So I am doing a LLB law degree and last year was my 2nd year (3rd yr starts in 2 weeks), I bearly turned up to any lessons and missed all the exams and the resits. This was due to to personal problems and the university would not exempt me from exams. I also needed to go a module which I failed from year 1 again in year 2 or was told that if I do not pass it I will have to change course. So due to my problems, I missed it. I checked the website today and I have been removed from LLB law and put onto year 3 of a combined studies course.
During this time, I have also applied to do LLB law at another university but from year 1.
My question is this, I signed my student finance form last week and sent it back but I want to see what you guys think would be best to tell student finance so that I can get my maintence grant/loan.
Should I tell them that I have changed my course from LLB law to law + (subject) joint honours? at the same university? Would I still get my loan/grant?
Should I just tell them I am restarting the course at another university? Will I get loan/grant? I was told by a friend they do not pay loans if your doing another degree or the same.
Should I change to a totally new course at the same university and tell them?
I am going to that new university to do my LLB law, so that is why I need my loan/grant because it was worth £5,800 and if I pay off £3,000 to restart my law degree at that new university, I will have £2,800 left over for living expenses (trains etc).. so what is the best option?
And yes I am looking for a job, but I need this to come through.