The Student Room Group

Do I fail my apprenticeship if I didn't pass Maths and English?

I have been an apprentice all most 13 months and I have passed all my exams expect Maths and English. I am a bit worried my apprenticeship due to end in one month, and I haven't completed my final project yet because my skills coach didn't mark my portfolio. If I managed to do my final project and I passed it do I fail my apprenticeship if I didn't pass Maths and English ?
Hi did you pass your apprenticeship as I am stuck in nearly the same position? I am doing a level 3 apprenticeship and for the life of me cannot seem to pass my functional skills maths. I have spoken to both the functional skills team and my tutor however they just seem to waffle around the question.
(edited 3 years ago)
Original post by hmovingforward
Hi did you pass your apprenticeship as I am stuck in nearly the same position? I am doing a level 3 apprenticeship and for the life of me cannot seem to pass my functional skills maths. I have spoken to both the functional skills team and my tutor however they just seem to waffle around the question.

I'm doing level 3 and i have my exam in 2 days and I know I am gonna fail, i mention to my tutor I'll never pass and they say 'oh you will pass' BUT WHAT IF, why do they allow people on apprenticeships if youll fail it all if u fail math - it's a waste of work and time

im actually scared.
Reply 3
I know this is an old post but what happened in regards to the maths as I'm there and cannot pass my maths!
Original post by Deebee83
I know this is an old post but what happened in regards to the maths as I'm there and cannot pass my maths!

Hi, because I was unable to find a invigilator for my ICT exams they have had it centre assessed graded and also for my maths level 2 functional skills as I didn’t have a laptop available. I’m awaiting my results and I’m soo anxious as it’s taken about 12 weeks and still no result. I’ve done quite good in my mocks in the past so hopefully they’ll both come back as a pass. As for not being able to pass does your training provider have maths sessions you can attend and also speak to the support team(pastoral) and functional skills regarding your concerns as they may be able to find a way around it (i know someone who in the end had it exempt from their course)
I'm in the same position, I'm on a level 3 course, and am struggling with maths functional skills. 95% of the course I was never taught properly at school and was left struggling in lessons with no help. I left school over 30 years ago.Yesterday I was told I've been terminated from my course as I cannot pass the maths, I've passed all of my knowledge coursework and units for the level 3 qualification, and it's now all for nothing. I feel exactly how I felt at school... being left on the scrapheap of life.I repeatedly told my assessor that I am a practical learner and need a paper exam as I find it impossible to use electronic exams to show my working, and also for learning, remote screen lessons do not work, I need face to face input with questions on paper. I have submitted past mock exams and practice papers and found it a great help as I had formulas in front if me, tge problem is memorising work that would be a 2 year gcse course in a matter of months.Gutted, angry, upset, do not even describe how I'm feeling
Reply 6
Original post by hmovingforward
Hi, because I was unable to find a invigilator for my ICT exams they have had it centre assessed graded and also for my maths level 2 functional skills as I didn’t have a laptop available. I’m awaiting my results and I’m soo anxious as it’s taken about 12 weeks and still no result. I’ve done quite good in my mocks in the past so hopefully they’ll both come back as a pass. As for not being able to pass does your training provider have maths sessions you can attend and also speak to the support team(pastoral) and functional skills regarding your concerns as they may be able to find a way around it (i know someone who in the end had it exempt from their course)

Hi, i just wanted to know if you were successful in continuing your apprenticeship if you did fail your functional skills. I am really struggling to pass both of my maths and english and i am not in the mindset to resit it again due to doing it for the third time but i've got no other option as this is the only way to progress on to an apprenticeship. Also, would you suggest taking functional stills separately or alongside apprenticeship.

Would help and really appreciate your answer.


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