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Reply 1
I have considered it but I don't think it'd be all that cool really if you're just doing the science behind it or something. I've heard from a maths student + a maths teacher that they've gotten approached - I can't remember where the student was studying but the teacher went to Imperial.

It's silly but Sayid from Lost + the guy in Numb3rs are a big factor in making me consider it :shifty:
It's silly but Sayid from Lost + the guy in Numb3rs are a big factor in making me consider it

In my case it's more Jack Bauer (although he's CIA)
when I grow up I want to be like Fox Mulder :smile:
In my case it's more Jack Bauer (although he's CIA)

What about Michael Scofield?
Reply 5
Ive heard of people being headhunted when they come out of uni, there's nothing to stop you applying through conventional means if you're not though.

What about Michael Scofield?

He's more of a rogue crusader
reality is, it's not as glamourous as seen on tv. Admittedly, it is something that I've looked into.

If you can speak Arabic and are a British citizen, well they are highly in demand. Especially in the current climate.

Only those really at the top/those that need to know will get exposure to the top level confidential business. I can understand the appeal, but living a lie (public persona) and not being able to disclose what you do ain't for me. Even then, you can only tell close family what you do.

I agree, probably get head-hunted..
Reply 8
MI5 is my backup for if being a lawyer doesn't work out :smile:
Reply 9
I've tried to get a job with MI5 twice, and was unsuccessful both times. No idea what was wrong, they don't give individual feedback. May as well try applying, right?
I once saw a job ad from MI5 seeking a Psych graduate for a Psychometric project they had going :biggrin: Looked ace!
Reply 11
Yeah I'm considering applying after my degree :biggrin: also GCHQ, as they employ language graduates, too. As someone above said, Arabic speakers are in high demand. They also look for Russian speakers (as well as several other languages) so I reckon it's worth a shot. The language jobs don't seem to pay all that well, though...
Reply 12
Epic Win
MI5 is my backup for if being a lawyer doesn't work out :smile:

MI5? The security services? The people who can waltz up to the most qualified people in the country and give them a job?

They're you BACKUP?

If lawyer doesn't work out, I doubt MI5 would.

Incidentally, has anyone seen the CIAFactbook? (
Nothing is quite as awesome as citing the CIA in your geography homework. Its a glorious feeling.
Reply 13
When I was younger, but really when you look past the glamour of TV/Film, its not a very attractive job. Living a lie; not having a life outside your work; constant fear of death; constant fear of death for your family. Thats if your in the field.
Reply 14
MI5? The security services? The people who can waltz up to the most qualified people in the country and give them a job?

They're you BACKUP?

yes. they're my backup
Reply 15
I strongly dislike the fact that I could be hunted down. If I was a spy, and keeping all of that knowledge to yourself. I don't think I would like to do it.
You're not going to end up like Adam Carter.

Sure, it'd be interesting. Bit annoying living a lie though, unless you're just behind the scenes.

Maybe i'll learn arabic.
Reply 17
Would you ever work for the security services? I always thought it would be really exhilirating and cool, if not a tad surreal.

Also, anyone at uni (or recently finished) hear any rumours of people being headhunted? Just curious really. (I've watched lots of Spooks the last few days).

Oh, we would never have guessed.
Epic Win
MI5 is my backup for if being a lawyer doesn't work out :smile:

Isn't that a bit like having acting as a backup career to teaching?
Reply 19
It was like a really cool dream i always had to work for MI5.
Me and my friend in primary school would pretend we were spys.
