The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I remember a guy at freshens fair trying to start a wrestling club. During. maybe it took Off.
Reply 2
I haven't heard of a wrestling club. If there isn't one try judo :yep:
Reply 3
the other option is to start one yourself. there's so many americans in Oxford there's bound to be a few keen people out there.
lol wrestling
Reply 5
Franc Vouloir
lol wrestling

Lol, being dropped on ones head. You have a typo in your signature by the way.
Lol, being dropped on ones head.

As part of wrestling?

You have a typo in your signature by the way.

Thank you for the heads-up. In the spirit of fair exchange: you have one in your post.
Reply 7
Franc Vouloir
As part of wrestling?

If you upset a wrestler, don't see why not. Personally I prefer, and know more about, judo.

franc vouloir
Thank you for the heads-up. In the spirit of fair exchange: you have one in your post.

Touche, although the odd post is surely better than a signature on every post.
Reply 8
These is the only info on the Oxford Wrestling Club,I can find online:

Some contacts from the British Wrestling Association.I think you might as well e-mail the rep for the Midlands and Wales.
If you upset a wrestler, don't see why not. Personally I prefer, and know more about, judo.

The only type of wrestling I'm interested in is the greasy, Turkish type. Perhaps I'll start a club when I come up, open to any strapping young lad willing to don a pair of lederhosen & douse himself in olive oil. If you knew anything of sexual psychology, you would know that nothing could give me keener pleasure than to be m-m-m-manhandled by you meaty boys: ecstasy of the naughtiest kind.

Touche, although the odd post is surely better than a signature on every post.

Tru dat.
Reply 10
Franc Vouloir
The only type of wrestling I'm interested in is the greasy, Turkish type. Perhaps I'll start a club when I come up, open to any strapping young lad willing to don a pair of lederhosen & douse himself in olive oil.

Awesome! :thumbsup:
Reply 11
Franc Vouloir
The only type of wrestling I'm interested in is the greasy, Turkish type. Perhaps I'll start a club when I come up, open to any strapping young lad willing to don a pair of lederhosen & douse himself in olive oil. If you knew anything of sexual psychology, you would know that nothing could give me keener pleasure than to be m-m-m-manhandled by you meaty boys: ecstasy of the naughtiest kind.

I'm sure you'll find a great deal of enjoyment in tutorials.
Reply 12
Just follow Cambridge's example, and you can't go far wrong.
Reply 13
Because Oxford is in the Midlands, right?
Reply 14
Because Oxford is in the Midlands, right?

"Interesting" question.
Oxford is NOT the midlands. --- end of.
Reply 16
Anyway,it seems that there are two clubs for amateur wrestling in Oxford....

Oxford Wrestling Club
Oxford University Sports Complex
Iffley Road

01865 857669

Oxford W.C.
Barton Swimming Pool
Waynflete Rd
0X3 8GA

Christine Trueman
26 Terett Ave
Tel: 07801439172
Wednesday 1900-2100
Wow this was a long time ago! Sale Lily was an american who ran an oxford wrestling club at oxford uni sports club from 2005 to around 2007. Christina Trueman ran a club in Barton from 2008 till around 2010.. all that remained beyond that is oxford martial arts academny (omaa) in cowley which is not great for beginners.. lots of meatheads etc. Which is a shame.
(edited 7 years ago)
Very interesting to find anyone in
Oxfordshire ( Oxford - Kidlington - Bicester) ,
Call been trained or would like to be trained in wrestling also I'm trying to to find place actually I'm close to find it only need equipment