I did 8 Standard Grades
(usual, except for some of those who have dyslexia/other problems)
I did 6 Highers
(My school only offered 5, so I did an extra one at a local FE college (not as nerdy as it sounds; it was organised by the school, and lots of my friends did it too (although I didnt mention that on my PS!!)))
I'm doing 4 advanced highers, although my Oxford offer is AAA, so I think I'll drop history when I go back, as it's the hardest to get an A in (no-one in my school ever has)
Also, there's relatively little fluctuation in the number of exams people in scotland sit, with the obvious exception of Advanced Highers (less people sit Advanced Highers becasue they're superfluous and largely unknown to those over 30-ish) Virtually everybody sits 8 standard grades, and, althoght many people sit Int 2s, most people do at least 4-5 highers (six is the maximum in any one year I think, and thats rather unusual outside private education). It's not like in England where some people have 13 GCSEs and seven A-levels. Becasue the scottish education system hasnt been "dumbed-down" to the same extent, grades are much more reflective of a persons intelligence here, rather than the number of qualifications. Quality, not quantity, after all!
(This is just one of the many reasons why scottish people always feel slightly superior to the english; I wont go into the rest just now...)