Anon for very obvious reasons.
I know this sounds like a very strange aspiration, some would say utterly degrading, but recently I've been thinking about it.
At the moment I'm in my A2 year and I'm hoping to go to a top 10 university next year, I'm female, and quite attractive, and I was mulling over ways to keep myself afloat financially while at university. I then came up with the idea of becoming an escort. I haven't managed to find much infortmation on the internet except that I need to be over 18 and a personality description.
Is this really such an odd thing to want to do? It wouldn't be a permanent vocation, just throughout the duration of university. It seems an easy and almost enjoyable way to make money. I do realise the sexual undertones which come with the job, and I'd be fine with that, sex isn't a huge deal to me and I have quite a bit of experience with it.
So if anyone has any relevent information/comments that would be very helpful.
Thank you.