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if you make mistakes then you might fail - you are allwoed some minor mistakes but no major mistakes.

what kind of mistakes do you make?

yes, you have to proper safe to pass.
I got mine coming up this Wednesday but I don't really know weather I will pass or fail. I'm fairly good driver but i do make mistakes. Do you have to be like proper good/safe to pass.
What happens if you dont do one of the maneuvers. Is that a fail? Because realistically it shouldn't be. Just gimme a bit more info.


TBH If you consider yourself to only be a fairly good driver who makes mistakes are you sure that you are ready for the test/driving unassisted?
try your best to make few mistakes! Good luck!

I need to try making no mistakes!
OK so what happens if you fail a maneuver. E.g. when doing a parallel parking you don't get the car close enough within the set distance
Reply 5
OK so what happens if you fail a maneuver. E.g. when doing a parallel parking you don't get the car close enough within the set distance

You straighten it up.
Reply 6
Its a lot of luck really. You could have a decent run where you have nothing out of the ordinary happening, one of my friends had to pull over for an ambulance and because he didnt check his blindspots when he was moving off he failed. On the other hand I failed twice because of silly mistakes I wouldn't normally make.
I'd say it can be very hit and miss.
i completely screwed up my parallel park, ended up at a 15 degree angle and i clipped the curb but still managed to pass. with lots of minors
i completely screwed up my parallel park, ended up at a 15 degree angle and i clipped the curb but still managed to pass. with lots of minors

Ah Wicked
Reply 10
You will get away with minors, just avoid the majors!
^ no fair, i failed my mock test (thank god!) for clipping a curb. Anyway, i stalled in my real test and just put the brake on, handbreak, into neutral and then restart and it was fine. I got a minor for control of vehicle but that was it. Also, if you do things like touch the curb whilst manouvring it's usually a minor whereas if you forget to do blind spots and things then you'll end up failing on majors because that's dangerous as opposed to a small mistake. So in general. Be safe and you'll be fine. And don't give up just because you think you've done something that might fail you because you never know until you get out how you've done.
just go really slowly
im a crap driver but passed first time with 1 minor
Reply 13
can you get minors/points deducted for driving too slow?
Reply 14
can you get minors/points deducted for driving too slow?

yeah, you will get minors for hesitation my mate failed for going 60 instead of 70 on a dual carriageway :s-smilie:
can you get minors/points deducted for driving too slow?

Yea I think so! Basically just stick to the national speed limit or a few mph, ie 1 or 2 and you'll be fine. Its what I did 4years ago . . .
i failed first time last week...its really hard..they poke at the smallest things and make u fail. You'lle probabely fail too :wink: jokes
Reply 17
its luck. well, as long as your a decent driver you'll be ok but tbh i failed twice, first time for speeding- oops! but only 43mph in a 40 and another instructor couldve decided it was minor. Second time i over took a lorry then found no room at the other side to tuck in because a queue of cars right up to it, so fair enough i was stuck in the middle of the road-serious fault.
Then today i passed, my driving wasnt great but only got 2 minors. I stalled, touched the kerb (only lightly), went through a pot hole, all things which if he really wanted to he could have failed me on..
Reply 18
just realised this is a mega old thread- oops!
Reply 19
I had 1 minor, it isn't that hard if you keep calm and don't make silly mistakes.