Hello everyone. I know you guys have a lot of extra things to worry about but if you could take a minute or two to answer my queries it will help me out massively. I am currently a year 13 student who is stuck between doing Dentistry and Economics at Uni. I can get a contextual offer at Warwick so I can apply to economics there and get in. If I was to do Economics investment banking would be the job I would like to do. There are some things that are scaring me off a bit and I thought you guys would be the perfect people to answer as you guys have been through this stage and finally got to where you want to get.
Firstly, is it really really hard to get into a job in investment banking? This is one of the biggest things putting me off as everyone's saying that there's no job security in the financial sector and especially in times like this a lot of jobs are being cut. Also, the fact that there are not many vacancies in jobs like investment banking so with so many graduates applying there wouldn't it be really really hard to get in even if you go to a uni like Warwick?
Also the long long long hours. I have researched and every single website stresses the number of hours that investment bankers put in. Like I would not mind doing these hours for the first few years of my career but the thing is like I would eventually like to start a family and spend time with them so with a job in the finance sector would I be able to get a good work-life balance?
I am not in it for the money like obviously, I would like to earn a decent wage but I think a job in the finance sector will be very interesting and fun like working on deals seems very interesting. If anyones got any advice it would be much appreciated. Like right now I am so torn between what to do so any advice would help me a lot.
Thank you