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I think you're going to have a hard time finding anywhere that will hire you to be honest - most places will only take on people 16 or older.

You could try local shops or something?
Reply 2
I doubt you will find shop work at 14... the only thing you can do really is a paper round lol
Reply 3
Aww but you're only a baby! You're going to have difficulties getting a job at your age, I'm afraid. Concentrate on not having to worry about it just yet :p:
Reply 4
try small independent shops in your local area - they are the most likely to take you on.
Reply 5
I swear you can't work in a shop at that age - why do you want a job anyway OP?
Reply 6
Paper round! It isn't much, but hey it's something! Also try and see if you can do washing up in small cafes/restaurants, i did that when i was 12-15 during the school holidays at a local cafe, got paid like £2.60 an hour, all adds up though :smile:

Reply 7
OP r u a troll? you're 14 but you do A-levels...or maybe you're just ubersmart :confused:
recommended saturday job for a 14 year old (year 9)

Any ideas? Keen on shop work, but I'll take anything. Anyone got any ideas or stories about what they did.

I can make a CV (not that long, 1 side lol)

I was interested in getting some sort of job too... but not legal to hire minors... the only legal work was babysitting... but didn't work out because my parents are WAY too overprotective.

But if you can find something... great!
Reply 9
you could do babysitting, waitor, i think some places like restaurants will take on 14 year olds. I was a waitress at 13 and i think 13 is min age for that sorta work. You could also do paper round, or work in a hairdressers sweeping hair and making cups of coffee/tea etc.
Reply 10
I worked in a shop when I was 14.
Little corner shop by my house, the owners has known me since I was a baby.

My mate worked a Saturday in a bakers.

You could wash cars? walk dogs? paper round?
sell your bum by the hour?
Reply 13
Mostly have a look at independent shops/kids play areas. Most big stores won't take you on, but smaller complanies will if you seem mature enough :smile:
Reply 14
I've heard Age Discrimination law meant that practically most places where 16 year olds work you should be able to.
Not many places will take 14 year olds im afraid so unless you know someone that owes you a favour its prob a paper route or babysitting.

What exactly would a 14 year old put on their CV anyways?
Yeah, Paper rounds would be the only thing you can do... you could do the early morning ones, they get paid better...
Reply 17
You need a national insurance number before you can work in a shop or anything. Get a paper round.
Reply 18
How can you be in year 9 and yet taking A levels?

The only places I can see you gettign a job at 14 are a bakers (somewhere like Simmons/ Usher - they also seem to have people from lower school working in there...), a paper round, or if a family friend owns a small business.
Reply 19
I used to work at a seafront burger stall at 14, maybe something like that?