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I like this boy, but too scared to talk to him...?

i started 6th form a couple of weeks ago, and came from an all girls school, so had relatively NO experience with boys.
it's alright so far...i don't really notice much difference, but i never talk to the guys, like make friends with them or anything (i do talk to them in class sometimes, if i'm asking what we're doing, or saying something stupid like 'excuse me') - but everyone just sticks to their own friendship groups. this doesn't bother me too much as i have a nice group of girl-friends.

anyway, there's a guy in my further maths and physics class who i like, but i'm really shy and don't know how to approach him. i think i've maybe once said a comment to him and we laughed a bit, but that was only once and obviously im not stupid enough to think that that means he actually likes me.

today i thought of an excuse to talk to him (:o: ) - i was gonna ask if our S1 homework was in for today cos i didn't really get it. anyway there was the perfect opportunity, he was standing right next to me in the queue, and i was sort of thinking "ok, just say it", but then i started over thinking and thought i was thinking too much, and what if it came out really forced?! so by this time i had wasted about 5 minutes, and THEN someone i knew came over and i started chatting to her.
of course after this i just got a bit 'ohh crap why didn't I do anything?!' and even though he sat quite close to me in maths, i didn't say or do anything - infact, quite the opposite, i just talked to the person next to me and didn't look in his direction...:o: (i realise I do sound very sad.)

soooo I just wanted some advice really, as in what's a good topic to strike up conversation with someone? i don't know about the homework topic (is that a stupid reason to talk to him), and i don't want to sound as if i've planned anything out! i'm also scared he wont want to talk to me if he doesn't think i'm pretty or anything...:frown:
also, guys, do you mind if a random girl(who lets say you don't fancy) just starts talking to you?


anon in case he uses this.

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Reply 1
Im in the same boat as you, i really like this girl at school, need to talk to her tbh.
Reply 2
Talk to him about homework, what he's doing that night, what lesson he's just had.. ask him anything :smile:

stop thinking of him as some amaaaazing guy you like, and just talk to him as you would one of your friends.. i know its difficult but next time the opportune moments arises, don't think, whatever you do! Just start talking!

If he if annoyed about you talking to him because of your looks, then at least you know not to waste your time on him.. who wants to be with someone so superficial?

good luck OP!
Same-ish situation, also.
But don't think that he won't want to talk to you. Guys aren't normally that unfriendly! Using something like talking about homework would be a good opener if you're nervous and then the more you chat the more comfortable and familiar you'll become with him.
Reply 4
i'm also scared he wont want to talk to me if he doesn't think i'm pretty or anything...:frown:

I can't really help you because I've only had one relationship and I screwed that up big time :biggrin: However, I can tell you that if he doesn't like you becuase of your looks, then he's not worth talking to!!
I blank anyone that's not got big boobs and a nice arse.
Reply 6
I blank anyone that's not got big boobs and a nice arse.


Looks like you fit one half of the requirment :getmecoat:

Mayn, I don't immeadiatly blank girls I don't like, I tell them before, I do it. :yep:
Reply 8
Looks like you fit one half of the requirment :getmecoat:

Mayn, I don't immeadiatly blank girls I don't like, I tell them before, I do it. :yep:


It's people like you that make people like OP scared to talk to guys! lol

To the point: OP just talk to him, once you've done it, you'll be pleased and kick yourself over how easy it was :yep:

It's people like you that make people like OP scared to talk to guys! lol

To the point: OP just talk to him, once you've done it, you'll be pleased and kick yourself over how easy it was :yep:

I'm nice and approachable. :yep:

The OP, loves me.
Reply 10
thanks for the replies everyone, i'm just scared i'll chicken out and get too nervous. :o: i don't think he knows many people in the classes so at least he's not surrounded by all his friends in lessons.
Coming from a boy who has just finished sixth-form, which let girls in only at 6th form ( its boys only from yr7-yr11) , i can not emphasise enough the fact that boys wouldn't mind at all if you start talking to them randomly. i mean in my maths set, there were 5 boys and girl in our class. and even though the girl (sounds shockingly similar 2 you) was quiet n shy (wasnt considered one of the shallow, plastic girls).HOwever, even the 2 popular, jock-type (footballers etc) couple of lads in our maths class would talk to her wen she said sumthin, and they even began asking her stuff....she even got invited to one of their b'day party's cos she made friends with him in maths. And by the end of the 2 years, she was mates with all of us. Seriously, most boys like someone asking them something...and if they dont, they're not worth it. I hope my account is some form of evidence . anyway,....ya askin bout the homework is alrite...or jus showin som intrest in their school lifelike sayin "so..was maths like this last year? no? which teacher u hav? i guess she was a right doss!" anything that is deemed small talk. you do further maths, so im sure you are inelligent enough 2 figure something out like that. hope that helps.
Reply 12
I'm nice and approachable. :yep:

The OP, loves me.

lol! yer you sound it!

OP..... use that as a talking point!!! if he hasn't got any friends in the class just go and ask him his name or something (pretend like you dont know it) then introduce yourself and ask how he's finding college... etc. you'll be fine honestly. I used to be SO shy, it was horrible lol. so i know how you feel. :yep:
Reply 13
cherryhouse1508 that does help alot :smile: i hope your right, and he talks back/is interested.
i hope i haven't left it too late, and that the first day was where everyone made new friends etc...


OP..... use that as a talking point!!! if he hasn't got any friends in the class just go and ask him his name or something (pretend like you dont know it) then introduce yourself and ask how he's finding college... etc. you'll be fine honestly. I used to be SO shy, it was horrible lol. so i know how you feel. :yep:

thank you for your advice! next time we're standing next to each other and he's not talking to anyone i'll try and ask him:smile:
eeek i'm even getting nervous now:o:
lol! yer you sound it!

OP..... use that as a talking point!!! if he hasn't got any friends in the class just go and ask him his name or something (pretend like you dont know it) then introduce yourself and ask how he's finding college... etc. you'll be fine honestly. I used to be SO shy, it was horrible lol. so i know how you feel. :yep:

Mayn, thank you.

I'm glad you and the OP, both love me :grouphugs:
Reply 15
Mayn, thank you.

I'm glad you and the OP, both love me :grouphugs:

lol! Not sure about OP but when did I declare my 'love' for you!?
lol! Not sure about OP but when did I declare my 'love' for you!?

I'm reading between the lines.

Don't deny it, and destroy my life :eek:
You know I am going through something similar. He is in my form and we have been in the same form for 3 years. I had always seen him as a friend and liked this other boy for so long then out of the blue I started getting feelings for him. I don't know when but I started taking more notice of him, his slightly tanned skin, his veiny hands, sharp cheekbones and under the school blazer a cheeky faded six pack(i think), he is also funny, kind and I freaking fancy the pants off of him. We sometimes chat when we are waiting for the bus but usually I start a convo with his BFF to start it going then he joins in. I feel sick to my stomach when I am around him because I don't want to seem like a complete idiot (which I am ) when he is REALLY clever and smart. The other day I was dropping my bag off with my BFF and we were walking to the tennis courts where the rest of our friends were and he walked passed and we connected eye contact and I literally went wobbly at the knees and I smiled and he does this sexy thing with his eyebrows, I LOVE IT!!! But I just don't have the courage to talk and have a proper convo with him. Yesterday my group of friends and I were standing just outside of the tennis courts and I was talking to my friend about him and wondering where he was. Then I saw him and he was walking our way, I got really freaking nervous and my friend decided to shout
This thread is over 9 years old!!!! :facepalm:
I think OP has spoken to him or moved away from him lol