For travel sites lonely planet is always a good place to start (wolrdguide gives some fantastic information and thorntree is great for getting advice from people who've been somewhere before you).
I've never been too impressed by (but then I've never taken an actual gap year ).
Feel free to add more to the thread and add any comments on usefulness/content This is the company I am going with, and I think that the stories people have written about their experiences are superb. There is also an australian version of the website with even more stories on it, but I don't know the address off the top of my head. Enjoy
i mite be going with PoD for my gap year project starting in april.... hasnt been finalised yet tho....what do u know about the organisation? Have u been with them before? ruth
wbsite offering placements for conservation, teaching as well as other stuff
yea these guys are excellent, im going to india with them to work in a hospital and my mates using them to go to ghana to work in an orphanage. the cool thing with them is u chose wen ud like to start and how long u go for! definatly worth checking out if u want a project!
I don't want to be self promoting here, but I thought I might put up a link to my interrailing site. Most useful bits are probably the "route and ticket planning" and "your journey" section - the rest is just about my journey and some pictures I took which might inspire you and show you the scope you have.
Bit of a weak link, but if you need to contact foreign countries to sort your gap year try - offers cheap international calls and free nokia unlocking
fantastic tours from nairobi to cape town with amazing activities, was the hoghlight of my year. they do a number of tours to different countries varying in length.
A season worker's website - I spent my gap year as a barman in a slope-side bar in the French alps. This site gives information on job types, as well as a very extensive jobs database, and a forum where you can ask pretty much any question about working a winter season.
I ended up doing something pretty different to everyone I knew (especially seeing as I got paid for working my gap year!), but it was the best 5 months of my life - it was a hard call whether to come back to uni this september, or just go back out to the snow again. Incredible fun. Some employers even provide accomodation, travel, and lift pass as part of the employment package!
Ok, here's a few more for travel that I've just mentioned elsewhere and notice are lacking on this bit. and it's other bit It's (as the name of the latter suggests) a company dealing with round the world flight tickets. They're all Aussies based in London, but it seems to work quite well, and I got lovely flights on Virgin and Singapore Airlines with them :P. - again fairly self explanatory... Useful for getting reasonably cheap and OK accomodation in most places (I've tried it myself and their suggestion was fine if a little basic. But hey, you're taking gap years so you're not expecting 5* :P) ,this is by far the best site I have come across... includes everything from cheap travel, accomodation, insurance to a massive database of Gap Year Jobs and Placements.