker and blacker. Thats my choice. I shower every day so my armpits are clean thank you. I would never judge someone else for something like this. And if someone held me down and shaved my armpits I would cry because it would permanently ruin them. They wouldnt be soft and fluffy anymore, it would be like I have a horrible cactus forest growing under my arm. Screw you OP :biggrin:

Edit: Its alright for some of you guys (usually blonde people), who can shave and shave without any consequences. If i shave my hair, it permanently ****s it up

Edit2: I am never wearing revealing enough clothing for anyone to see anyway? Or rarely at least! Do you want to strip people so you can check their hair too, armpit patrol? are you going to police pubes too?

Try epilating your legs. It hurts a bit the first few times but the pain gets less each time, and the hair grows back thinner and lighter. Most girls and women who epilate regularly swear by it.
Original post by Appirition
Try epilating your legs. It hurts a bit the first few times but the pain gets less each time, and the hair grows back thinner and lighter. Most girls and women who epilate regularly swear by it.

ugh you say that, butt I've tried plucking hairs and seen them grown back worse as well, I assume epilating would just create a similar effect. I've even seen hair removal creams and waxing give me terrible regrowth ^__^ I really want some laser hair removal lol
I find armpit hair gross on men and women. Though I don't think shaving it is a good idea unless you want to be cursed to everlasting itching for life.
I'm a guy. You could probably braid my armpit hair, amongst other hair which can and has been braided.

I wouldn't care if milady had armpit hair. What, you start dating someone and find that you love them, get to the bedroom, find a bush hiding between her arms, then suddenly hightail it to Timbuktu?

Some people might be put off by it, it's just a preference based on what your partner looks like physically, but it's one of those things that I wouldn't care about.

That being said, if she has crazy bad BO as a result of having Tarzan's armpits... well, that's just poor hygiene. My armpits smell like a rose garden, even after days of hiking. It's just good hygiene to keep your pits smelling reasonable!

Also, some dudes apparently have a fetish for armpits, so that might be what they base their judgement on. Sickos. The whole lot of them. Just like those devils who have a fetish for nostrils or rounded earlobes.
I only shave it because if I don’t It will smell
I don't think anything of them at all, it's purely their choice. If someone has a problem with it that's down to them.
Tbh I totally get it! Hair removal is a total b1tch and takes so much time, especially if one has thick or dark hair. Plus shaving can give terrible rashes.
Original post by nursingstudentuk
ugh you say that, butt I've tried plucking hairs and seen them grown back worse as well, I assume epilating would just create a similar effect. I've even seen hair removal creams and waxing give me terrible regrowth ^__^ I really want some laser hair removal lol

Epilating is well know the world over to reduce hair growth and to reduce the thickness of each hair, which in turn makes the colour of each hair appear lighter.
A good home use epilator can cost anywhere from £60 to £100, the very best ones cost anything up to £150, but think of it as a long-term investment because a good one will last you many years and you only have to replace the cutting head every so often, depending on how often you use it and for how long each time.
If you're unsure and want to try it before buying an epilator, get it done at least 5 or 6 times, maybe up to 10 times, at a salon, at the intervals they recommend for you (doing it regularly is key to seeing results). You won't see a big difference even after 10 sessions, but it will at least get you used to how it feels, and you'll see that your hair isn't growing back thicker or darker than it previously was.
When you decide to buy an epilator, make sure it's one you can use in the shower or bath, because the warm water softens the skin, which makes it easier for the epilator to do its job, and also makes it less painful.

Hair removal creams won't help with reducing regrowth because they don't remove hair from the root.

Waxing is kind of like the baby of epilating in terms of reducing re-growth. It will help over time, but takes longer to have the same degree of effect.

