The Student Room Group

Urban Planning Applicants 2021

Hey guys, I haven't seen a thread for urban planning so I thought I'd start one!

University choices:
Subject(s) currently studying:
Predicted grades:
GCSE grades:

Feel free to ask any questions and also let us know about any offers received :smile:
(edited 4 years ago)

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@StrawberryDreams for the applicant megathread! :smile:
ive applied to cardiff, sheffield, manchester, nottingham trent fr urban planning and then northumbria for quantity surveying, dunno why i put doing geography business and english language and am predicted A*AA.I find it so interesting how cities grow and how they work, and i think learning about how to create the towns and the cities of the future would be sick.
Original post by adamseddon
ive applied to cardiff, sheffield, manchester, nottingham trent fr urban planning and then northumbria for quantity surveying, dunno why i put doing geography business and english language and am predicted A*AA.I find it so interesting how cities grow and how they work, and i think learning about how to create the towns and the cities of the future would be sick.

thats why i like urban planning aswell, im also doing geography and business. have you had any offers yet?
Original post by pickledpotato
thats why i like urban planning aswell, im also doing geography and business. have you had any offers yet?

Yeh cardiff and northumbria, hbu?
Original post by adamseddon
Yeh cardiff and northumbria, hbu?

well done! and nah i haven't applied yet lol
I haven't submitted my application yet (will hopefully have sent it off by the end of this week) but I am going to apply to: Loughborough, Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle :smile: - It's actually really nice to see this thread lol, urban planning isn't that common
Original post by gabbybabs
I haven't submitted my application yet (will hopefully have sent it off by the end of this week) but I am going to apply to: Loughborough, Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle :smile: - It's actually really nice to see this thread lol, urban planning isn't that common

Yeah it is, no one knows what urban planning is :frown:. I'm going to apply to loughbrough and sheffield too! What is your top choice and what are your thoughts on Liverpool and Newcastle, I'm stuck between choosing one of them two.
I've not sent off my application yet but will apply to:
Newcastle or Liverpool

If anyone could help me decide between Liverpool and Newcastle that would be great!
Original post by pickledpotato
Yeah it is, no one knows what urban planning is :frown:. I'm going to apply to loughbrough and sheffield too! What is your top choice and what are your thoughts on Liverpool and Newcastle, I'm stuck between choosing one of them two.

I prefer Liverpool by far, Newcastle is an afterthought to fill my 5th option. Newcastle is much further from where I live and I think Liverpool is a nicer city. Although, both courses are really good.

By yay for lough and sheffield!
@gabbybabs and @pickledpotato

Hello both, I just wanted to wish you both all the best of luck with your application to Loughborough! Let me know if you have any questions and really hope to welcome you onto campus in 2021 :smile:

Best wishes
Original post by pickledpotato
Yeah it is, no one knows what urban planning is :frown:. I'm going to apply to loughbrough and sheffield too! What is your top choice and what are your thoughts on Liverpool and Newcastle, I'm stuck between choosing one of them two.

I forgot to say my top choice lol- it's Sheffield! It's the best course in the country besides UCL
Original post by gabbybabs
I prefer Liverpool by far, Newcastle is an afterthought to fill my 5th option. Newcastle is much further from where I live and I think Liverpool is a nicer city. Although, both courses are really good.

By yay for lough and sheffield!

Yeah, I think LIverpool has a nice regenerated city. I've never been Newcastle but I heard that it's a great student city.
Original post by gabbybabs
I forgot to say my top choice lol- it's Sheffield! It's the best course in the country besides UCL

Yeah it is! Good luck :smile:
Reply 14
Hey guys! applying for urban planning (and 2 geography courses). I applied to loughborough, queens Belfast and UCL for urban planning! I have received offers from both QUB and Loughborough. Its actually such a niche subject. I love architecture, the idea of utopias, how the past predicted what life would be like today, swimming, watching documentaries and listening to podcasts on really obscure topics! I do IB so its a bit different to A levels. Good luck to everyone!
Original post by mkmkmk1
Hey guys! applying for urban planning (and 2 geography courses). I applied to loughborough, queens Belfast and UCL for urban planning! I have received offers from both QUB and Loughborough. Its actually such a niche subject. I love architecture, the idea of utopias, how the past predicted what life would be like today, swimming, watching documentaries and listening to podcasts on really obscure topics! I do IB so its a bit different to A levels. Good luck to everyone!

Well done on your offers and good luck for the others! Do you know what A level equivalent grades you have? If you don't mind me asking :smile: Also, what country are you from!
Reply 16
Original post by pickledpotato
Well done on your offers and good luck for the others! Do you know what A level equivalent grades you have? If you don't mind me asking :smile: Also, what country are you from!

thank you so much! I am studying in the UK, but still do IB and the equivalent of my prediction is A*A*A I believe but it is difficult to compare. Good luck to you on your offers also :smile:
Reply 17
Hey! I just got an offer for this course today! I also have an offer from Quesns Belfast and am waiting to hear from UCL, reading, and Manchester. UCL is my top choice so I might put Liverpool as my insurance if I get an offer from UCL. My predicted is A*, A, A
Original post by Soraya Omotosho
Hey! I just got an offer for this course today! I also have an offer from Quesns Belfast and am waiting to hear from UCL, reading, and Manchester. UCL is my top choice so I might put Liverpool as my insurance if I get an offer from UCL. My predicted is A*, A, A

Well done! What are your offers for Manchester and Queens?
Reply 19
Original post by Soraya Omotosho
Hey! I just got an offer for this course today! I also have an offer from Quesns Belfast and am waiting to hear from UCL, reading, and Manchester. UCL is my top choice so I might put Liverpool as my insurance if I get an offer from UCL. My predicted is A*, A, A

congrats! which course at UCL?

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