The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Have you visited each university and compared the course content you'll be studying? Both are great universities, and while Bristol may have an edge for Engineering over Warwick, either will stand you in good stead.
Warwick and Bristol are almost equal - in the end it will probs make no accademic difference where you go. This means you can choose the place where you would most enjoy to live.

I had to make the same decision. I chose Bristol because Warwick seemed like a bubble and lacked the music/entertainment that Bristol provides. You will have fun wherever you choose... but Bristol is better if you enjoy living in a big city.
Reply 3
I was stuck in the same situation, I chose Warwick as my Insurance and Bristol as my firm, but by the end, even if i made my grade for Bristol, I would have still gone to Warwick. The reason I chose Warwick is that after watching the vid on the chocolate powered Formula 3 car, that has been engineered by Warwick. I got in Warwick!..didnt make the grade anyway for Bristol. :woo:
Reply 4
Warwick may have a better reputation overall but Bristol is better for engineering.
iam in the same situation but for civil
iam in the same situation but for civil

Bristol, anyday. :wink:
Reply 7
For engineering, Bristol by far. Warwick's engineering school is yet to establish itself.
Reply 8
as the other at least a bit competent ppl in this forum say - bristol for engineering any single day. forget about warwick if you want to be an engineer post-graduation, if you are planning on switching careers after graduating though, warwick might be a good choice for you.
best of luck
Reply 9
If you are dead set on being an engineer - Bristol
If you are intend to change fields after graduation - Warwick
If you you are predicted BBB/ABB (or not confident on getting AAB ) - Warwick

Note that there is really no point to applying MEng at Warwick , as progression to MEng is entirely dependent on your grades , if you don't have 60% at year 2 , you get demoted from MEng to BEng, conversely getting over 60% enables you to upgrade BEng to MEng.