With any of these processes, you're not going to see huge improvements after the first time or few times, but over months and years, regularly epilating will reduce regrowth by the very nature of what it does and how it works.
Original post by Appirition
Epilating is well know the world over to reduce hair growth and to reduce the thickness of each hair, which in turn makes the colour of each hair appear lighter.
A good home use epilator can cost anywhere from £60 to £100, the very best ones cost anything up to £150, but think of it as a long-term investment because a good one will last you many years and you only have to replace the cutting head every so often, depending on how often you use it and for how long each time.
If you're unsure and want to try it before buying an epilator, get it done at least 5 or 6 times, maybe up to 10 times, at a salon, at the intervals they recommend for you (doing it regularly is key to seeing results). You won't see a big difference even after 10 sessions, but it will at least get you used to how it feels, and you'll see that your hair isn't growing back thicker or darker than it previously was.
When you decide to buy an epilator, make sure it's one you can use in the shower or bath, because the warm water softens the skin, which makes it easier for the epilator to do its job, and also makes it less painful.

Hair removal creams won't help with reducing regrowth because they don't remove hair from the root.

Waxing is kind of like the baby of epilating in terms of reducing re-growth. It will help over time, but takes longer to have the same degree of effect.

With any of these processes, you're not going to see huge improvements after the first time or few times, but over months and years, regularly epilating will reduce regrowth by the very nature of what it does and how it works.

Rubbish; Waxing, plucking and creams have all made my hair grow back darker. Thats why I am worried about an epilator. I know its the same principle so I fear it will do the same to me, and I know what the end result of that is, because I've seen my older sister's hair after years of shaving/waxing...

Edit: but thank you for the recommendation lool. I may try it if im desperate, but not on my armpits, just on the hair that is already ruined
Original post by nursingstudentuk
Rubbish; Waxing, plucking and creams have all made my hair grow back darker. Thats why I am worried about an epilator. I know its the same principle so I fear it will do the same to me, and I know what the end result of that is, because I've seen my older sister's hair after years of shaving/waxing...

Edit: but thank you for the recommendation lool. I may try it if im desperate, but not on my armpits, just on the hair that is already ruined

Shaving will make hair grow back thicker and darker - it always does, so anyone who wants to reduce hair regrowth should avoid shaving at all costs. If your sister has been doing a combination of shaving and waxing on the same areas, any benefits that could be gained from waxing are outweighed by the effects of shaving, so her hair will be thicker and darker in the longer term.
It's also worth remembering that hair growth patterns don't settle down to steady levels until at least 4 years after puberty starts, so you can't effectively judge hair regrowth rates and thickness against hair removal methods during that time. Going by your ID, as a nursing student, you're probably past that stage now, but I've added it in for anyone else reading this who may be younger, and for anyone who started puberty later than average.

I'm not suggesting trialling epilation on your armpits - I agree - try it on areas that you've already tried other methods on.

Do some research into epilation - you'll see what I'm saying is backed up by both science and published facts, and also that the majority of people who use it regularly do have reduced regrowth over time.
Original post by Appirition
Shaving will make hair grow back thicker and darker - it always does, so anyone who wants to reduce hair regrowth should avoid shaving at all costs. If your sister has been doing a combination of shaving and waxing on the same areas, any benefits that could be gained from waxing are outweighed by the effects of shaving, so her hair will be thicker and darker in the longer term.
It's also worth remembering that hair growth patterns don't settle down to steady levels until at least 4 years after puberty starts, so you can't effectively judge hair regrowth rates and thickness against hair removal methods during that time. Going by your ID, as a nursing student, you're probably past that stage now, but I've added it in for anyone else reading this who may be younger, and for anyone who started puberty later than average.

I'm not suggesting trialling epilation on your armpits - I agree - try it on areas that you've already tried other methods on.

Do some research into epilation - you'll see what I'm saying is backed up by both science and published facts, and also that the majority of people who use it regularly do have reduced regrowth over time.

Shaving does not make hair grow thicker and darker. This is a myth perpetuated by each generation going back decades.
i personally shave mine but i think it's up the person really
if they don't want to then that's their choice
Original post by Horrorhiker
Shaving does not make hair grow thicker and darker. This is a myth perpetuated by each generation going back decades. may be darker.